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    shedninja the sites biggest bug
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Nov 29, 2020
Apr 11, 2013
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Mar 17, 1993 (Age: 31)
Student & Quality Inspector


The Phantom Member, Male, 31, from Lithuania/UK

Wandering around once in a while. Apr 3, 2015

Ovyda was last seen:
Nov 29, 2020
    1. Supernatural-Knight
      Happy Birthday Ovyda. I hope you enjoyed it my friend. You really should stop by to check this place out more often in your free time, unless you want people to forget to wish you a happy birthday.
      I almost missed it.
    2. jmriz
      Happy Birthday!! Have a great day, my friend!! :)
      1. Ovyda likes this.
      2. Ovyda
        Thanks :)
        Mar 16, 2017
    3. Vladnyx
      Thought I'd drop in to let you know the Second Season to Showa Genroku Rakugo will premiere in January. I'm so fortunate because that falls on the same month as my birthday.
      What a marvelous gift.
      1. Ovyda
        Yeah I saw the great news :D What would you call that? I call it destiny :D
        Aug 6, 2016
      2. Vladnyx
        I'd call that good karma and fortune lol.
        Aug 6, 2016
      3. Ovyda
        Either way I am very excited ^^
        Aug 7, 2016
    4. Supernatural-Knight
      I've now seen 121 eps of Prince of Tennis, and while I enjoy parts of it the show as a whole is a little harder for me to watch now. Not that it is bad by any means but I grow bored of watching the cast play tennis in tournaments. I actually preferred watching them play bowling and billiards, I even enjoyed their training camp that occurred after their matches against Rikkaidai was postponed.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        They can be but I find how Ryoma just levels up mid battle to get boring. I barely even like him, my favourites are Kikumaru, Momoshiro and Fuji, hell even both of the girls rank higher than Echizen.
        Well if you had talked big about Major in the past instead of Prince of Tennis I may have watched it instead. Although it was actually between those two when I started this one.
        Apr 10, 2016
      3. Ovyda
        Can't blame you. Fuji is my favorite character there :D
        Major is definitely better. Great story and character development without going out of common sense abilities. The series cover MC's whole career starting from age 5 up to till he retires and creates a family. Supetb series with many feels moments.
        Apr 11, 2016
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        Fuji is pretty likeable so I can see why he's your favourite. To me he doesn't have enough personality to be the best character though.
        I had no idea that Major was like that, I wish you had talked this one up more so in the past now. I'm finding it a bit hard to finish Prince of Tennis. I like it but I watched 8 eps today and was pretty damn bored afterward.
        Apr 26, 2016
    5. Kaede
      Hewoo! I was wondering if your avatar picture came from an Anime series?
      1. Ovyda
        Hi. It's Jinx from a game called League of Legends.
        Feb 23, 2016
      2. Kaede
        Ahh I see. Cool.
        Feb 23, 2016
    6. Supernatural-Knight
      Thought I'd mention it here since it was important to you in the past, I finally began Prince of Tennis. So far it is good, I'm enjoying it but I'm not finding it amazing just yet. I'll have to report back later when I get through more eps. This will take me some time.
      1. Ovyda likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        As of now I've seen 14 and the recap special ep that comes in after ep 12. Ryoma is one bad arse 12 year old, I think that was what they said his age currently was. hard to believe but I'm okay with that.
        Still a good fun watch.
        Feb 12, 2016
      4. Ovyda
        Well anime is always flawed when it comes to age :D
        Feb 15, 2016
      5. Supernatural-Knight
        Still enjoying Prince of Tennis, I've now watched 53 episodes but I'm still only rating it a 7. I've almost made it a third of the way, but I'm wondering when a match will occur that completely gets me hyped to continue watching.
        Feb 25, 2016
    7. Ovyda
      Wandering around once in a while.
      1. chris pfeffer likes this.
    8. Lince
      Hey Ovyda, I noticed your sig is from Kuroko no Basket. Is that a still from the manga or something? I never saw him playing in the Kuroko no Basket anime series and though I might have missed a few episodes or something.
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  • About

    Mar 17, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Student & Quality Inspector



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