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How to Write a Short Story from Start to Finish

Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by Kaede, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. Kaede Trophy Hunter

    Nov 7, 2015
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    1. First, Write the Basic Story in One Sitting

    It may seem silly to begin a list of steps on how to write a short story with a tip to “write the story,” but let me explain.

    There are really two different kinds of stories. There is the art form, “short stories,” which comes complete with characters, plot, description, and style.

    Then there’s the story, the funny, amusing, crazy story you’d tell a friend over a meal.

    The story and the short story are not the same thing. The former is just a story, we tell them all the time. The latter is an art.

    The first step to writing a short story is to write the former, the story, that version of the story that you would tell a friend.

    And when you write it, be sure to write it in one sitting. Just tell the story. Don’t think about it too much, don’t go off to do more research, don’t take a break. Just get the story written down. Whenever I break this rule it takes me FOREVER to finish writing the story.

    2. Next, Find Your Protagonist
    After you’ve written the basic story, take a step back. You may feel extremely proud of your story or completely embarrassed. Ignore these feelings, as they bear no relation to how good or bad your story actually is or, more importantly, how good it will be.

    The next step is to read through your story to find the protagonist.

    Now, you may think you already know who your protagonist is, but depending on your story, this can actually be more tricky than you might think.

    Your protagonist isn’t necessarily the narrator, nor is she necessarily the “good guy” in the story. Instead, the protagonist is the person who makes the decisions that drive the story forward.

    Your protagonist centers the story, drives the plot, and his or her fate gives the story its meaning. As you move forward in the writing process, it’s important to choose the right protagonist.

    Learn more about how to create a protagonist in a story.

    3. Then, Write the Perfect First Line
    Great first lines have the power to entice your reader enough that it would be unthinkable to set your story down. If you want to hook your reader, it starts with writing the perfect first line.

    We’ve written a full post about how to write the perfect first line, but here are five quick tips:

    • Like the opening of a film, invite us into the scene.
    • Surprise us.
    • Establish a voice.
    • Be clear.
    • See if you can tell the entirety of your story in a single sentence.
    4. Break the Story Into a Scene List
    Every story is composed of a set of scenes which take place in a specific place and time. A scene list keeps track of your scenes, helping you organize your story and add detail and life at each step.

    Scene lists do two main things:

    • Provide structure to your story
    • Show you which parts need more work
    You don’t have to follow your scene list exactly, but they definitely help you work through your story, especially if your writing over multiple sittings.

    For more about how to create a scene list, check out our guide here.

    5. Only Now Should You Research
    If you’re like me, you want to start researching as soon as you get an idea so that you can pack as much detail into the story as possible. The problem is that if you research too soon, what you find will distort your story, causing it to potentially break under the weight of what you’ve learned.

    Other writers never research, which can leave their story feeling fuzzy and underdeveloped.

    By waiting until your story is well on its way, you can keep it from getting derailed by the research process, and by this point you’ll also be able to ask very specific questions about your story rather than following tangents wherever they take you.

    So go fill in that scene list with some hard, cold facts!

    6. Write/Edit/Write/Edit/Write/Edit
    It’s time to get some serious writing done.

    Now that you know who your protagonist is, have the perfect first line, have created your scene list, and have done your research, it’s time to finally get this story written.

    We all write differently. Some write fast in multiple drafts, others write slow and edit as they go. I’m not going to tell you how you should be writing. Whatever works for you, just get it done.

    For a thorough process on editing your story, check out my guest post on Positive Writer.


    7. Publish!
    I firmly believe publishing is the most important step to becoming a writer. That’s why I’ll tell you that once your story is finally written, it’s not finished until it’s published.

    Now, you don’t necessarily need to get published by Glimmer Train or Narrative. Instead, what if you got feedback from a writing friend or even by our Becoming Writer community?

    If you want your short story to be as good as it can be, get feedback—first from a small group of friends or other writers, and then from a larger community of readers.

    The worst thing you can do for your story is to hide it away out of fear or even feigned indifference.

    Now, go get your story out into the world.
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