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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Crazy Potato
Last Activity:
Aug 31, 2020
Apr 13, 2013
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Trophies 26

Oct 20, 1994 (Age: 29)

Crazy Potato

Designer, Male, 29

....What to do, What to do? Oct 19, 2017

Crazy Potato was last seen:
Aug 31, 2020
    1. Safko
      Oh, you play Overwatch?
      1. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        Sadly nope, I just like how Mercy is portrayed in fan art mainly Halloween esque
        Oct 24, 2018
      2. Safko
        That's too bad, I wanted to duo-queue : (
        Oct 24, 2018
    2. Samet Chan
      Samet Chan
      Happy Birthday, ~ Crazy Potato!
    3. Crazy Potato
      Crazy Potato
      ....What to do, What to do?
    4. darkkarasu
      Bowchickawowow, lol. Hi! Hope you're having a good day! I appreciate all the work you do good, sir!
      1. Crazy Potato likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. darkkarasu
        ? Lol, I didn't even know I was getting one... ,,O,o,,
        But now I am excited!

        Update: lol, I've been a busy bee buzzing around the site since I have 2 days off still haven't gone to bed and I got home from work about 1am...
        Jul 24, 2017
      4. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        oh I got confused with Dylanar, I just saw a letter "D" and went with it lol
        Jul 24, 2017
        darkkarasu likes this.
      5. darkkarasu
    5. richardthedark1
      Hey Crazy, is there anyway i can get an Akatsuki rank? or is that something thats already a rank? i was going to try for a Itachi theme profile. hit me back lol when you can
      1. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        Sure, I'll make a few concepts.
        Jun 25, 2017
        richardthedark1 likes this.
      2. richardthedark1
        thx Crazy I appreciate it
        Jun 25, 2017
    6. NeekoWolfie
      can you please fix my username icon the glowing espada #4
      1. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        Those Perks are on my themes so hold out till beta
        Jun 22, 2017
        NeekoWolfie likes this.
      2. NeekoWolfie
        i see
        Jun 22, 2017
      3. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        again sorry about that...
        Jun 22, 2017
        NeekoWolfie likes this.
    7. Crazy Potato
      Crazy Potato
      Beta Theme, June 24th
    8. Ddos_Dragon
      I understand that I consented and all, but is this heart gonna be permanent? I thought it'd only last a night, heh.

      Not that I want it gone, I've grown attached, but I'm curious -- did you bloody forget, or..?
    9. jmriz
      I'm trying to change my sig, but it keeps giving me an error that uploads are not allowed at the moment or something like that?
    10. jmriz
      Not trying to be pushy or rude but was wondering how my sig is coming along?
      1. Crazy Potato likes this.
      2. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        Thanks for the reminder, irl I'm looking for a new place to move
        Jan 23, 2017
      3. jmriz
        OMG SOOO Sorry ! :( I hope you didn't take it as me bugging you
        Jan 23, 2017
    11. BlackHeartedRose
      *Tackle huggles Crazy P*
      You ordered my book, right?
    12. jmriz
      1. Core likes this.
      2. Core
        No problem. =)
        I'm just surprised the rendering process was so easy for that pic. Zip shwoop done.
        Jan 3, 2017
        jmriz likes this.
      3. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        oh poo, I need to finish your request!
        Jan 6, 2017
      4. jmriz
        Don't worry!! I'm not in a hurry or anything. Take your time :)
        Jan 6, 2017
    13. jmriz
      Merry late Christmas!! I'm sorry my present wasn't more meaningful, but I heard from Spor that you liked Levy from FT.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jmriz
        Would it be possible if you could help me look for a render of Yajiro Shimogamo or a render of all the Shimogamo brothers together, from the anime Uchouten Kazoku. I can't seem to find any renders of that series besides some of the character Benten
        Jan 2, 2017
      3. Core
        Jan 2, 2017
        Crazy Potato and jmriz like this.
      4. jmriz
        Perfect!! Thanks so much :)
        Jan 2, 2017
        Crazy Potato likes this.
    14. Kaede
      Hewoo Crazy Potato!
      I had this idea last year but thought it was weird but now it's itching at Mii to be asked.

      I was wondering, is it possible for personalised Emoticons/Emojis?
      1. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        sort of though it will effect everyone
        Nov 30, 2016
      2. Kaede
        Ahh ok. Thanks.
        Nov 30, 2016
    15. Doomguy
      I wanted to thank you for keeping this place looking as good as it does all the time. I like the touches you put time to time as it shows dedication and that's something I just don't see in my own daily activities. So thanks for all you done and keep up the good work!
      1. Crazy Potato likes this.
    16. Crazy Potato
      Crazy Potato
      Now What?
      1. Samet Chan and Vishal09x like this.
      2. Samet Chan
        Samet Chan
        Then everyday they watching anime. We won't stopped watching anime.
        Dec 18, 2016
    17. Core
      I like the Vermillion Flames, but I think the original setup for the flames perk was better, when you could see the whole flame on the sidebar. Right now, basically only the tip of the flame is shown, and defeats most of the flame animation's purpose.
      Maybe have two variants of the perk, one for the older design and another for the current one.
      1. Crazy Potato likes this.
      2. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        Thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can do!
        I did it to spice up your avatar
        Oct 30, 2016
      3. Core
        Your'e welcome.
        And one more thing, in regard to avatar flames.
        About a year ago when I became active on the site, my avatar had an odd blue flame on it for a day or two. I didn't know what is was, thought it was a warning that I spammed the forum too much.
        What was it for?
        Oct 30, 2016
        Crazy Potato likes this.
      4. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        I most likely messed up the ID numbers when I was messing with new codes :D
        Oct 30, 2016
    18. Vladnyx
      Happy belated Birthday Crazy. Hope you enjoyed it or still enjoying it. Also, you did a smashing job with this years Halloween Theme. Can't wait to see what you'll have up your sleeve come Winter.
      1. Crazy Potato likes this.
    19. Kaede
      I love this theme! *laughs innocently * the blood wasn't mine... *looks around* it may be from the members who no longer go on this site... Haha! Nothing! :D
    20. Core
      The site mascots, are they done via vector art?
      1. Crazy Potato
        Crazy Potato
        Nope, I use the same method as Kai which is Paint tool Sai and Photoshop
        Oct 18, 2016
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  • About

    Oct 20, 1994 (Age: 29)


    The Journey's No Fun If You Know Where You're Going.
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