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High Flying Bird: Trailer For Steven Soderbergh's Latest

Discussion in 'Movie and Television News' started by BK-201, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. BK-201 The Black Reaper Moderator

    Apr 20, 2013
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    High Flying Bird: Trailer For Steven Soderbergh's Latest
    A sports agent deciding to try to change how his industry works? On paper, it appears to be Steven Soderbergh channelling a little Jerry Maguire for his latest, but this is Soderbergh, after all. Instead, with High Flying Bird, he's focusing on a plan to disrupt the sport of pro basketball. The first trailer for the film is online.

    Written by Moonlight's Tarell Alvin McCraney, the film finds basketball in the States in the middle of a lockout. Sports agent Ray Burke (André Holland) finds himself caught in the face-off between the league and the players. His career is on the line, but Ray is playing for higher stakes. With only 72 hours to pull off a daring plan, he outmaneuvers all the power-players as he uncovers a loophole that could change the game forever. The outcome raises questions of who owns the game – and who ought to...

    With Soderbergh back using iPhones to shoot, he's also rounded up a cast that includes Zazie Beetz, Melvin Gregg, Sonja Sohn, Zachary Quinto and Kyle MacLachlan. It'll hit Netflix on 8 February.

    Source: https://www.empireonline.com/movies/news/high-flying-bird-trailer-steven-soderbergh-latest/

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