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Sony Plans An Animated Ghostbusters Film

Discussion in 'Movie and Television News' started by BK-201, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. BK-201 The Black Reaper Moderator

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    Sony Plans An Animated Ghostbusters Film
    Toon you gonna call?
    [​IMG]02 October 2015 | Written by James White | Source: The Tracking Board


    Sony and producer Ivan Reitman appear to be going further with their plans for more Ghostbustersfilms. With Paul Feig’s take on the story finished shooting and at the editing stage, The Tracking Board has learned that the studio is developing an animated film based on the ghost-hunting gang.

    No writer or director is attached yet, and the actual eventual content of the film remains locked behind executive doors at Reitman’s Ghost Corps company for now. But the cartoon nature of the film possibly points to the surviving original cast of Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson and Sigourney Weaver – who all have cameoed in Feig’s film – returning to their original roles for a movie the studio no doubt helps can lure in a younger crowd.

    Of course, that depends on whether this turns out to be a new take on the classic story or some new direction. Ghostbusters has gone down the animation route before with TV’s The Real Ghostbusters running between 1986 and 1991, but that was a wackier take on the adventures of Ray, Peter, Egon, Winston and the rest. Either way, it’ll live in an ever-expanding universe that includes Feig’s film (due here on July 15 next year), and another in development by directors Joe and Anthony Russo and writer Drew Pearce.

    The studio obviously seems to be thinking a lot about animated entries in its big franchises: it already has a Spider-Man cartoon film in the works from Phil Lord and Chris Miller.

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