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Gianty Announces Goken Action RPG for Steam

Discussion in 'Video Game News' started by Sir-Maddy, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. Sir-Maddy Finger Lickin' Good™

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Japanese smartphone game developer Gianty (Ayakashi Hyakki Yagyō Kiwami, Monster Drive Revolution) announced on June 1 that it is developing a new action role-playing titled Goken for Steam. Gianty plans to release the game this summer.

    The company released concept art along with the announcement:


    Gianty describes the game:

    “Action RPG.” A genre that defined adventure and represented the childhood of all gamers, revived, redefined, from Japan, on Steam. Goken will bring back everything that was right about gaming in an action-packed open-world environment and have the old school gamers tremble in nostalgia.

    Gianty stated on Twitter that Goken will have its own booth at E3 and that the company will reveal more details about the game on June 13.

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