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CAPCOM Establishes Mobile Business Division, Plans to Release 4 Titles By April 2017

Discussion in 'Video Game News' started by Vladnyx, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. Vladnyx Everyone is the main character of their own life.

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Japanese video game developer CAPCOM announced on Friday that it has established a Mobile Business Division that will help CAPCOM launch mobile games domestically and abroad based on existing properties. The company plans to launch four titles by the end of the new fiscal year, which will end on March 31, 2017.
    The planned games include games based on the Monster Hunter, Sengoku Basara, and Mega Man franchises.

    CAPCOM revealed that it has integrated its Beeline smartphone game developer into the division, and has renamed it CAPCOM Mobile Co., Ltd. Additionally, the company "plans to license successful Japanese titles in Asia in order to expand its revenue in that region."

    CAPCOM stated in its announcement that it expects the worldwide mobile game market to expand from US$27.5 billion in 2015 to US$37.4 billion in 2019, and added that mobile content is "an important factor in CAPCOM's growth strategy."

    CAPCOM Mobile Co., Ltd. was established in April 2011.​

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