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Forum Posting Event ~ Win a Prize!

Discussion in 'Contests, Events & Activities' started by Sporadic, Oct 11, 2017.

  1. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:

    +981 / 0 / -0

    JustAnimeForum is doing another forum event. This time it is geared towards posting on the forum. Enter now and win some cool anime merchandise.

    All members - You can enter this event 3 separate times. Each time you enter your chances of winning are increased.

    Comment on 10 different threads
    Like 10 posts
    Create 10 threads

    Comments, likes and threads made in the asylum do not count.

    After you have completed one of these tasks report back to this thread and post one of the following:

    I have posted 10 times!
    I have liked 10 posts!
    I have made 10 threads!

    All participants will be entered into a randomizer and 3 winners will be chosen. Multiple entries gets you multiples chances of winning.

    We will also be recognizing the person with the most posts this month. They will be getting free anime merchandise along with the 3 winners.

    Have fun posting!

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