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Ethereum/Bitcoin mining setup

Discussion in 'Tech Temple' started by Miyako Miyamura, Sep 8, 2017.

  1. Miyako Miyamura I Got A Trophy!

    Sep 7, 2017
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    +4 / 0 / -0
    I searched the forums for this kind of thread to find nothing, so I figured I'd start one. ((if anyone actually does any ethereum mining here))

    My Ether rig is fairly basic, just running 2 R9 290x's at around 50mh/s on windows 7. Generally, it gets me around $16-$18 USD every three to four days.

    I have noticed if you try to run the system with less than 4GB of ram it will refuse to mine, I also have no idea if the graph is supposed to fluctuate this crazily.


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