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    shedninja the sites biggest bug

New Profile Posts

  1. shedninja
    shedninja Supernatural-Knight
    pokes sk
    how's my fellow inmate doing
    1. View previous comments...
    2. shedninja
      I'm doing well working on life
      Jan 4, 2022
    3. Supernatural-Knight
      Meanwhile my life is working currently. Nothing to work on unfortunately.
      God I'm stupid to not see that typo. Site's best bug. But I'm sure you knew that.
      Jan 6, 2022
    4. shedninja
      Jan 6, 2022
  2. Dan Wolfear20
    Dan Wolfear20
    Good to be back. Currently in my 3rd year of Uni in the UK.
    1. shedninja
      welcome back
      Dec 29, 2021
  3. shedninja
  4. Guts
    Guts shedninja
    1. shedninja
      Dec 29, 2021
  5. shedninja
    shedninja Guts
    ::pokes:: ^^
  6. shedninja
    shedninja BK-201
    hey bk sup
    1. View previous comments...
    2. shedninja
      sup sup sup sup
      Dec 27, 2021
    3. BK-201
      sup sup sup sup sup
      Dec 28, 2021
    4. shedninja
      sup sup sup sup sup sup
      Dec 28, 2021
  7. Delta
    Delta Sassy Juicebox
    Hello and welcome to the new and wonderful world of crazy people that I use to know
  8. Supernatural-Knight
    Supernatural-Knight BK-201
    Oh no, I was busted by a mod spamming. This doesn't look good.
  9. Supernatural-Knight
    1. shedninja
      hey buddy
      Jun 30, 2021
    2. Supernatural-Knight
      Kind of surprised you didn't log in sooner to see my spam. Enjoy
      Jun 30, 2021
    3. shedninja
      ive been worked to my bones ill finsh i off some time
      Jun 30, 2021
  10. Miss Elegent Serenity
    Miss Elegent Serenity Tigress
    Welcome to JD if you need any help finding your way around please do not hesitate to ask :)
  11. BK-201
    BK-201 Supernatural-Knight
    What a great last episode of Zombie Land Saga Revenge, looks like they blew the entire budget on the finale. That end scene though!!!
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      Just watched that today, easily my best of the season. The dances seemed so smooth. MAPPA really do be spoiling us.
      And I absolutely agree, those final seconds were very different. Could we get aliens vs zombies in the future?
      Jun 29, 2021
  12. Supernatural-Knight
    Supernatural-Knight Mafiacow
    Dude, seeing that ancient DM light up again. Holy shit. I remember almost nothing that you're responding to but I am looking forward to replying when I get time. It shouldn't take me too long. Maybe a year, we'll see.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Supernatural-Knight
      2011, because al the cool kids watch this one. I wanted to watch the old one first but eh. Nobody cares about that except for me so straight to the 10/10 one that everyone likes.
      Jun 29, 2021
    3. Mafiacow
      Yeah, and it covered more of the story I think
      Jun 29, 2021
    4. Supernatural-Knight
      Probably, having an extra 10 years worth of content available would have helped.
      Not sure how I'll rate it. Definitely not a 10 or 9 yet.
      Jun 29, 2021
  13. Mafiacow
    I now understand the urge behind "spam all the forum"
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      Oh so you finally get it. Good. Let the spam flow.
      Jun 10, 2021
      Mafiacow likes this.
    2. shedninja
      come spam with me let's spam let's spam away
      Jun 18, 2021
  14. Supernatural-Knight
    Supernatural-Knight BK-201
    So Vivy, ummm. Holy crap am I invested in this show again or what. After saying I was starting to get bored, the last episode came in and blew that thought right away. Maybe I will give this show an 8 after al.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. BK-201
      When I started the series I thought it was going to be like
      Kono Oto Tomare by was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't. The music really drew me in, we have had a pretty decent season.
      Jun 20, 2021
    3. BK-201
      And yes, Super Cub gets my official BK hidden gem seal of approval!
      Jun 20, 2021
    4. Supernatural-Knight
      I had no expectations for Mashiro no Too besides it being good. The trailers did a good job drawing me in. I wish all the shows I start could be at least as good as it. Niche music anime seem to be a hit.
      Jul 8, 2021
  15. shedninja
    shedninja kytairu
    welcome to the forum also enjoy your avatar
    1. kytairu
      thx i really like the anime so far
      Jun 13, 2021
      shedninja likes this.
  16. BK-201
    BK-201 Supernatural-Knight
    Did you watch episode 9 of Fruits Basket Final? What a tearjerker, I was free flowing. But it was very satisfying.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Supernatural-Knight
      I was so pissed with how the final episode went. As if a single timeskip with no explanation wasn't bad enough, we then times kip 40 years into the future as well? It felt so stupidly rushed. Almost felt like it was cancelled with how everything just ended.
      Good riddance to a show I use to enjoy.
      Jul 8, 2021
    3. BK-201
      Yeah I get what you mean about the timeskips but that is actually true to the ending in the manga which was what the fanbase wanted for this adaptation as the 1st series was cut short.
      Jul 8, 2021
    4. Supernatural-Knight
      I feel like I enjoyed Fruits Basket much more when it was cut short. I liked the sound of a full adaptation at first too. I wonder where it went so wrong for me. I still rated season one with an 8 after all.
      Jul 13, 2021
  17. Supernatural-Knight
    Supernatural-Knight BK-201
    So out of the age gap romance series which do you prefer now? Honestly I'm leaning more towards Koikimo after recent episodes. Higehiro had the better start but that got my expectations up too high.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Supernatural-Knight
      Meanwhile Koikimo ended on a high. I got too into that last episode.
      Jun 15, 2021
    3. BK-201
      Nice ending, would be nice to get a special to see them as a family maybe a time skip.
      Jun 16, 2021
    4. Supernatural-Knight
      I feel as long the manga is still ongoing the anime is probably over. I'm almost concerned what the future for Koikimo would be since the draw for most romance series is the chase.
      Jun 17, 2021
  18. OtakuSenseiHig
    Imma try to see if i can get myself to login more
  19. BK-201
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      I still haven't watched these. The site I use isn't the best at uploading everything. Reliable for new releases but OVAs and things you have to search for are forgotten. Since this was released back in Jan, does that mean quality fansubs have only just been released?
      I really need to get around to this one
      May 30, 2021
  20. BK-201
    BK-201 Supernatural-Knight
    Vivy just seems to get better with every episode. How are you finding it? I didn't any expectations when I started it but I is definitely one of my favourites from this season.
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      I go from really liking it to being bored of Vivy's personality. Sometimes in the same episode. It is still a good show, and after the latest episode the next one seems like it should be fun.
      Although I do think the earlier episodes were better.
      May 30, 2021