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Stanley Tucci And Kiernan Shipka Must Fend Off Creatures In The Silence Trailer

Discussion in 'Movie and Television News' started by BK-201, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. BK-201 The Black Reaper Moderator

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Stanley Tucci And Kiernan Shipka Must Fend Off Creatures In The Silence Trailer
    It must be a real punch in a gut to have your high-concept novel adapted as a movie, only for another film with a similar idea get the jump on it and score huge success and praise. Spare a thought, then, for Tim Lebbon, whose novel The Silence is arriving in movie form in the wake of last year's smash hit A Quiet Place. The trailer for this one is now online.

    When the world is under attack from terrifying creatures (looking a little like shrunken versions of pterodactyls) who hunt their human prey by sound, 16-year old Ally Andrews (Kiernan Shipka), who lost her hearing at 13, and her family seek refuge in a remote haven. But they discover a sinister cult who are eager to exploit Ally’s heightened senses.

    Yes, it's a very similar idea to Quiet Place, albeit with the addition of the cult angle. And that element doesn't exactly inspire terror, with its leader and his notepad "ssh"...

    Still, the cast is solid, including Shipka, Stanley Tucci, Miranda Otto, John Corbett and more. It'll hit Netflix on 10 April and you'll be able to make your full Quiet Place comparisons then.

    Source: https://www.empireonline.com/movies...n-shipka-must-fend-creatures-silence-trailer/

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