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Fan Video Sends Mario Into the Underworld

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Vladnyx, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. Vladnyx Everyone is the main character of their own life.

    Sep 26, 2015
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    The popular Netflixs sci-fi horror series Stranger Things crosses over with Nintendo's famous plumber in a new live-action fan video where Mario enters the "upside down". "Super Mario: Underworld" by Andrew, Matthew and Seth McMurray sees Mario fall from his level into a forested area where previous mis-jumps by the player (myself included) have caused Mario to fall to his doom. Things only get more disturbing for the hero from there.

    The McMurray's YouTube channel Nukazooka also hosts their "Super Mario Maker: Untamed," "Pokémon Go Gets Too Real," and "Realistic Minecraft" fan videos if that is more up your alley.​

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