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Bandai Namco Announces New RPG For 2018.

Discussion in 'Video Game News' started by NobodyKannaCrossIt, May 1, 2017.

  1. NobodyKannaCrossIt I Got A Trophy!

    Apr 29, 2017
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    Bandai Namco have now announced the teased title in an official capacity. It's a new action RPG called Code Vein. In the game, players will take control of a Revenant, who can feast upon the blood of their enemies to make their own abilities grow stronger.

    Code Vein is scheduled to come to "major home consoles" in 2018.


    Bandai Namco describes the title as "challenging" and has given some more details about the story line and gameplay. "Veil," as it turns out, is what a particular society of Revenants is called

    Revenants also have access to Blood Veils, devices capable of draining the blood of their enemies in order to enhance their own abilities. Exploiting these enhanced abilities known as Gifts, players can change their form to increase their strength, weaken enemies, and utilise new weapon abilities with overpowered attacks.


    Source: https://www.trueachievements.com/n27659/bandai-namco-unveils-code-vein

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