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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Nov 28, 2013
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Feb 28, 1995 (Age: 29)
Commander of Fire & Lord of Randomness


Trophy Hunter, Male, 29

Well that's.... That's a thing i guess. I blame @Crazy Potato Apr 1, 2017

    1. Mafiacow
      Don't suppose I could tempt you with some good old-fashioned arguments?~
    2. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      havent seen ya around hope all is well?
    3. ThatRandomGinger
    4. ThatRandomGinger
      Send Help.... Too full of.... New Year cabbage..... nap time
    5. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      hey if you get back on skype, let me know Ill add you into the RP chat.
      1. ThatRandomGinger
        Okay! Should be on tonight with the group get together, however I'll be on mobile
        Dec 31, 2016
        Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
      2. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        ok ill add you this evening then :) I will be on as well, just probably be an hour or so after it starts since we are gonna have a drink or two before hand
        Dec 31, 2016
    6. ThatRandomGinger
      After a long time away, I return to the forums
      1. Core
        Welcome back!
        I know I wasn't an active member when you were here long, long ago, but it feels nice seeing someone come back when I did not expect them to return.
        Meant to say that sooner, but I wanted to wait and see if you were just stopping by for a visit or sticking around awhile.
        (Actually, I just kept forgetting to say it.)
        Dec 22, 2016
        ThatRandomGinger likes this.
      2. ThatRandomGinger
        It was nice seeing i still had place here. And while I'm sad seeing some of the old staff and members not here or less active i understand fully, life gets in the way sometimes. I just hope and wait to see if any more would return
        Dec 22, 2016
    7. ThatRandomGinger
      Well After giving my two weeks i threw work into chaos, I won't be back regularly till Feb 9th. I will catch up after that
    8. ThatRandomGinger
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Sounds good, so what are you going to do with it? I hope posting here is at least somewhere near the top of your priorities for it.
        Dec 11, 2014
    9. ThatRandomGinger
      So had tp switch from laptop to desktop till the laptop decides to work again, on the bright side I may not be gone for too long
    10. ThatRandomGinger
      On top off work being shit, my laptop decides to refuse my internet network. Back to using console to get online......
    11. ThatRandomGinger
      Off to the land of the dead for a while again, I hate fucking lazy ass people
    12. Metazoxan
      Hey Random I noticed you said you were an Index fan on the Thanking thread. Do you know where I could find the translated LN for the first series? I recently started getting a bit interested in LN translations because of "The ambition of Oda Nobuna" but Bakatsuki apparently removed all of their translations of it.
      1. ThatRandomGinger
        Yeah BT removes all licensed works as to not run into copy right issues. There is a Raildex mediafire that has all the novels and other Index and Railgun stuff. I'll link the stuff below

        Nov 21, 2014
      2. Metazoxan
        Sweet thanks man. BTW do you know what those ss1 and ss2 volumes are about? there are the 22 normal volumes but them there are side stories and junk and those two SS things and I don't know what those are.
        Nov 21, 2014
      3. ThatRandomGinger
        Think of them as a collection of short stories telling whats all going on. They are plot relevant so i recommend reading them. BT should still have the over in which to read them so there is a plus there. Also I would recommend reading the side stories before starting new testament (second art of series that i on BT) so certain events make more sense
        Nov 21, 2014
    13. ThatRandomGinger
      Now Back from the dead for a while (3 days late of halloween *sigh*) now
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Is this true? You've been MIA for a while now. Are you really "back"?
        Nov 9, 2014
      2. ThatRandomGinger
        If things don't change within the coming week yes i should be.. Have a change in management next week so will be interesting
        Nov 9, 2014
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        Well that is good news [for now] but possibly terrible news as well. Hmm, not sure whether to celebrate or continue waiting to see if things change.
        Nov 9, 2014
    14. ThatRandomGinger
      Back from the dead..... Kinda...... Work still calling me away from time to time
    15. ThatRandomGinger
      Ah good to be Ginger, now if only i had a soul
    16. ThatRandomGinger
      I've gone from punk ginger to albino murder, eh weirder stuff has happened, still miss ginger pic
    17. Nimander
      I shall follow you! Us Index-Railgun fans need to stick together ;)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nimander
        ;) Almost. I'm reading the btoom manga right now too... Glorious stuff that.
        Jul 11, 2014
      3. ThatRandomGinger
        will have to check that out then. Oh one more thing, The English version of index novels (actually licensed) starts in September
        Jul 11, 2014
      4. Nimander
        Oh finally... I want to own them.
        Jul 11, 2014
    18. ThatRandomGinger
    19. Heizengard
      You read Light Novels correct? Have you read "All You Need is Kill"? Was just wondering if it was as good as people say it is.
      1. ThatRandomGinger
        No i haven't read it yet, if Baka-Tsuki has it and if it does I'll read into it. Currently out of stuff to read because of slow translation
        Jun 6, 2014
    20. ThatRandomGinger
      Still getting used to new setup but Ginger be here
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
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  • About

    Feb 28, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Commander of Fire & Lord of Randomness


    "For that child, I can burn the living to death and the dead to ashes, no matter whether it is done in front of her or behind her back. If you no longer have meaning for her I can burn you to nothingness."

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