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Ended 2018 Site Awards

Discussion in 'Contests, Events & Activities' started by Sporadic, Jan 5, 2019.

  1. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    +981 / 0 / -0
    2018 Site Awards


    (Before I begin - The very under appreciated 2017 site awards will be calculated and the winners will be announced alongside the 2018 winners.)

    Vote now in the 2018 site awards! We are voting for site members and anime in different fields and awarding members and staff alike for their extraordinary contributions to the community.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Copy the below list and place a forum members name, whoever you think fits best, next to each category.
    2. In our new Anime Related section: Place your response next to each line!
    3. Send your votes to @JustAdmin in a PM and they will be reviewed by staff.
    4. The votes will be tallied throughout the month. One vote equals one point.
    5. The top 3 people (and a 4th place honorable mention) in each category will be recognized by the entire community for their contributions

    Here's the list that we are recognizing this year. Try your best to fill out all of them. You may leave selections blank if you are unsure who to vote for. Any changes to the categories will be noted at the end.

    Site Related:

    Senpai - (
    Best Mentor) -

    Anime Guru - (Most Helpful Anime Adviser) -

    I Love JAN! - (Biggest Contributor in all aspects of the site) -

    Master Debater - (Not necessarily most argumentative)

    Grammar Nazi - (Best Technical Poster) -

    Elder One - (Best Hall of Elders Poster) -

    Creeping in the Shadows - (Best Lurker)

    Maestro - (Best Creative Designer. Can include witting and any form of creative design graphic design, drawings, review writing, AMVs and other forms of art.) -

    Everyone's Buddy - (Friendliest Member) -

    Class Clown - (Funniest Member) -

    Most Helpful Member - (NON STAFF) -

    Most Helpful STAFF Member -

    Member of the Year -

    Favorite Staff Member -

    Best Up and Coming Staff Member - (new staff showing lots of potential)

    Biggest Spammer - (the one who posts everywhere) -

    Sir Maddy's Certified Award For Shit Taste - (yall know what it is)

    Anime 2018 Related:

    Nominations can only be from anime that originally aired in 2018

    Anime of the Year -
    Best Boy -
    Best Girl -
    Best Fight Scene -
    Best Opening Sequence -
    Best Ending Sequence -


    Anime Related Categories Added
    Various other awards added
    Best Reviewer, AMV maker, Best Creative Writer and Best Artistic Designer combined and changed to Best Creative Designer

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