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Japanese Holidays: Higan Ohigan

Discussion in 'The Asylum' started by Sporadic, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Normally Celebrated March 20th or 21st


    Ohigan is a Buddhist holiday exclusively celebrated in Japan during both the Spring and Autumnal Equinox. It is observed by nearly every Buddhist sect in Japan. The tradition extends from mild weather that occurs during the time of equinoxes, though the origin of the holiday dates from Emperor Shomu in the 8th century.People who normally worked in the fields had more leisure time to evaluate their own practices, and to make a renewed effort to follow Buddhism. Today, special services are usually observed in Japanese Buddhist temples, and Japanese temples abroad, based on the particular Buddhist tradition or sect.


    The etymology of Ohigan means "the other or that shore of Sanzu River", which is a common euphemism used in Buddhist literature to refer to Enlightenment. One crosses from this shore of ignorance and suffering to the other shore of Enlightenment and peace. In the Alagaddupama Sutta (MN 22) of the Pali Canon the Buddha uses a simile of a person constructing a raft to cross one shore to the other, symbolizing realization or Enlightenment.

    Emphasis on Ohigan is the teaching of the Six Perfections, as well as a renewed resolve to reach Enlightenment.

    Similar to Obon, Japanese people will often return to their hometowns during the holiday season to pay respects to their ancestors. Ohigan is a public holiday, thus many businesses are closed.



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