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Final Fantasy XIV: ARR/Heavensward

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by BaconMan8910, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    So, I decided to give this a go around the end of last year. As someone who has always wanted to get into MMOs but have gotten bored with every one that I've tried, I was, and still am, surprised by how much I'm enjoying this game, at level 31 (level cap is 60) and approaching two months in.

    Still, I think MMOs are at their most enjoyable with friends. And while @Znelson and I are having a good time, I thought I might invite anyone who is interested to join us in-game.

    We're considering starting up our own Free Company (guild) but need four players to get it started. He and I make two, so if you're interested we'd love to have you in building our own FC.

    If you're interested in the game, I'd say give it a try. If you would like to join myself and @Znelson in our various escapades, our server is Adamantoise and my player name is Fay Solas. Just look me up, send me a friend request, and let me know you're from JDO. If you would like to help us build an FC of our own, we would love to have you. But, if not, that's fine as well.

    Or, if you want to get as far away as possible from either of us, feel free to join another server and post about it here just to spite us. =P

    You can download the free trial here: http://www.ffxiv-freetrial.com/us/?utm_source=pr2&utm_medium=top_topbtn&utm_campaign=na_freetrial

    *Please note that some features (such as joining Free Companies) is locked on the free trial.

    If you would rather just jump straight in, you can purchase the game here: https://store.na.square-enix.com/final-fantasy-xiv/

    Currently I'm just playing the base game (A Realm Reborn). The expansion just adds late game content, a new story, a new city-state, and adds flying mounts among a few other minor things. So, as far as I'm concerned, there's really no point in shelling out for it until you know you like the game and have reached a higher level.

    Also, purchasing the game comes with a free 30 days. So, I'd hold off on buying game time initially.

    Anyway, that's my schpeel and attempt at inviting some friends (you lot) along to join me in one of the few multiplayer games that I own.


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