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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Dan Wolfear20
Last Activity:
Dec 29, 2021
Feb 13, 2016
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Following 1

Followers 2

Dec 19, 1995 (Age: 28)
United Kingdom

Dan Wolfear20

Trophy Hunter, Male, 28, from United Kingdom

Good to be back. Currently in my 3rd year of Uni in the UK. Dec 29, 2021

Dan Wolfear20 was last seen:
Dec 29, 2021
    1. Dan Wolfear20
      Dan Wolfear20
      Good to be back. Currently in my 3rd year of Uni in the UK.
      1. shedninja
        welcome back
        Dec 29, 2021
    2. Harorudo
      Hello, sorry to bother you I just wanted to say hello and that I like your username and icon on here. I hope you're doing well lately too so I guess see you around perhaps please take care.
      1. Dan Wolfear20 likes this.
      2. Dan Wolfear20
        Dan Wolfear20
        Hi there. I really am so so sorry I ahven't responded to your message until now. Other sites and Uni work I guess has jsut kept me away and has taken away my motivation to respond to messages on here, UNTIL NOW.
        Dec 29, 2021
      3. Dan Wolfear20
        Dan Wolfear20
        Thank you very much. I just love Spice & Wolf and several other Anime really that have wolves coincidentaly as a main theme, so decided all that time ago that it would be a key part of myself.
        Dec 29, 2021
      4. Dan Wolfear20
        Dan Wolfear20
        I like your profile picture and name very much as well. Are you still on here often or have a MAL page?
        Dec 29, 2021
    3. jmriz
      Do you have any anime lists on websites like MAL, because just looking at your forum posts, I think our tastes are very similar?
      1. Dan Wolfear20 likes this.
      2. Dan Wolfear20
        Dan Wolfear20
        Hello there. All I can say is I am so sooo very sorry that I haven't responded to your first message for so long. 5 years damn it. In answer to question LOL I do have a MAL List. Here it is. https://myanimelist.net/profile/DanielW100 Would be cool to be friends on there and here, if you are still interested after aaall these years.
        Dec 29, 2021
      3. Dan Wolfear20
        Dan Wolfear20
        I think I stopped having a bit of the motivation to check this site after it wasn't able to continue streaming any dubbed Anime. which really borke my heart, as it was one of the first anime sites I used and had to go over to others.
        Dec 29, 2021
    4. Dan Wolfear20
      Dan Wolfear20
      Trying to watch all the best that Anime and Manga has to offer over the past two decades. I can't wait to see where this journey will lead.
      1. SkeLo likes this.
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  • About

    Dec 19, 1995 (Age: 28)
    United Kingdom
    I live in Britain and I discovered the true beauty and my love of Anime & Manga in late December 2015 and I truly became a part of this world. But of course I've got a lot to learn and there's so much more for me to see. Well there is for all of us really.