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Too many plotholes in Bleach

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga Chat' started by Shogun13, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Shogun13 Lord of the Dance

    Mar 27, 2013
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    There are spoilers, turn back now if you want to watch/catch up on reading bleach.
    I'm talking about the newest chapter so don't read if you don't want it.
    I'm serious.
    Prepare for a very long rant.
    Ok now I'm just trying to make it so the activity page can't see this.
    So the whole Zangetsu as we've known him is actually Ichigo's manifestation of his Quincy powers (using the image of a young main villain of the arc) using what little power that he's not able to seal, is something that rips the continuity in half. I mean Kubo seems to gloss over a lot of segments with the whole "I always used the hollow because I'm not really your sword" comment.
    Like the bankai section, I mean did he not really learn it because he beat a hollow/quincy power? He didn't use the hollow in that section Kubo. Also I quite easily remember him saying that he wants him stronger and he's testing him in that section. Yeah that whole no lies other than name line is a complete crock. Anyways back to the plot holes. The bankai machine that is basically stated to "bring out the spirit of your sword" did not do that because apparently its not his god damn spirit. You can pave over the plot hole with the above by saying, oh yeah he just got bankai for his crappy sword as the Zangetsu stand in was fighting him as his weakened sword spirit. However that means Ichigo will have to relearn everything because he doesn't have any form of contact with it. Even if its the same shape and types, the spirit doesn't have any interaction with him, even with the whole "I've been watching you from inside the other spirit" mumbo jumbo. You can't have both. This isn't a college where you're transferring credits. Especially if the whole weakening thing is correct. That's like going to college at a machinists school and then transferring to get your art history degree. Any self respecting place would have you start over. Also did nobody sense "hey that power sorta feels like a quincy" when Juha showed up? Yoruichi saw him and basically said, "seems legit". She must have learned something in Shinigami school about, oh we had this war and we beat them and then we sorta killed them off. I'd think she'd be able to identify the main villian? Did they not have artists back then. This is the equivalent of having a person's spirit companion appearing as Hitler, YOU SHOULD RECOGNIZE HIM GOD DAMN IT.
    The other massive problem is when he learned his massive attack thing. So you're trying to tell me that that was a fraction of his power. I'm calling bullshit. Also was it because he had perfect control of his crappy sword? I didn't know that swords that weaken your potential have massive detonation buttons that you can just pull out of your ass that's stronger than any other power in soul society. Also how he got it was ridiculous. Tensa Zangetsu (or is he Tensa Juha Bach?!) showed up in a completely different form. If he's not really the sword, then why the hell did he change? If he's hiding the fact from Ichigo, it doesn't matter. He could have shown up as the Easter bunny. Ichigo was shocked when he saw Tensa Zangetsu. So he could have remained the same. If he's supposed to look more like Ichigo because he's the spirit of the crappy sword, who is he supposed to be? Ichigo and Juha as one being? Teenage Juha? If he didn't want him to fight, why the hell didn't he give him the power THAT REMOVES ALL OF HIS OTHER POWERS SOONER? I mean that's like refusing to cut off your most threatening enemy's arm because you sorta like him now?
    Also why didn't anyone seem to notice that his sword sucked ass (ALLEGEDLY)? He basically went into soul society and koed every person that wasn't the equivalent of generals. So apparently noob with a barely powered sword goes in and wrecks people of a fairly adequate power level. I mean is Ichigo really supposed to be that uber powerful? Its like he's 50 shinigami in one because apparently fuck it, he's destined to be the strongest shinigami to ever exist because fate decreed it while also making it so that he seemed to approach. This is like the equivalent of if Goku wore full plate weights for the entirety of dragon ball z up until cell, only to reveal he's been fighting at half power this whole time. At that point would Vegeta be the biggest chump in the universe? Because that's how I feel about Byakuya now. Also assuming that swords powers are related to parents because apparently his Dad has a similar sword (final attack, which has plot holes too god damn it), didn't he notice his son appeared to really suck? Unless his power is due to his mixed heritage in which case, shouldn't he basically have been surprised by how powerful he was despite being the equivalent of a 2nd year shinigami?
    And don't get me started on the filler arc where all of the swords come out.
    And I have more too.
  2. Mal327 Trophy Hunter

    May 14, 2013
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    Ichigo needs to get unnyecessary power ups and that is why plot holes will never matter i mean if he was one of the most OP characters before nyow he has his "full powers" so with that it KO's any plot whole out there
    The twist was cool at first but with this they leave too many question unanswered and probably wont answer them nya.
  3. plantkingman Trophy Hunter

    Apr 29, 2013
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    I haven't watched BLEACH in a long time.

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