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    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Dungeon Master
May 17, 2013
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    1. Doomguy
      Dear Dungeon Master,
      Your game sux. I got pwned by a level 304 goblin. Goblin is OP, nerf please.
      How do I unlock uber armor? I'm in training level and payed the inn keeper all my gald for information. He also offered to teach me thievery but that skill is stupid and weak. Buff thievery and make it interesting please. Also he say the princess is in another castle. Wat does that mean? Thank you and goodnight.
      1. Dungeon Master
        Dungeon Master
        Hello, Doomguy!

        I'm sorry to hear that you're having so much trouble with the level 304 Gobliterator Raid Boss. You'll be happy to know that he's getting some very hard nerfs in the next patch. His special attack that deals 99% of a player's maximum HP as damage has been reduced significantly, down to 95%. You will also be happy to know that he will only summon 184 mini-boss minions instead of the usual 200.
        Feb 10, 2017
      2. Dungeon Master
        Dungeon Master
        As for the Uber Armor, you're on the right track! If he's offering to teach you thievery, all you have to do now is complete the sidequest "Through the Goblins and Trolls" which is given to you by M'aiq the Liar. Once you complete this quest by killing the Gobliterator Raid Boss, talk to the Innkeeper and he will give you the Uber Armor.
        Feb 10, 2017
      3. Dungeon Master
        Dungeon Master
        Unfortunately, since we're giving the Gobliterator such hard nerfs in this patch, we're also nerfing the Uber Armor. Said armor will be renamed "Noobcake City", its stats will be reduced by half and the custom color scheme is locked on hot pink.

        Have fun beating that boss!

        - Dungeon Master, Harvester of Tears.
        Feb 10, 2017
        Doomguy likes this.
    2. TheOrace
      It's "The Hawk!"
      1. Dungeon Master likes this.
    3. Doomguy
      So after your confession of twisting George Lucas's arm for the inclusion of Jar Jar Binks I was curious so I dug up his recent history of secret meetings. I found this https://youtu.be/bV7PnPnjNYI

      Whatever your secret society is aiming for, know that my own society is keeping tags on it.
      1. Dungeon Master
        Dungeon Master
        In that case, tell your people that they can observe to their hearts content. But you should also let them know that we have highly skilled agents that are willing to do whatever it takes to protect our interests. This is one of our agents in action.


        Don't test us. She will assume her ultimate form.
        Jun 2, 2015
      2. Doomguy
        Mcnuggets are serious business
        Jun 3, 2015
      3. Dungeon Master
        Dungeon Master
        I can't confirm or deny it, but I've heard rumors that the Federation pays her entirely with McNuggets. Serious business, indeed.
        Jun 3, 2015
    4. Sporadic
      Dat some motherfuckin Dwayne Johnson?
      1. Dungeon Master likes this.
      2. Dungeon Master
        Dungeon Master
        You know it. The most electrifying man in sports entertainment, bar none.
        Apr 28, 2015
      3. Sporadic
        Definitely. And he's quickly become my favorite actor. He's so humble and charismatic.
        Apr 29, 2015
    5. BlackHeartedRose
      Thank you for following me, DM.
      1. Dungeon Master likes this.
    6. RenNya
      1. Dungeon Master
        Dungeon Master
        Tell me something I don't know lol.
        Mar 25, 2015
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