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Geometry Wars 3: Dimmensions

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by Timekeeper, May 10, 2016.

  1. Timekeeper Great Big Jerk

    Apr 28, 2013
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    When I first decided to purchase this game via Steam, it had a lot of expectation to meet with its predecessor Geometry Wars 2: Retro Evolved. And I can gladly say that the third installment not only filled its older game's shoes, but walked with them in style


    The gameplay for Geometry Wars 3 is pretty much the same as the last few installments in the series. A standard bullet hell game, but with a few more added features. With the addition of a drone, super skill, and super state that will help enhance your capabilities to outmaneuver your enemies. However, most likely because of this, some enemies have because much more aggressive and vicious, making them harder to kill. One notable enemy that had me whipping my controller across the room like a frisbee was the infamous Green Dodger that didn't seem to want to die no matter how many times I tried, which resulted in a good amount of deaths and instances of controller abuse.


    The graphics for the third installment in the series have improve significantly. As it says in the title of the game, the game's graphics have developed into the third dimension, giving the player a lot more space to run around in, but also probably cause a significant amount of dizziness in trying to figure out which way is up. But as with the previous games in the series, Geometry Wars 3's graphics are a sight to behold, but definitely not something to play while under the influence.


    The music for the series, while in my opinion still is not as great as Geometry Wars 2, is still marvelous in itself. The music takes a bit of a techno-dubstep feel to it, making it compliment its graphics and gameplay superbly.


    Now, would I recommend this? If you're looking for a challenge, I would absolutely recommend it. If you're a completionist in that you can't be happy unless the game is 100% cleared, I still would recommend it. The only individuals I would not recommend this game for at all are those who have a short temper or have anger management issues. Trust me, if the previous statement applies to you, you will end up having to make several trips to your local game retailer and possibly your computer repair shop with an explanation as to why there's a fist-sized hole in your monitor.

    One final note: good luck getting onto the leaderboards. You'll need every horseshoe, four-leafed clover, and leprechaun to even make it into the top 100. I know. I've tried.

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