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Abominable Trailer Finds Another Yeti On A Quest

Discussion in 'Movie and Television News' started by BK-201, May 24, 2019.

  1. BK-201 The Black Reaper Moderator

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Abominable Trailer Finds Another Yeti On A Quest
    Yeti... sasquatch... big foot. Whatever you call the creatures, they're having a cinematic moment of late between Smallfoot and this year's Missing Link. Now comes Abominable, with DreamWorks Animation looking to channel some of the How To Train Your Dragon spirit in a tale of a young person and a creature teaming up for a mission. Check out the trailer...

    When teenage Yi (Chloe Bennet) encounters a young Yeti on the roof of her apartment building in Shanghai, she and her mischievous friends, Jin (Tenzing Norgay Trainor) and Peng (Albert Tsai), name him "Everest" and embark on an epic quest to reunite the magical creature with his family at the highest point on Earth. But the trio of friends will have to stay one-step ahead of Burnish (Eddie Izzard), a wealthy man intent on capturing a Yeti, and zoologist Dr. Zara (Sarah Paulson) to help Everest get home.

    Cue a 2,000-mile adventure from the streets of Shanghai to the snowscapes of the Himalayas. We'll see if this one can match the success of other DreamWorks 'toons.

    Abominable, written and directed by Jill Culton, will be out on 11 October.

    Source: https://www.empireonline.com/movies/news/abominable-trailer-finds-another-yeti-quest/

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