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Ended JustAnime Horror Review Contest 2017

Discussion in 'Contests, Events & Activities' started by Sporadic, Oct 20, 2017.

  1. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    +981 / 0 / -0

    Winner gets a random anime item of the admin's choice!
    We're doing our second ever horror and supernatural themed review contest for the month of October as we approach Halloween. We're making the push to expand our review site http://justanimereviews.net so we're looking for reviews from you, our members.

    Reviews must be posted here: https://justanimeforum.net/forums/anime-reviews.1028/

    Reviews must be about anime (dubbed or subbed) that have one of the following themes: horror, supernatural, paranormal, psychological, etc.. (something that fits the Halloween theme)

    All participants will have their reviews advertised on our website, forum and FB page.

    Good luck!

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