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What Is The Real Reason Trump Is Hated?

Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by Teknoman X, Jun 13, 2019.

  1. Teknoman X Trophy Hunter

    Jul 11, 2013
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    I know this is a often talked about and often debated subject. But why do YOU think is the real reason Trump is so hated?
  2. Negi-Springfield Trophy Hunter

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Putting everything else aside:

    It sure doesn't help he says one thing and the opposite two weeks later.

    *Cough* NASA *cough*
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  3. Vashnik Guest

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    Here's what I think the real reason people hate Trump.
    • He's anti-establishment.
    • He wasn't what main stream media wanted for presidency and "stole" the election from the favored/worshiped career politician.
    • He's actually working to enforce immigration laws, instead of making false promises of fixing the illegal immigration problem.
    • He's not "woke" enough.
    • He's not liberal enough for the "woke" liberals.
    • He's not conservative enough for the "woke" conservatives.
    • Don't forget, they also say he's a misogynist, homophobic, xenophobe and some still believe that.
    • He doesn't hold punches and isn't a silver-tongued politician, which is completely different from many of the past presidents.
    • "Woke" people want a villain to blame their own problems on, so they're projecting.
  4. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    He has no respect for anyone but himself. Mocks women and disabled. As a mother of a child who is disabled he has lost all respect from me. Constantly says one thing but never follows through, prime example, he told the people "Mexico would pay for the wall", but has changed that so many times to make it seem like that isn't what he says (so basically likes to twist his words around). He security, travel expenses, golf trips in the years he has been running, cost tax payers more money than what the Obama's expenses were in the 8 years Obama was president.
    Cheetos man needs to go and we need someone better to run our country.
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  5. Noobs I Love Trophies

    Apr 22, 2013
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    from a non-american perspective or even from the east, he is not the conventional guy you consider a politician. being from someone with a president being closely compared to him can sympathize the hate.

    now for the hate thing, i sense the majority of the US citizens are waaaaaay too liberal for me that even a helicopter, at the maximum of jokes, can now be considered a gender. trump just dont see the way most of you see. can say its because of the age gap and hes not that updated of the social norms of the middle class. now im not updated from how he ran your country from last i heard, he walks the talk for the most part.

    so what am i going with this, he is hated because he is not the type of guy that you normally know and see that runs a country. how he get there, idk but one thing for sure if he got there being as he is, the majority must be tired of the robotic politician that do speeches that most want to hear but dont need. he may have questionable agendas but hey at least your economy starts to go up.
  6. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    For a man his age he is pretty up to date on social norms. He tweets every few minutes, and tends to bash a lot of important people of other countries. I honestly don't agree to the constant tweeting, like your supposed to be running a country, not tweeting everything lol. He also bashes every TV station and calls them all fake news. Some of the things he says is hilarious
  7. Vashnik Guest

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    As Tim Pool described it, "many journalists are like vultures." Independent content creators that cover news and/or politics seem to have a better grasp of what's really going on than these multi-million or multi-billion dollar media agencies do and it really shows. Trump has found the media's weakness through Twitter. They can't resist stalking his Twitter account to report the next tweet and since these vultures live off of garbage, Trump often feeds them garbage. It's actually hilarious how low the many of these media outlets have fallen.

    RussiaGate anyone? Turned out, Russia Collusion was a hoax. Guess who was pushing Russia Collusion? Nearly every single "TV Station." Mueller couldn't find any evidence of collusion. Now it's "Impeach Trump" for "Obstruction of Justice." What obstruction? There was no justice being obstructed. If there was no justice being obstructed, then you can't have an Obstruction of Justice charge. And you wonder why labels like "Fake News" keeps being thrown at media outlets. They just can't resist feeding off of any rotten carcass that get's thrown in their direction.

    Trump isn't Hillary and people really hate that.
  8. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Honestly I didn't want Hillary or trump in office. There were other candidates that probably would have been better, but it is what it is. The day he stood up in front of the entire country and mocked the disabled, was the day he lost all respect from me. Yes i get he is blunt and says what he means, but some things are just plain out disrespectful. As i stated above i have a disabled child and only someone in my situation would understand why i feel the way I feel about Trump. Now i wont sit and say he hasn't done anything for our country, as he has done a few things that have helped . But him as a person, I just cant stand him, I couldn't stand him before he was president, and now that he is president and i have seen how he has acted, has only made that feeling worse.

    the President should have the upmost respect for our people, and with that they will gain the same respect . We look to them to run our country right. Anyone that makes fun of and admits to making fun of people via race, religion, disability, sex ect. I feel shouldn't been running our country, no matter who it is. I get that no matter who is in office, there will always be people against it, and there will always be people digging for info (some have been successful and some have not), but like the saying always goes "you cant please everyone".

    What i want to see a president do is to put more of an effort to help our country where it needs it the most. Do something to benefit the lower classes, the less fortunate. We need to take a few pages from other countries books to help our own country. I mean when you really think about it, now a days anyone who attends collage to become something beneficial, (say a doctor or a surgeon) ends up spending half their pay in getting out of debt. Especially if you aren't fortunate enough to grow up in a rich family.
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  9. Noobs I Love Trophies

    Apr 22, 2013
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    all your points are understandable i cant add anything to refute them honestly. those are reasons the we can add why he is hated. as on your experience you got hit most because of his remarks of the disabled and thats a blow below the belt for anyone of right mind that hears it. ive heard him being called misogynistic because he says bad things on women. on some level yeah that could be but i dont see that he really is a so called "misogynist" when the women can still work, go out, dress what they want, or say hateful things to him as well unlike that ONE country in the middle east.

    ok any other reasons he is hated for?
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  10. Vashnik Guest

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    I've heard/seen conflicting accounts on about the "mocking disabled people." On one side of the isle, you have the anti-Trump "Never Trump" media like CNN, WaPo, etc claiming he mocked a disabled reporter. They are well known for their bias. On the other side, you have a video compilation of how Trump talks and every time he tries to make a point, he flails his arms. You have articles from Investors and Washington Examiner claiming he didn't, Investors even points out the constant flailing anytime Trump attempts to make a point. I'm not familiar with Investors or Washington Examiner and where their political bias lies, so I would take their word with as much a grain of salt as one would (and should) with the likes of CNN and WaPo.

    Watch videos of his campaign speeches and you tell me if he mocked a reporter's disability or just flails about when making a point in his speeches. Confirm it for yourself using your own eyes instead of what either side of the isle wants you to see. There's enough video footage out there of Trump just flailing in his speeches anytime he talks about regulators, reporters, generals, even Ted Cruz.

    College degrees are not a human right. People should stop assuming that getting a college degree guarantees them a job in their field. The government (mainly tax payers) should not be held responsible for someone else's "bright idea" to go to college and earn useless degree for a market that is already flooded with college graduates. If people want to make good money right now, it's going to be in trade crafts: welding, carpentry, etc. People can go to a trade schools, get certified, and more than likely land a job in the field they were certified for.

    As for other reasons Trump is hated. Recently (like last week, maybe earlier this week), he decided at the last minute not to go through with a retaliatory attack against key Iranian targets over the Iranian's destroying one of our drones. Reportedly it's because there were going to be an estimated 150 Iranian casualties if he didn't pull back. Supposedly some Democrats (and I'm sure a few Republicans) in Congress were unhappy that he didn't go through with the attack. So... some people hate him because he's "weak" for not killing people over an unmanned drone being shot down. I have little doubt that those same baboons are probably ones that would have hated him if he went through with the attack so they could call him a "Warmonger."
    #10 Vashnik, Jun 26, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2019
  11. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    I believe the reason why he is called misogynistic is due to his actions when he was younger. Apparently he made a comment during an access Hollywood taping backstage of a popular soap opera “days of our lives” when he was a guest star in 2005, he said the words “grab them by the P****” (word used for kitty lol) along with some other vulger things. The comment he made was basically saying “when your rich you can do anything, you can even grab them by the P”
    That caused an uproar as women found it disrespectful and I guess are seeing it as “is this the type of guy we want running our country?”. This is one of the many instances that people see him as misogynistic. You can YouTube the phrase “grab them by the P” to see the released footages. I have included an article below that pretty much broke down and quotes what was said: (tho the article isn’t really needed cause closed captioning is in several of the videos that have been posted)


    As for the excuse made about the disabled comment. Here is my thing, whether or not the “reporter” he is referring to when he mocked them, was disabled or not, still doesn’t give the president, no matter who he or she is, a right to mock or make fun of ANYONE. I’ve seen other videos of him bashing reporters and it’s sickening to see how childish a grown man can act. Being blunt is one thing, but flialing your arms like a toddler on stage to make fun of a person is just disrespectful. In the actual video Trump himself states “reporter” the only thing you get from the media about it is who Trump apparently was makn fun of at the time.

    I’ll let others decide for themselves. No media voicing this video. The difference between this video and others of him flailing his arms, is in this one he is doing it far worse and holding his arm like the man he is supposedly making fun of

    According to media this is the guy he was apparently making fun of.


    Oh and here is a video of him doing crowd control after the fact lol. I guess this is more believable over the above video.

    I won’t go any further on the college discussion cause what I’m getting from the comment made is don’t pursue your dream or get a useless degree. I never specified the type of colleges or degrees, so I’m assuming the comment made was to ALL degrees. So next time I see my doctor I will ask him what gave him the “bright idea” to get a degree and thank him for pursuing his dream job and for saving my life. Degrees are not useless and the job market is always changing. Trade school is an option, but only for certain jobs, it doesn’t cover all the major jobs.

    I guess it’s ok for tax payers to pay for Obe persons vacations and security, but our US, citizens, the ones making up the country, saving lives etc, asking help to cover their school costs is not. *shrug* I’d rather my tax dollars go to the hard working people of the US than pay for one persons vacation and security.
    #11 Miss Elegent Serenity, Jun 27, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2019

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