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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Last Activity:
Jan 28, 2025
Apr 21, 2013
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Oct 22, 1993 (Age: 31)


Asylum Game Master, Male, 31, from Aus


WOOOO lets go. 3rd highest member for posts here. Last thing to celebrate. Only Spor and Maddy are above me. Yeah Sep 8, 2023

Supernatural-Knight was last seen:
Jan 28, 2025
    1. --The-Rose--
      eht seor si mncigo 5102 ehmo ewste mheo HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
      ear uyo derya?
    2. OtakuSenseiHig
      hey super are you also a kagura lover like me?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. OtakuSenseiHig
        yea sorry about that

        of course it will stay popular they have gintoki all we need to worry about is if they get cancelled for how inappropriate they are
        Nov 15, 2014
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        My god that would be an issue worth reading though. Imagine crossing the limits that badly you get cancelled. I'd definitely read that chapter/s if it did happen. It would be a sad day to see Gintama go but it should be an amazing read.
        Nov 16, 2014
      4. OtakuSenseiHig
        so true
        Nov 19, 2014
    3. VeritasOdiumParit
      Was it you who recommended to watch Ghost Stories?
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Not sure, I liked Ghost Stories dub a lot in the beginning then less as it went on. I rated it a 7, so it may have been me. The one I usually recommend is Ghost Hunt since I loved that show, gave it a 10.
        Oct 29, 2014
    4. Supernatural-Knight
      Spam all of the forum......
    5. Lince
      Happy Birthday Super!
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Thanks Lince.
        Oct 22, 2014
    6. Supernatural-Knight
      Today marks exactly 3 years since I've joined this community, it has been fun. I look forward to what the future of this site brings next.
      1. Sporadic
        Nice! Although I thought you had been around for a lot longer than that. My 3 years will be on May 18th.
        Oct 19, 2014
      2. TheManWithoutAPlan
        Congrats, Knight. :)
        3 years is a long time. I only hope I'll be around for as long. :P
        Oct 19, 2014
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        Nah I joined after I graduated high school, instead of studying as much as I should have for finals, I spent it on the forums chatting to strangers about anime. Worth it.

        3 Years doesn't really feel that long of a time now though, guess I'll have to aim for 5 minimum as the next goal.
        Oct 20, 2014
    7. Supernatural-Knight
      What do you do when you're bored and no one else is responding? Spam the forums of course, lets do this
    8. Metazoxan
      Are you sure you wouldn't be willing to change your vote? I won't pester you about it but I do think yamada deserves to at least win this round.
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        I'll consider it, I really don't like her as a character from what I have seen from clips and heard about the show. She may be an ecchi character but I find it hard to vote for characters I can't stand.
        I have at least 2 hours to change vote so there is still time.
        Jul 13, 2014
    9. ThatRandomGinger
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ThatRandomGinger
        Im slowly developing a taste for them, the sub titles just can't be lighting fast or too tiny where you miss half of the screen just trying to read them
        Jun 26, 2014
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        Yeah I still struggle with some of those, especially the fast dialogue but luckily that isn't too often. I find flashing text to be worse because it is onscreen for a very limited amount of time, the Monogarati franchise is extremely guilty of this.
        Jun 26, 2014
      4. ThatRandomGinger
        Will definitely keep this in mind should i ever start it
        Jun 26, 2014
    10. Supernatural-Knight
      The most active club currently is solely about subbed series on a dubbed focussed website, awesome.
      1. Negi-Springfield likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Nimander
        Oooooh. Sounds like fun.
        Sep 4, 2014
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        I like running the most active club.......
        And talk about a necro post on a status, damn it has been almost 3 months.
        A dub club, that is funny, new releases is where it's at Nim.
        Sep 4, 2014
      5. Nimander
        Almost 3 months... And this status is/was your 'current' status. I randomly check people's status and post sometimes lol(regardless of post age).
        Sep 4, 2014
    11. Metazoxan
      Do you remember who might be good at Rendering images? I was thinking of making an avatar of this
      but I need to render it first. I also need to get the artists permission because I got this from Deviantart but I'm already working on that so while I wait I need to find someone to render it.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Negi-Springfield
        Jun 2, 2014
      3. Metazoxan
        I"m not sure what bluring the edges would even do but it seems fine. I tested it again a black background and it looks like you got rid of all the white rather well. So this should be fine.
        Jun 2, 2014
      4. Negi-Springfield
        Jun 2, 2014
    12. Supernatural-Knight
      Can't wait for clubs to be back, I really enjoy discussing the new releases with you all.
      1. Kiri
        hope to get to moving clubs tonight. Depends if my PC doesn't fail on me.
        May 29, 2014
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    Oct 22, 1993 (Age: 31)


    the end of the forum

    "Nothing else is as boring to tell as a story of successful love"

    My Anime List
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