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Michael Cera Voicing Lego Batman's Robin

Discussion in 'Movie and Television News' started by BK-201, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. BK-201 The Black Reaper Moderator

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    Michael Cera Voicing Lego Batman's Robin
    Holy voice-casting, Batman!
    [​IMG]16 July 2015 | Written by James White | Source: The Hollywood Reporter


    The team behind The Lego Movie’s Lego Batman spin-off (currently known, somewhat logically asLego Batman), already have Will Arnett back as the Dark Knight. So who would you cast as his Robin? They've picked his on-screen Arrested Development nephew, of course, with Michael Cera taking on the role.

    Cera feels like the perfect choice for this one, and we can already imagine his Robin as a nerdy, nervy and slightly whiny take on Bruce Wayne’s ward, most likely a little sick of his boss’s arrogant style and tired of his own sidekick status.

    The people in charge of bringing the new film to life include Seth Grahame-Smith on script duty and Chris McKay, animation co-director/editor on Lego directing, with franchise overlords Phil Lord and Christopher Miller producing. Promising to cover all aspects of the character’s long history, Lego Batman will be with us on February 10, 2017.

    In related Cera news, The Hollywood Reporter has learned that he’s nabbed the film rights to True Grit writer Charles Portis’ 1985 novel Masters Of Atlantis. Set in the early 20th Century, the comedy tome finds a young man becoming entangled with a quasi-religious cult called the Gnomon Society, which is dedicated to the secrets of Atlantis. He’ll be developing the script as a potential film for him to both star in and direct. And he’s lent his voice to another big ‘toon, Seth Rogen’s Sausage Party, which opens here on August 19 next year. He’ll also be back for more Arrested Development, as a writer and actor, but there’s no confirmed date for the show’s return to Netflix.

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