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AMV Editors

Discussion in 'AMVs' started by sayWut, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. sayWut Head Market Research Analyst

    Apr 28, 2013
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    This group is now public

    If you've clicked this thread you must have an interest in making amvs, but don't know where to start perhaps?

    Well luckily for you Me and Our Members are here to help you.. so fear not! :

    ---- Goals of this thread ----

    - To help new Editors , and show the absolute basics of AMV making
    - To help new users understand the concept of AMVs
    - TO have fun, socialize and share ideas
    - Help users know what software they may need and how to use it!
    - To notify new users of an AMV editors Club located in this forum.​
    #1 sayWut, Apr 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
  2. sayWut Head Market Research Analyst

    Apr 28, 2013
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    *So what is An "Anime Music Video":

    Simply put its a song, or music piece backed to an anime or pieces of anime. However there is much more to this process than simply doing that. Thus lets have a quick over view on actually how to make a GOOD AMV. There are a lot of AMV's out there today , half the the time there not great. So lets look at the following basic steps of getting good at AMV Making

    Find the song , get an Idea
    The most important part is the song and anime. They must both entwine with each other the music should suite the anime , and vice versa. For example I would never pick a "Skrillex" song for Angel beats. When you find your song close your eyes, run it over and over and start fitting together what anime may go with it. As you imagine the anime flow in your mind , how does it make you feel?, does it seem to suit to the song and anime? when the answer is yes its time to move on.


    A video concept is a deceptively simple thing. The best way to describe it is as a vision. What you want the video to be, how you want the viewer to feel, what you want them to think, to understand. basically why are YOU making this video?. Note that sometimes a concept doesn't need to be stronger than an anime and a song - not every video needs a strong concept. Attempting to strengthen a concept in a video that doesn't need it can kill the video. This being said here are some examples of what can be included into your video

    Tell A story

    Pretty straightforward! using the combination of audio and video to tell a story. Is it going to be emotional, mixed with action, perhaps a drama?... The most common type of story telling is is simplifying a preexisting story and retell it, or mix it up if you have the right song and pick the right anime don't be afraid to mix it up a little.


    This is about looking at something, Exploring a concept, or a message. Exploration focuses on an idea or message, not a character or characters. An exploratory video might take an underlying theme in an anime and bring it to light. More generally, an exploratory video will take a theme, idea, or message and present it to the viewer, with the degree dictated by the editor. These videos focus not on a story, but rather on a concept of some sort in a general sense. Possible subjects include war, coping with loss, tragedy, purity, and innocence.


    Examination videos tend to focus on a single character, couple, or group of characters. Instead general view offered by an exploratory video, an examination video deals with a very specific instance of something (i.e., an example of the concept in question). The personality, motivations, history, or other aspect of a character are all viable subjects for an examination video. Videos that examine a couple tend to be about the relationship. Friendships, rivalries, and romances all fall into this grouping.

    Pace (speed), Sync

    - Is it fast paced
    - Or slow?
    - Perhaps just a mix of the both

    Now that you have a little idea of what you may want the video to be about, its time to think what pace it will run at. For example videos with more upbeat music, may have a faster flow in clips. Where as songs that are slower in the beat may have a much slower movement in the change of scene.

    This part is is more preferably to two key type elements of your AMV. As stated before its important to know and understand the flow of the music and then what anime we are going to relate this to. Depending on the concept and idea you have came up with this is going to greatly influence how the AMV should "pan" out

    Hopefully by now you have somewhat of an idea of the basis of making a "reliable" AMV . to help further explain these illustrations lets actually look at to some Anime Music Videos

    Tell a story
    1 - "AMV - Futuristic Lover" Do you know why I love this video? its simplistic, in fact there are little to NO effects used at all in this, just pure fluency and camera work. GOOD amvs DO not require SPECIAL EFFECTS! The editor has picked a song , and chosen a good set piece of anime to represent the lyrics and tell a story.
    2 - "Supernatural" here is the same song, backed toa different anime. Can we see the difference? this is more effect heavy and does not have as much of a smoother rate of transition and camera work. It tells a story but does it tell it in a sense that A) makes sense to the viewer? B) Has captured both the liveliness of the anime as well as the song? you decide!

    The pace of the Song


    1 - An Extraordinary World You know when I said, what pace the song will be? well here is a good example of an AMV that A) has a fast pace and B) has used a somewhat new method of expoloration, I should know as I made this, it was just a pure collaboration of madness, clips and thoughts runningthrough my mind, not to metion I got to play around with effects and this is what I feel an amv should be about, it should be fun, slap some clips together do whatever and see how it pans out as sometimes its best.. ;)
    #2 sayWut, Apr 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
  3. sayWut Head Market Research Analyst

    Apr 28, 2013
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    FAQ reserved

    --- What does the club actually do?

    We share Ideas, Hold Competitions, Hone our skills, Get better at our editing styles. Most importantly Having fun!

    --- Here to help?

    This thread is for people who are new to AMV editing. Thus read the guides and make some posts. In time you will become much better!

    --- I want to ask you a question

    Drop me a PM , click my avatar and send a message!​
  4. SoulEater Trophy Hunter

    May 2, 2013
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    I would like to (re)apply! I'm back to editing~
    My (new) YouTube account: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYGLUELEfulC4uxjLPm-rUQ
    Recent AMV: I've lost all my AMV-related data, so I don't have them right now. You've seen my AMV's though, right SayWut?
    How long have I been making AMV's: For about 4 months before I stopped
    Why do I edit: I just love editing, dunno why.
    What does an AMV mean to me: I think AMV's are a form of art. They're made to represent a story (or an emotion) which is why I like them.
  5. lloyd998 Trophy Hunter

    Apr 30, 2013
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    I apply for vice president.

    - Account: http://www.youtube.com/user/Lloyd998
    - Recent AMV: This is partial but it can demonstrate what I can do at my best http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IejGmOvFbfg&list=UUEEq6HXx6QzX-kwcz6ZhCQQ&index=11
    - How long have I've been editing: About a year now
    - Why did you decide to edit: Because I saw ideas of being an editor ever since I was a kid, my one main idea is still in the works(i.e. I'm too lazy to work on it at the moment). My real reason, on why I started editing is because I love to talk to the friends I make. I mean, its cool to make AMVs, but its only fun if you have friends to enjoy this hobby with.
    - What does an “AMV” mean to you? Putting both the story into the AMV, as well as your heart into it. Any AMV can be amazing but only as long as the editor who edits the AMV does their absolute best to make an AMV that they envisioned.

    Here's my Resume:
  6. wisetaner Trophy Hunter

    May 1, 2013
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    Hey guys, I have been interested in making AMV's for awhile, but I'm not sure what software is needed or the correct steps to make one. I.e. how do you go about editing it properly? The software I have is Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Flash, Autodesk 3DS Max, and Autodesk Maya. But I don't have Adobe After Effects, if After Effects is needed...is there an alternate freeware software similar to After Effects that would work?

    Please let me know.

    Thank you.
  7. wisetaner Trophy Hunter

    May 1, 2013
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    I apply for vice president.

    Here’s my Resume:

    If you are going to provide a resume, at least make it look professional. Remove the "awesome", remove the over-sized bold words, remove all the unnecessary hype. Now I don't mean to offend, but right now your resume looks like your greatest asset is being overzealously hyperactive. I'd suggest toning down and removing all the glorified words and replace it with more substance.

    Such as adding:

    1. The type of software you use
    2. Average amount of time spent creating
    3. Some detail about your editing technique
    3. Citations of the music and video used in your AMV's
    4. How you acquired the education to make the AMV's - did you pick it up from a site, a friend or was it learned from trial and error.
    5. Your contact information - this will help for future job leads

    If you take these steps your resume will impress many more people, because as of right now I half wonder if you resume is done to be for the fun of it.
  8. sayWut Head Market Research Analyst

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Welcome SoulEater and lloyd998 ( the former amv club president) :p to the club!

    Hey guys, I have been interested in making AMV’s for awhile, but I’m not sure what software is needed or the correct steps to make one. I.e. how do you go about editing it properly? The software I have is Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Flash, Autodesk 3DS Max, and Autodesk Maya. But I don’t have Adobe After Effects, if After Effects is needed…is there an alternate freeware software similar to After Effects that would work?

    Please let me know.

    Thank you.

    Well I started using Sony Vegas, Its fairly user freindly and when you get to know it, its amazing on what it can do!
    For example -

    [size = 18]My first amv in vegas[/size]


    [size = 18]Now.. my latest! [/size]


    I think Sony Vegas is not only good for people who are just starting, but even for people who go pro. As there is literally nothing you can do in this software. Time and practice is all you need to get good at Vegas!

    Sony Vegas cost around from 300 to 1000 $$ so im not going to lie I torentred it although I have the legit set of Adobe cs6!

    " while, but I’m not sure what software is needed or the correct steps to make one. I.e. how do you go about editing it properly? The software I have is Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Flash, Autodesk 3DS Max, and Auto-desk Maya. "

    Well Photoshop can be used to add some touches into an AMV that has already been made, however all you will get out of 3ds max and Maya are perhaps some epic intros, if you can be bothered to create all the 3d models, and texture, lighting and then add camera work and on top of that start animation the whole scene :p

    Freeware - Unfortunately I have not comer across any freeware for an editing program that would make a decent amv at all. best advice I can give is that you "somehow" Aquire Sony vegas 12 :p

    I know that lloyd998 does use after effects from time to time perhaps he knows I will post your questions into the amv editors skype chat.
  9. wisetaner Trophy Hunter

    May 1, 2013
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    Well I started using Sony Vegas, Its fairly user freindly and when you get to know it, its amazing on what it can do!

    I think Sony Vegas is not only good for people who are just starting, but even for people who go pro. As there is literally nothing you can do in this software. Time and practice is all you need to get good at Vegas!

    Sony Vegas cost around from 300 to 1000 $$ so im not going to lie I torentred it although I have the legit set of Adobe cs6!

    ” while, but I’m not sure what software is needed or the correct steps to make one. I.e. how do you go about editing it properly? The software I have is Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Flash, Autodesk 3DS Max, and Auto-desk Maya. ”


    Thank you for the wealth of information, sayWut! Especially about the Sony Vegas software. I think I'll also need to see if I can find any tutorials on the web. Creating these looks like it should be a natural progression from the projects I've done at school. However that is mostly all in 3D and creating flat textures...where as creating AMV's is a bit different, but I can see how this could definitely improve my career marketability. Once I learn how to do make a few.

    At any rate, thank you again!
  10. lloyd998 Trophy Hunter

    Apr 30, 2013
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    Uhh... did you read the part about "Former Club Leader" next to my name??

    And, yeah, I was joking with Saywut about the resume. fyi,

    Lastly, Wisetaner, I do agree having a good editing system is a good way to start out in editing, especially for beginners. However, I disagree that Sony Vegas, Premiere Pro, After Effects and Final Cut Pro are the only systems worth editing with. Any system, even Windows Movie Maker, can produce an amazing AMV. All it takes is time and effort to make your ideas come to life. Yes, Sony Vegas and the other systems make editing easier, but they don't make the AMV. You and your ideas make the AMV. That is what you should always keep in mind.
  11. lloyd998 Trophy Hunter

    Apr 30, 2013
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    Wisetaner wrote:
    lloyd998 wrote:
    I apply for vice president.

    Here’s my Resume:
    If you are going to provide a resume, at least make it look professional. Remove the “awesome”, remove the over-sized bold words, remove all the unnecessary hype. Now I don’t mean to offend, but right now your resume looks like your greatest asset is being overzealously hyperactive. I’d suggest toning down and removing all the glorified words and replace it with more substance.
    Umm... just an fyi, I'm the one who started the club originally and gave SayWut leadership of the club due to the fact that I really don't fit the profile of "Leader" for this club. Not to mention, I was joking with him about sending a resume in the first place. Don't be so uptight about all this bro, we're just joking around x'D
  12. wisetaner Trophy Hunter

    May 1, 2013
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    lloyd998 wrote:
    Wisetaner wrote:

    lloyd998 wrote:

    I apply for vice president.

    Here’s my Resume:

    If you are going to provide a resume, at least make it look professional. Remove the “awesome”, remove the over-sized bold words, remove all the unnecessary hype. Now I don’t mean to offend, but right now your resume looks like your greatest asset is being overzealously hyperactive. I’d suggest toning down and removing all the glorified words and replace it with more substance.

    Umm… just an fyi, I’m the one who started the club originally and gave SayWut leadership of the club due to the fact that I really don’t fit the profile of “Leader” for this club. Not to mention, I was joking with him about sending a resume in the first place. Don’t be so uptight about all this bro, we’re just joking around x’D

    Sorry about that, I guess I was being a little uptight. It's partly because I've spent the past week and a half job searching and so when I saw your resume, I got the notion to help out with it. ;)

    Another reason I might act a bit uptight from time to time is that I'm coming from another anime forum site, in which half the time when I would innocently joke around someone would take offense to it. Usually when I made a comment about an anime series, someone would take it personally.

    So...I sort of had to lose the humor to keep people from lashing out for no particular reason.

    At any rate I'll try to be more laid back again.
  13. wisetaner Trophy Hunter

    May 1, 2013
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    Hey guys, does anyone here know of a good epic song I could use for an AMV? I'm looking for something that is upbeat, rock, techno, suspenseful. But also one that is less familiar and somewhat unknown, because I don't want to use a song that is over used.

    Any suggestions?
  14. lloyd998 Trophy Hunter

    Apr 30, 2013
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    What type of music do you like?
  15. blaze1514 Trophy Hunter

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Yo, I want to join. here is my work, if the links don't do anyting than c and p them

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6WqQEY9JBo - Alic (Pandora Hearts)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHxPvPV0qPI - Listen Up (A Certan Magical Index)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW7gb-m13rA - Good Man (Cowboy Bebop Movie)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45nrncCmVuo - Remember (Kanon 2006)

    to anser the question, what an AMV is to me - it is a form of art plain and simple
  16. dakotasapphire Trophy Hunter

    May 19, 2013
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    YouTube Account: http://www.youtube.com/user/XdakotasapphireX
    - A recent AMV: [youtube]qBDN6UqMG00[/youtube]
    - How long you have been creating AMVs: Almost 3 1/2 years
    - Why did you decide to edit? What does an “AMV” mean to you?
    I wanted to make an amv with ergo proxy and Linkin park's new divide together because I thought they messed. I want to re-do that amv.
    AMV means an amazing music video made with anime and music. LOL :) I love amvs. Just not bad ones, they bore me.

  17. sayWut Head Market Research Analyst

    Apr 28, 2013
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    your in well done, noo cookies tho, we dont have the budget, Dont forget to introduce yourselfs and ofc this applys to


    now to the AMV editors club you go
  18. wisetaner Trophy Hunter

    May 1, 2013
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    Hey guys, question!

    I'm putting together my first AMV, slicing anime scenes and such  and while I was working with Dragon Age: Age of the Seeker, a thought suddenly occurred to me. Are there any anime's that I should stay away from using in an AMV? Such as Dragon Age: Age of the Seeker...because it's licensed and owned by EA.

    I realize all animes are licensed and owned by some company out there, but EA...is it safer to stay away from using media owned by them especially. Or would content from them by about the same as using content from an anime such as Sword Art Online?

    Please let me know what you think.


    Oh and I did finally find a couple songs to use. :)
  19. sayWut Head Market Research Analyst

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Hey guys, question! I’m putting together my first AMV, slicing anime scenes and such and while I was working with Dragon Age: Age of the Seeker, a thought suddenly occurred to me. Are there any anime’s that I should stay away from using in an AMV? Such as Dragon Age: Age of the Seeker…because it’s licensed and owned by EA. I realize all animes are licensed and owned by some company out there, but EA…is it safer to stay away from using media owned by them especially. Or would content from them by about the same as using content from an anime such as Sword Art Online? Please let me know what you think. Thanks! Oh and I did finally find a couple songs to use. [​IMG]

    hmmm , what I would do is put the scenes together quickly and upload them to YouTube as unlisted, and see if it gets picked up by YouTubes content ID, Ive never had a problem as of yet with YouTube picking up any of my amvs via there content ID system. In most cases you should be fine. But as I said try uploading some of the scenes you were using just to be safe.

    In any case there's all ways the amv.org site which you can upload your amv to as well. :)

    Also if you find a song try uploading that to youtbe before you start edeitng, youtubes music ID system can be a real bitch
  20. Ogge Trophy Hunter

    May 22, 2013
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