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Being a Fanboy/Fangirl vs. Being a Fan

Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by Deathfire, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Deathfire Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    Everyone hears it or says it now and then, the word fanboy or fangirl in regards to someone that likes something they don't like (most common).

    But what is a fanboy. And how does it differ from being just a fan.

    One could argue that fanboy is just an insult used by disgruntled or upset people in regards to people liking something they don't, and that it doesn't actually describe anything, but I would beg to differ.

    I think a fanboy is someone who has an irrational love or liking for something, so much so that it either hinders their daily life or completely alienates them from society. "That doesn't happen" people would say, but I think there is a clear distinction between just being a fan, and being a fanboy. Sure, it doesn't need to go that extreme, but there is a clear line that can be drawn between the two terms.

    Before completely deciding on the different, a basic definition in relation to the other is needed.

    A fan is someone who likes something or someone. That's it. Well, that's not very descriptive, but that's the very skeleton of the word. If put in relation to a fanboy, is it fair to say a fan likes that something less than a fanboy would? No, it is not. Just because someone is a fan and not a fanboy, does not mean their love for that something is weaker than that of a fanboy, in fact it could be even stronger. The clear line between the two terms is not and should not be by the strength of the love, but rather the irrational and illogical love that a fanboy possesses when in relations to arguments or discussions.

    For example:
    In relation to video games:

    A fan of The Legend of Zelda series can say it is their favorite adventure game series of all time. That is fair.

    Arguing that something is the BEST game series of all time, does not indicate that someone is a fanboy, because as long as that person argues valid points, they can still be labelled a fan of the series, and not just being a mindless fanboy.

    What would make that person a fanboy is to make a statement in relation to The Legend of Zelda series that does not apply to that series or is not a valid argument whatsoever.

    A fanboy of The Legend of Zelda series can say that it is the best First Person Shooter game series of all time. That is unfair and proves that person is being a fanboy (that or a troll)

    So does that say that anyone can make a claim about anything as long as it can be argued and is applicable and still be a fan and not a fanboy? It depends.

    Someone could make outlandish statements about something to prove it is better than something else, but as long as it can be argued fairly, I do not think that person is being a fanboy.

    If a person cannot find a valid reason also does not mean they are a fanboy. Sad to say, they may just not be articulate enough to express their reasons, but still have reasons.

    I bring this up because I've gotten slightly tired after this E3 with Sony and Microsoft people bitching at each other about what is the better console and I want to hear your opinion on not only the difference of being a fanboy versus being a fan, but also putting that argument in relation to the Sony vs Microsoft war at E3 this year.
  2. Doomguy I Love Trophies

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Fan=Fanatic. Some of them want to wage holy war against the evil other people. All terms of it are all the same to me. Some just take it way too far. I seen my fair share of flame wars from the sidelines. Either after the aftermath or sometimes when I'm lucky, during it (time to make popcorn). Never ceases to amaze me how immature people can get defending their opinion of a game (or anything else for that matter). It is usually amusing but every once and a while it makes me sick (especially personal attacks yuck)

    I hold video game opinions as much as the next guy. If I say I hate the new Final Fantasy games that's just my opinion and it's natural to look for others who say the same. I'm not here to shove it down the throats of someone who actually played the games and liked it though. Why bother wasting your time with them? Pushing your opinion on others is just the sign of a troll. You liked it? Good for you I wish I felt that way (True statement). You didn't like it? That must have sucked for you let's talk about what we didn't like (True statement again). This philosophy is easy to live by for me.

    I may irrationally think Xenogears is the greatest game of all time (well it is!), there is no way I'm going to go out of my way to start attacking someone's opinion. I may ask why they dislike it and at the same time feel extreme pity they couldn't enjoy it as much as I did. That's about it as far as I would go on a different opinion of a game.

    As far as the Sony and Microsoft stuff goes... I want Sega Dreamcast II! Couldn't help it lol. You know the facts about both systems. On a technical standpoint they are virtually similar. Business model wise it's a different story. Brand loyalty can be a dangerous thing. At the end of the day the ultimate weapon still remains your money.
  3. Deathfire Trophy Hunter

    Apr 22, 2013
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    On a technical standpoint they are virtually similar.

    Well this was my point, because technically, the Processor and HDD is faster and larger on one system compared to the other, so I don't really think they are virtually similar
  4. plantkingman Trophy Hunter

    Apr 29, 2013
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    Being a fanboy or fangirl is where your obsessed with something. Being a fan is someone who enjoys something like a anime series, video game, etc. and not obsessed with something.
  5. Lince Trophy Hunter

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Being a fanboy or fangirl is where your obsessed with something. Being a fan is someone who enjoys something like a anime series, video game, etc. and not obsessed with something.

    I'm going to have to disagree to an extent. I'm obsessed with Tim Lincecum. I've watched every single start he's made for quite a while now, but I wouldn't consider myself a fanboy because I don't force my obsession on other people and I accept the opinions of other people regarding him. I may express my opinion on him through my avi, sig, and username, but I don't preach it. I feel i'm more of a loyal fan than just a fanboy.

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