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Jubei-Chan 2: The Counterattack of Siberia Yagyu

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga Chat' started by Laximus, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. Laximus Espada | Anime Dealer

    Mar 27, 2013
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    Three hundred years ago, in the frigid land of Siberia, Jubei Yagyu engaged in a fierce battle with Kitaretsusai of the Northern Yagyu clan. The duel was costly, as his daughter Freesia was frozen in suspended animation. As a result of global warming in the present day, Freesia breaks free from her icy grave and moves to Japan as a middle school transfer student, where she befriends Jiyuu Nanohana. Little does Jiyuu know that Freesia is targeting her to acquire the coveted Lovely Eye Patch, which Freesia believes is rightfully hers.​

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