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Sharing good ol' memories

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Shanarox, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Shanarox Trophy Hunter

    Jun 30, 2014
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    +13 / 0 / -0
    It has been 6-7 years since the PSP(PlayStation Portable)title "Killzone Liberation" online servers were shutdown. For those unfamiliar with the series, it falls in-between the events of KZ1 and KZ2 if I remember correctly and played in 3rd person view as a ISA commander by the name of "Templar".

    It was because of this that I met my best friend there(someone who I'm willing to take a bullet for kinda guy)and many others whom I keep in contact with to this very day. From being a clan leader to becoming an amateur "hacker"(as many online gaming communities are vulnerable to these days), I wanted to share a compiled list of codes all put together by the very same best friend(used with a modified device by altering a battery into something called "Pandora" and running a hexadecimal program to initiate such sequences into the game)and displaying my clan banner I used in the past as a means of advertisement.

    I'm very open with answering any questions you may have as a lot of what I typed down may seem confusing but mostly because these past events has so much sentimental value to me.


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