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Ingredients that make up an anime

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga Chat' started by Doomguy, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Hi I'm Doomguy and let me open the door for you to my anime state of mind theater.


    We're going to get a crowded house tonight, let me introduce to you some of the major patrons to our show.

    This man is "Story"
    His vast knowledge of the inner workings of how an anime unfolds is crucial to any anime. He's a real cynic sometimes, if an anime fails to impress him he get's let down. Don't let him bother you too much though, there's other patrons that cheer him up should "Story" feel the blues. Whatever you do however, don't piss off Story.

    Development is an interesting fellow. He and Story generally get along quite well but every once and a while they go their separate ways.
    See development likes to see his characters change. For better or worse, he wants changes. Story and Development get along real well but sometimes they forget to call each other and one of them get's left out in the rain while the other speeds off towards the horizon. In the event of the later they call upon the one person who is always there to council their differences

    Hi Logic! See sometimes the show we are watching requires Logic to make a careful observation. He resolves differences and connects the dots of a complicated plot. Other times he makes this important observation...
    "This makes no sense!?"
    Logic is always right, he is after all Logic. He is what you call a professional critique. All his points are valid. All his points make us question the work we watch.
    Sometimes though...Logic needs to shut up. Sometimes we are forced to throw him out of the theater in order to enjoy the show. Hopefully this happens early on so as to not spoil the show. Worse is when it comes in late. Not only are we forced to listen to his critiques, we get left with a poor perception of the show.
    We still love you Logic. Don't look so down, we'll pick you up when we're done.

    Please be easy on him. Feelz is very emotional and has many highs and lows. He could usually be found sharing thoughts with "Music". Feelz wants to feel emotions. Feelz strives to attain something that he cannot keep. It's like a drug, this thing he strives to feel makes him feel pain and sorrow. It makes him want to cry in joy or sadness. It makes him feel indescribable feelings of pride and accomplishment. It's hard to say when or how he gets this. Some say it's a combination of interactions with the other patrons. Other times magical fourth wall events outside the theater affect him. All we know for sure are the aftereffects.

    He get's withdrawal symptoms. The overwhelming sense that nothing could top what he has just felt. That the show everyone is watching should just end right there. Everything else serves to ruin the events thus far. Then that's when Logic tries to cure him. Either as a reminder that logically similar events may still occur or logically Feelz is probably right.


    That is Music, she is our pride and joy in the art of music. She helps soothe Feelz overly exaggerated emotions. Logic see's her as a substitute for the addiction. Story requires her presence at all times but never gives her credit. Sometimes Development calls Music for "special" training (Character Theme party anyone?). Romance needs Music too otherwise we could never predict the correct mood of the scene. Music is important, don't ever forget about Music.

    Love! Romance craves it more then anyone else. Will it be in this show though? You can find Romance hovering near all our patrons, she bounces from person to person. She could be found near Development, constantly whispering suggestions in his ear. She could be found near Story, carefully crafting new devious ways to create conflict between him and Development.
    Even Logic cannot resist her charms sometimes, what seems logical may not seem right to her at all. And yet it's not Logic that tries to "correct" Romance, Logic tries to fit logic to her instead.
    What amazing powers this person has to even bring Logic to his knees. Just be careful though, too much Romance exposure makes her seem like a shallow women.

    The man laughs at everything. Sometimes he laughs alone though. These days this theater doesn't laugh much anymore. It's an old building, it has seen many shows in it's time. Comedy is finding it hard to laugh when no one else is laughing with him. He is close friends with Logic. In fact when Logic is forced to leave the theater it is usually Comedy that has to escort him out. If you think it's an odd duo it's really not if you think about it. Logic said it best,
    "He laughs at everything. Some jokes he didn't understand so I had to explain it to him. Then he laughed some more"


    Oops the door closed shut. Guess that means the window to my state of mind is unavailable at this time. Come again and maybe I'll find some more people to introduce you to.

    P.S- If you still don't' get the point of this thread, I simply explained the important things I think about when watching an anime.
    This is what happens when you don't throw Logic out the door early enough. AH! Now you get it!
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  2. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    The door is open again, who else is there to find?

    Look! It's Fail!
    He is an unwelcomed guest, hated by every patron in the room. However this is a nondiscriminotory establishment, we are not allowed to kick out patrons due to unsavory reputations. See Fail has a history of...failings.
    Fail never delivers on his promises. Fail never ceases to amaze Logic who sometimes believes he is suffering from some kind of mental defenciency. Even Romance may have problems dealing with his nature. Unless Romance is in a obvious shallow mood, Fail just makes a fool of himself. His interactions with Story is quite commonplace. However it never goes well when Development joins in the conversation. Remember, Development and Story are close friends so you'll never catch them apart for very long.

    Very rarely Fail finds something in common with Development. I dare say that sometimes they even look like best friends! Feelz could usually be found as part of the conversation as well, the very thought of Fail getting along with anyone is capable of making Feelz emotional.
    It's important to say though... this is incredibely rare and most often the not this building would be better off without a person like Fail. Other Anime State of Mind theater's may think differently, desperately trying to force interactions between Fail and Development. Our own records show this to be wishfull thinking but to each their own.

    Look out! Action is an uncivilized brute that is LOUD. Their voice is clearly louder then anyone else during intense scenes of a production. Sometimes Story has a buiseness deal with Action that is clearly in favor for her. Thus she comes to the theater with a huge ego and shouts above everyone else. Development frequently finds himself unable to refuse his friend's private work so he takes a back seat and let's Action do all the talking.
    Action may frequently scare away Logic from the theater. The things she says or does is so outrages that Logic can't abide her presence. Action is a divisive person, she tends to scare away our patrons from the theater but in return sometimes her presense and over the top personality is enough to make the theater seem fuller then it really seems. In some cases Action, Feelz, and Music team up to become a wonderful audience during a show. It's enough to even make Development admire the team. No Logic required though, he has no sense of humor.

    Fanservice & Friends
    Usually towing along a random guy she sniped dated from the street. Many pictures of Fanservice border on provacative and too tasteless for this high class theater to endure. Beware of fanservice, while she was once a tolerated member of the patron group in this Anime State of Mind Theater, her continued antics have alianeted many people. This isn't the same as Action who at least tries to get people on board to her point of view. This is like a Fail attempting to woo Feelz over. While Fail tries to win over the heart of Feelz, Fanservice tries to win over the heart of Comedy.

    It usually ends in disaster. Remember these days Comedy finds it extremely difficult to laugh at jokes. Fanservice tends to wear revealing clothing and find herself in very awkward positions. This usually happens when Story has to go to the bathroom, once he leaves the room Fanservice rudely interupts the show. Development finds difficulty describing her. Instead he suggests to Story that she should date one of Fail's best friends. However Fanservice has many friends as well so they all end up dating the same guy. Comedy might find it funny but Story rarely see's the novelty of the idea.

    Logic still searches for the benifits of wearing thin and revealing body armor. Overall a distraction this theater could use less of, but at least pleasing to the eye.


    Hope you enjoyed my take on the things I pay attention to when watching anime. I attempted to humanize the themes and their relations to each other, thought it was pretty neat.
  3. Noobs I Love Trophies

    Apr 22, 2013
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    hey where is art? art has to be in there somewhere. let met guess. he is still at the basement doing ..... stuff?
  4. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Oh dear, you called Art out of his hiding spot. Truth is he had an operation done to his eyes, these days he can't distinguish objects very well. Art used to be critical of a person's looks. These days he can no longer see the shallow exterior of a person. His new "sight" instead let's him see whether a person can become "familier" to him over time. The oddities that may have struck him as "wrong" and "bad taste" are obsolete to him now. Instead his new sight determines whether these things can become ingrained in his mind. His belief is that familiraity breeds atrraction. No matter how strange and bizarre something may seem to him, if exposed to it enough he becomes accostumed to it.

    It's Art's new persona in our Anime State of Mind Theater. Many old classic producers like this new Art, he is usually very corteous and allows even the very "old" productions commence without any complaint. He will still comment on them of course, however it is never truly in a negative light. He differs to our other patrons and hopes they enjoy the production more then him.

    Art's a good guy, he never inturrupts a performance the way people like Fanservice or Logic would. If somethings seems strange, he shrugs it off. As far as his brethen from other theater's are concerned, Art has no taste (or money) at all. To each their own he says.


    There's probably a few strangglers still. I know Dub and Sub are somewhere around here, there's probably someone else too.
  5. Noobs I Love Trophies

    Apr 22, 2013
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    im so sorry. i didnt know art went through that much. i hope he is recovering well from that surgery. though his eyes may be gone, art will definitely give color to our viewing experience as viewers.

    with this development, im rooting for #teamMUSICxDEVELOPMENT
  6. youngnozomi Sparkles, Nosebleeds, and D'awwww

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Nice thread.

    You should add voice acting. It can make me decide to not watch an anime even if the plot is good. (I can handle side characters having bad voice acting but the main character shouldn't make me want to hit the mute button.)

    Also where is plot? A story can be good in theory but certain plot events can make a story fall boring. Naruto time fillers I'm referring to you.
  7. Vladnyx Everyone is the main character of their own life.

    Sep 26, 2015
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    This is a rather unique thread but I like it.
    Feel like drama and mystery could be added. Should certainly have suspense added.
  8. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Most of the major patrons have been mentioned but it's important to remember that they frequently bring friends, coworkers, and relatives to the theater with them. This results in a "Sum of all parts" for the day's showing.
    You're right though, I should mention them and I could think of no better duo then the ever controversial Sub and Dub




    I had to purposely find them in weak moments in order to prevent their followers from flaming me. That's how controversial they are. What makes them controversial? Hard to say, Sub was born out on the streets and had to earn a living the hard way. No one ever gave Sub anything, Sub wanted things but society turned him down. Sub is a self made man and has a fierce an loyal following. He finds himself drifting from group to group, never really being recognized by the government up above. These groups give Sub a voice, a meaning to exist for the other people of the world. Sometimes the groups that pick up Sub are very capable, they can make him seem so great, make him express his complicated and foreign expressions in a way that fits people's perception perfectly.

    However sometimes an unrefined group picks up Sub from the streets. The results could be pretty bad. One thing is certain though, no one knows what Sub looks like. That's right, Sub hides himself behind written words and letters. Because of this he doesn't have to worry about saying something in the wrong tone of voice.

    Now enters Dub. Dub was born by successful and rich parents. He speaks many languages but the primary one seems to be English. Unlike Sub who has to learn how to express himself through writing, Dub was raised to perform in public. He actually makes it a career to speak to people face to face. The results are mixed, sometimes Dub get's overzealous in the work he does. Other times Dub seems a little emotionless. Worse case is when Dub is required to sing on stage for a productions "song break". Dub usually forces Sub to cover for him during these parts. Other times Dub does the songs himself, it was probably better not to.

    Despite his faults , it's important to remember that Dub is a professional more often then not. He can make a very convincing argument in a language you understand in. His passion and expert knowledge of certain productions is so absolute that it makes Development bow down in respect. It's hard to dislike the man when he speaks to your soul in a language you understand in. Written words can only go so far sometimes. Dub has the hearts of the patrons of this Anime State of Mind theater. They more often pick Dub's choices for the next viewing then Sub's.

    When Dub meets one of Sub's lackeys at the theater things get rough. It almost always starts when Dub says something awful during a production. Sub's man would immediately cry foul, demanding that the show be stopped and an alternate play chosen by him would be showcased instead.

    It's a never ending battle it seems, none of the other patrons know what to do. In this Anime State of Mind theater, the patrons usually follow Dub's selection of plays to view. They don't want to alienate Sub however, on other days they invite Sub (well his underlings anyway), to pick a production for them to see. The patrons make it very careful not to bring both at the same time or war breaks out in the room. It happened once over the patron Action. It seemed one of Sub's guys tried flirting with Action and she had this to say

    Comedy, Action, and Dub thought it was perfect


    I watch both but go towards Dub when given the chance. Oh and check that cursing compilation for the Angel Cop anime I put. Despite that hilarious\cringe worthy part, the anime dub was mostly a constant spam of over the top cursing. Definitely an acquired taste and cult symbol.

    Plot has a lot of friends, let me see if I could get them for a group picture or something. I know Drama is somewhere around here, the guy either hangs out with Romance, Plot, or Fail. Seriously he's all over the place!

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