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  1. Thank you for the years of fun feel free to join the discord here! Please enjoy the forum for the short time it may be up feel free to make an account here or see what forums you dont need to make an account here
    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug

New Profile Posts

  1. Mafiacow
    Mafiacow ThatRandomGinger
    Don't suppose I could tempt you with some good old-fashioned arguments?~
  2. Mafiacow
    Mafiacow Supernatural-Knight
    A little over two years since the last message you sent me... Maybe I'll respond to it some time...
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Supernatural-Knight
      Everything is lost. Forum's dead, no one posts on discord [that I care about], no new blood to torment.
      Sep 8, 2023
      Mafiacow likes this.
    3. shedninja
      wait im not new blood.... no blood for the blood god :(
      Sep 8, 2023
    4. Supernatural-Knight
      You're old news now bud. Plus your not the blood god. We had one of those like 10 years ago in the Last person thread
      Sep 8, 2023
  3. Mafiacow
    Mafiacow Sir-Maddy
    Is your taste still shit?
  4. Mafiacow
    Been here just over ten years, and now it's over. What a wild ride. Thanks all~ :3
    1. View previous comments...
    2. shedninja
      holy shit.... in one day....
      Sep 7, 2023
    3. Mafiacow
      I dropped in and out...
      Sep 7, 2023
    4. Negi-Springfield
      If super's right and the last five years don't count, I never stopped spamming
      Oct 15, 2023
      Mafiacow likes this.
  5. PrincyKingGod
    I'm not immature, I just know how to have fun
  6. AjXtar
  7. shedninja
    shedninja Neki
    welcome to the forum bud
  8. PrincyKingGod
    I love rice, that's about it
  9. PrincyKingGod
    If they say it’s impossible, it’s impossible for them, not for you.
    1. shedninja likes this.
    2. shedninja
      this is so true
      Jan 19, 2023
  10. PrincyKingGod
    I grew up breathing air
  11. PrincyKingGod
    Tears and rain, fall down on my face, my body is unable to stay yet my heart is unwilling to leave.
    1. shedninja
      Jan 9, 2023
      PrincyKingGod likes this.
  12. PrincyKingGod
    y u sleeping at a time like this
  13. PrincyKingGod
    You and I are flesh and blood. I'm always going to be there for you, even if it's only as an obstacle for you to overcome.
  14. PrincyKingGod
    what the dog doing
  15. PrincyKingGod
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      So if the translation was right. This just reminds me of a scene from Baccano. Stealing the door to a museum so no one can enter again. How can you enter if there isn't a door? Pretty solid logic.
      Dec 26, 2022
      PrincyKingGod likes this.
  16. PrincyKingGod
  17. PrincyKingGod
  18. PrincyKingGod
    Shake what ya mamma gave ya! Me: Shakes therapy bill in the air.
  19. PrincyKingGod
    I See I Don't Even Understand Even One Of These Problems.
  20. PrincyKingGod