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New BattleTech Kickstarter

Discussion in 'Video Game News' started by BaconMan8910, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    Longing to prove yourself on Solaris? Perhaps you're looking to sell your Lance's services in the Fedcom Civil War? Or maybe you just miss the good old days of stepping on some Clanners?

    Harebrained Schemes, a game studio most notable for the development of Shadowrun Returns, has announced their intention to Kickstart funding for a new project set in the BattleTech universe.

    The studio is promoting the project as a return to form for BattleTech, stating that the game will “feature an open-ended Mercenaries-style campaign that blends RPG ‘Mech and MechWarrior management with modern turn-based tactics." Perhaps implying that this new entry in the BattleTech video game franchise will follow, more closely, the BattleTech tabletop game.

    With the mixed reception of MechWarrior Online and the failure of MechWarrior: Tactics, fans may be hesitant to place hope in the idea of a BattleTech revival in the video game market. But, that said, Harebrained Schemes seems confident in their ability to deliver and, one can hope, that this might just be the BattleTech game that fans of the original tabletop and MechWarrior have been waiting for.

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