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Dragon Ball Z: Vegeta is the real hero

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga Chat' started by Doomguy, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Goku gets all the credit. This is wrong, Vegeta was the one who did all the work. He told Goku everything he needed to know in the Freiza saga. He bought extra time for Goku during the Cell saga and indirectly involved Trunks to help out Gohan.

    More importantly during the Buu saga he

    blew himself up in episode 222, the true final episode of the series in a successful attempt to destroy Buu. He thus redeemed himself for his wicked past, finally gets recognition as the true savior, and defeated Kakorot in a one on one match.

    Also would have prevented the shameful appearance Gotanks or whatever his name is, prevented the deterioration of Piccolo who at this point became useless, and prevented the illogical reasoning that the Spirit Bomb which has been completely useless since even before Freiza, is capable of stopping Buu.

    Come on man.
  2. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Time to poke holes all over this.

    What did he tell Goku in the Frieza saga that was so important? The only thing of real relevance that he did to help Goku was defeat Ginyu while he was in Goku's body. Vegeta died on Namek after all while Goku hung around and eventually went super saiyan and battled Frieza until the planet fell apart. And it wasn't even Vegeta's heartfelt speech that made Goku turn into a super saiyan.

    "He bought extra time for Goku during the Cell saga and indirectly involved Trunks to help out Gohan." - Big whoop. How is that any different from the ways the other Z Fighers contributed to the fight? That's like the key thing to do in DBZ in case you forgot, "Distract the enemy while I either power up or plan to do something."

    Buu saga. During the world martial arts tournament Vegeta realizes that even though he has trained as hard as he could for seven years, there was still a gap between Goku's power and his. Vegeta succumbed to babadi's influence in hopes to get a simple boost of power. So they fight in that desert area and shortly after Goku calls a halt to the fight because he senses Majin Buu's extraordinary power, meaning he has been released due to the energy spent by Goku and Majin Vegeta which Babidi used to revive the sleeping Majin Buu. When Goku turns his back to get out the last Senzu Bean and split it between him and Vegeta to stop Majin Buu, Vegeta sucker punches Goku and knocks him out. And as added insult to injury, Goku had the ability to go SS3 at that time, which he choose not to use on Vegeta as it would drain his reamining time on earth. Had he just gone SS3 Vegeta wouldn't have lasted more than 5 seconds in their fight. So then he goes to fight Buu because suddenly he has an epiphany as he felt that he owed Goku for the destruction wrecked during the Cell Games, as it was his fault Semi-Perfect Cell absorbed Android 18. That's fine that he felt bad, but that doesn't automatically make him the hero. He's not recognized as a savior, if anything people were just shocked that he finally did something selfless for once in his life.

    And, I'd pick apart that last part but I'm gonna need more context to go off of other than "prevented the shameful appearance Gotanks." And it's Gotenks btw :)
  3. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Oh man Spor you can't honestly believe that Vegeta played a minor role in all this? Vegeta didn't have his super saiyan form in Frieza's saga so off course he gets killed off. He did however pick off all of Frieza's underlings which is more then most characters can say. Also Goku once again shows up at the very end after Freiza had to fight everyone and even then took 20 episodes to beat Freiza. Btw Freiza left Goku off the hook in these fights. Should have crushed him easily but show logic dictates that Freiza drags the fight out risking the monkey to go super saiyan.

    Cell saga. Trunks man. It's in the genes. Got to give Vegeta his due here. What does Goku get? Goten, nuff said. Also Piccolo was a hero in this saga a bit too. Vegeta wiped the floor with the weaker androids and weaker Cell while once again Goku was no where. More impressively Vegeta turned super saiyan through his own strength, he didn't need a character to die to reach this point, only a goal. Gohan waits until his whole team gets wiped out until he can muster up his finishing move. Which reminds me, how the heck did Final Flash which looked like it caused a huge crater "miss" Cell? Creators hate Vegeta man.

    Buu saga. Vegeta still had control of himself. Babadi couldn't control Vegeta and inadvertently gave him the power to stand up to Buu. Goku is already a dead man, why didn't he use his final form then to finish things quickly? A power that can only be used for a few minutes in the dbz universe is useless and serves no purpose other then saying Goku "could" have won. A few minutes is not enough time to do anything. Would have been a stupid gamble on the greatest magical bean in the anime universe to rely on a glass cannon.

    Goku was losing that fight. That sucker punch put an early end to it so the more powerful of them (at this point Majin Vegeta) can go off to face Buu. Split the senzu bean? Going into battle half strength is not going to work Goku. Vegeta was planning to take Buu down with him. No one was going to stop him and Piccolo would have his last awesome moment taking out Babadi and carrying out the kids to safety.

    Then the show dismisses this as a mistake and once again kills off any chance of Vegeta saving the day. Then things get weird. Fusions come out of no where. Buu enters puberty. Piccolo laughs like a weirdo. Spirit Bombs work again. The whole universe is going to die on a foreign planet. Vegeta comes back defying the fact he should be in hell and the fact that he was already wished back. Oh then there were new Dragon Balls!

    Oh yeah and Vegito turns into chocolate and gets eaten by Buu where they fight inside his body to free the...real Buu?... and somehow survive this. Oh yeah and Buu escapes the time capsule. And more stuff.

    Yeah you know I'm going to go on and believe that Vegeta saved me from the mess that comes afterwards. Whew glad I got that rant off my chest :)
  4. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    You do realize Piccolo could have easily killed off the rest of the Ginyu force right? If you're going to give all this credit to Vegeta for simply pulling his weight you might as well thank Yamcha for beating a Saibamen. He didn't do anything that any other Z Fighter hasn't already done. We're supposed to be giving him credit for being a hero remember, not simply achieving a task practically everyone has contributed towards.

    If you really want to give someone credit for future Trunks it should be Gohan in the alternate timeline. He would have never had that kind of power or ambition if it wasn't for future Gohan. Keep in mind the actual timelines Trunks was never very strong, as evident in DBGT when hes still a weak piece of crap like Goten. If it was really the training with Vegeta that made him so powerful then he should have shown some sort of major improvements during the period of time between the Buu saga and the end of GT. And once again, you're giving Vegeta credit for fighting people when that was what ALL of the Z Fighters do. That's how the entire plot on DBZ always goes Doom, the weaker Z Fighters fight the weaker underlings and Goku shows up for the final boss. It wouldn't be an entertaining show if Goku came through to pulverize the competition every time. There has to be some sort of entertainment to these fights. And yes, Vegeta turned into a super saiyan, all I can say is, it was a about damn time. You're right Vegatea didn't turn into a super saiyan initially because someone died. He went to that one planet to train, still having those butt hurt feelings towards Goku. Remember it was his drive to be stronger than Goku, which was a pride driven egotistical desire to become stronger through selfishness. Goku did turn super saiyan for the first time because of Krillian dying, but to be fair he was already on the verge of going super saiyan. He already had the ability to do so, it was just one simple emotion that pushed him over the edge and allowed him to cut free and turn for the first time. Vegeta on the other hand is supposed to be of a pure blood line and takes years longer than a simple commoner who has had significantly less training.

    Buu saga. You're just reiterating my previous point of Vegeta desperatly trying to be powerful. When he initially accepted the majin influence he didn't have any desire to save the planet or beat majin buu, his focus was still on being stronger than Goku. He even killed that crowd of people at the world martial arts tournament. It wasn't until after he sucker punched Goku from behind that he had an epiphany to save the planet. The entire events of majin buu take place over the course of one day. In case you forget one minute in DBZ can be an entire episode. They even stated it outright that Goku could have beat fat buu when he went super saiyan 3 to give Trunks time to find the dragon radar. The reason Goku didn't finish buu himself in SS3 was because he doesn't want the planet to rely on his strength anymore, that task is now supposed to be left to his son. Or did you miss the entire point behind the end of the Cell saga, because this isn't anything new.

    Goku was kind enough to fight Vegeta on his own level instead of being unfair and going SS3 and just utterly whooping his ass. And you know damn well if Vegeta could have gone SS3 and Goku couldn't he would not have hesitated to waste the rest of his power doing so. The fact that Goku took it easy on him in order to have a fair fight speaks volumes. Goku wasn't losing that fight, they were evenly matched the entire time, exchanging blow for blow on each other. It wasn't until Goku let his guard down, in an attempt to collaborate with Vegeta that Vegeta sucker punches him and takes the sensu bean. Even with that sensu bean and full power he couldnt touch Buu. When Goku wakes up, hes still missing all that energy, he goes ss3 against buu to give Trunks that time and he still could have beat buu if he wasn't trying to make the rest of them fight for themselves. Thats pretty sad for Vegeta when Goku still had enough power to beat Buu himself after his fight with Vegeta, didnt even need the sensu bean either. But its the fact that Vegeta did all of this that he died and Buu went on to kill so many more people. If Vegeta wasn't driven purely on ego him and Goku would have split that bean and been done with Buu right then and there, after all, Goku had enough energy left to do it without the sensu bean or Vegeta.

    "Then the show dismisses this as a mistake and once again kills off any chance of Vegeta saving the day. Then things get weird. Fusions come out of no where. Buu enters puberty. Piccolo laughs like a weirdo. Spirit Bombs work again. The whole universe is going to die on a foreign planet." - This is just your preference and has nothing to do in the discussion of Vegeta being useless. Yeah, he should be in hell because even in the other world they don't recognize his suicide against Buu as heroic. He's sent back to earth for the soul purpose of helping Goku, because that's all hes ever good for is giving a hand to goku so goku doesn't have to get his hands dirty every 5 minutes. Also, those dragon balls used on the kai planet didnt come out of nowhere, those were the Namekian Dragon Balls, in case you forgot their existence from the Freiza arc.

    And the rest is one again you rambling about small things in the story that don't have any weight towards your point about Vegeta.
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  5. KarmaDelta Trophy Hunter

    Apr 13, 2013
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    With all the wall of text here, I would also like to add a, "Waht?"

    I'm sure most of the reasons Vegeta "held off" attacks for Goku or whatever the reason, was for him thinking it was his time to shine. Vegeta is just an egotistical Goku wanna be who gets hard over small doses of power that he ever gets, then proceeds to get his ass whooped. He does have his touchy feely moments, but it is short lived by him being a Tsundere.
  6. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    And with our wall of text nothing is left unsaid :)

    I think that sums up the character nicely. Now Master Roshi...hmm...that guy knows too much. I bet he's a secret supreme Kai in exile.
  7. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Roshi - The original lolicon.

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