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The latest Zoolander 2 trailer finds Derek has lost the fire

Discussion in 'Movie and Television News' started by BK-201, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. BK-201 The Black Reaper Moderator

    Apr 20, 2013
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    The latest Zoolander 2 trailer finds Derek has lost the fire
    Less than a month ago, the first full promo for the new misadventures of Ben Stiller’s Derek Zoolander arrived on our screens. But in this world of ramped-up film promotion, there’s no time to wait, which explains why the new trailer for Zoolander 2 has just landed online.

    This one, while it recycles some of the scenes (including Owen Wilson’s Hansel trying – badly – to help Derek rekindle his modelling energy, our introduction to Benedict Cumberbatch as eyebrow-free, gender-fluid model All and the post-prison look of Will Ferrell’s Mugatu) has a few new moments, largely focused on Penelope Cruz as Valentina, an Interpol agent who works for the Fashion Division.

    She calls on Derek’s help because there has been a string of celebrity slayings, with all the victims making his famous Blue Steel look. He’s been out of the game for years, and is worried that fashion has moved on without him, but Derek and Hansel are the only hope. They’ll face off against Mugatu and a new threat, Kristin Wiig’s plastic surgery-obsessed Alexanya Atoz.

    With the likes of Olivia Munn, Ariana Grande, Christine Taylor, Demi Lovato, Billy Zane, Cyrus Arnold, Kyle Mooney, and, seen being offed in the trailer, Justin Bieber, Zoolander 2 struts its stuff for us on February 12.

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