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Learn Chinese Online - YOYO Chinese

Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by Kaede, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Kaede Trophy Hunter

    Nov 7, 2015
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    +450 / 0 / -0

    Chinese Learning Made Possible
    Easy video lessons made for English speakers
    10 Million+ video views
    800+ video & audio lessons
    Signup in 4 seconds


    Simple & Clear Explanations
    You learn Chinese faster when you understand how it works. Our students love our ability to explain difficult concepts in a clear and easy-to-follow way.
    English Speakers' Perspective
    After many years of hands-on experience teaching English-speaking students, we're in tune with how you learn. We teach in a way that makes sense to YOU.
    Structured Curriculum
    Don't waste your time looking for content online. Follow our clear roadmap that takes you from Beginner to Conversational fluency.
    Convenient Self-Study Program
    Enjoy classroom quality learning with the flexibility of studying at home.

    Quality Teaching Matters.
    Meet Your New Chinese Teacher - Yangyang Cheng
    Learn Chinese with a former adjunct professor at Pepperdine University, whose private students include Hollywood celebrities and Fortune 500 CEOs
    Former host of the popular TV show "Hello! Hollywood" and Discovery Channel's "Oh My Buddha"
    The most watched Chinese learning channel on Youtube with over 9 million views

    I have used this site and it is very useful in layout and explanations. I recommend this if you are looking into the study of Chinese (especially if you have difficulties in learning.)

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