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Funny Ways to Learn Grammar

Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by youngnozomi, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. youngnozomi Sparkles, Nosebleeds, and D'awwww

    Sep 22, 2015
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    I wanted to share with you all two grammar jokes.

    The first jokes come from the grammar comics section of a website called the oatmeal. The English department of where I went to college had posters of these in the hallways.

    This link is both funny and helpful.

    The second one is more just humor about grammar. I have two videos on YouTube that are parodies focusing on grammar.

    Here is Weird Al's "Word Crimes."

    This video is by College Humor parodying a scene from Inglorious Bastards.

    If any of you also have some grammar humor please share.
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