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Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by nyakomayushii, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. nyakomayushii Trophy Hunter

    Jun 5, 2013
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    Soo, while the LGBT victory cheers are roaring over the neigh Sayers of said victory and everyone is nagging about a flag which does not have the meaning/implication either side believes it does a WAY bigger threat than these two things combined is looming in the not so distant future. Tat would be the TPP- The Trans-Pacific Partnership

    What's that?


    Some key things that the TPP would do, there is way more to it and the above link does an excellent job of breaking it down into digestible but disgusting chunks.

    1.One foreign corparartion can become as powerful as the entire Us government.:

    “This crazy system of extreme corporate privileges is called the "investor-state" regime. It give an individual foreign corporation equal status with the entire U,S, federal government - allowing the foreign firms to privately enforce a public treaty. The three corporate lawyers who act as judges are unaccountable to any electorate. And, many rotate between suing governments for corporations and acting as the "judges." They apply the law of TPP and World Bank and UN arbitration rules – U.S. laws and courts are cast aside even though U.S. laws are being attacked”

    2. Even MORE off-shoring of jobs, hurting the US economy.

    3. American Food Safety guidelines? Can be challenged and ignored and considered “illegal trade barriers” if they are considered “above international standards”. Allowing potentially unsafe foreign food to fill our pantries.

    4. Remember SOPA? That’s in here too. Well, the parts that caused the biggest outcry/ objection.

    5. The previously mentioned job offshoring would push American businesses to lower wages so they can compete in the international market.

    6. Limits on government regulation over things such as education or transportation.

    7. There is also Fast Track playing a crucial role in this.:


    so this thread is to bring awareness to and discuss TPP. We Americans must not let this pass. Spread the word, start protests, make sure this shit does not taint our future.
  2. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    I'm actually not sure how I feel on this trade agreement, yet. I've heard about it, on a daily basis, actually. But I haven't taken the time to research it or really form an opinion yet.

    I'll look into this and get back to you on my thoughts. =P

    On a side note, a site named "exposethetpp" probably isn't the best source to cite from.
  3. Vashnik Guest

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    When the TPP is being dealt with and negotiated behind closed doors and without any transparency on what deals are being made concerning the people it will effect, it makes you worry about what they don't want the public, let alone law makers, to see. If it really is in the interest of the public, then they would be more than glad to share that information. However, that doesn't seem to be the case, hence the website's name. The people have a right to know what these corporations are negotiating on when it comes to matters concerning the people it will effect. From what I've been able to understand is the TPP is possibly side-stepping any legal matters and may have the potential to globally censor the internet by corporations instead of sovereign nations. My guess is that the TPP agreement is a power grab for corporations to control everything that is put into said agreement, which is probably the reason for secrecy among the elite who have the privilege of knowing what all is being put into that TPP agreement. Anything this secretive can't be good for freedom.
  4. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    Regardless of the reasoning behind the name, good, reliable sources are only those that show no evident bias toward any side of an issue. That's just writing 101. You learn it in any college-level English class. It's a simple rule with no exceptions that allows only for the presentation of empirical evidence and not subjective opinion. Because when a source has an agenda, it is much less likely to be entirely objective. Or, at the very least, you can't be sure how much subjectivity has influenced their presented "facts". It's why you can't use Fox News or CNN as a source.
  5. Vashnik Guest

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    Maybe I see the name in a different way than you do, then. With the TPP being secretive, you can hardly come up with anything catchy that sounds neutral without being seen as completely clueless. You certainly can't sound positive about it without being seen as a shill. The next best thing is to come up with a name that grabs attention and "expose" is the best way. The worst they could have done was "destroy" or something that sounded more negative. I'd honestly like to see someone else try and come up with a better name and still sound neutral on something so secretive, you'd think it was another "national security" excuse.

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