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Erazno y la Chokolata(103.5FM La Tricolor)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Shanarox, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Shanarox Trophy Hunter

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Anyone here listens to the radio? Latin American like myself maybe? Well your just in luck if your somewhat fluent in Spanish.
    At around 4:45PM MST, there is this 15min show called "La 15 Del Doggy" or The 15 from "Doggy"(host nickname). Basically this guy talks in a very professional manner informing men about "bad women" in terms of relationships(not saying that men aren't bad but the show is specifically on the subject of women for men to be aware of). Not only does he back up everything explained with evidence as prove coming from years of college majoring in psychology and had several relationships throughout the 40yrs living on Earth, but every so often he puts guests(mainly celebs and important figures)on the air and takes phone calls from people listening in to voice their opinions on the subject discussed that day.

    I became a listener within a matter of seconds after hearing his thoughts about "bad women" and relationships in general, so far myself agreeing with everything he has to say like if he'd read my mind or something... so yeah if anybody else wants to hear the words of wisdom from "El Maestro" or "El Sensei" don't hesitate any longer and tune in!

    WARNING: sheer laughter!(comedy) and rage quitting callers
    #1 Shanarox, Jul 23, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2014

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