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One Piece Anime Casts Fumi Hirano As Mother Carmel

Discussion in 'Anime News' started by Sir-Maddy, May 11, 2018.

  1. Sir-Maddy Finger Lickin' Good™

    Apr 20, 2013
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    The official website for the One Piece franchise announced on Friday that Fumi Hirano (Urusei Yatsura's Lum, Detective Conan's Rumi Wakasa) will play Mother Carmel in the series, starting with the show's 836th episode on Sunday. The episode will center on the childhood past of Big Mom.


    The One Piece anime entered the current "Whole Cake Island" arc with the 783rd episode in April 2017, and is currently in the "Tea Party From Hell" part of the arc. Namie Amuro debuted the current opening theme song for the series last year on October 1.

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