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    shedninja the sites biggest bug
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Sep 14, 2023
Mar 27, 2013
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May 27, 1993 (Age: 31)
Hueco Mundo


Espada | Anime Dealer, Female, 31, from Hueco Mundo

Laximus was last seen:
Sep 14, 2023
    1. ababyyeti
      Hey Id just like to start off by saying thanks for making the dubbed list as someone that cannt read as well as the next person (im dyslexic) the list helps me keep in the know on animes that i can enjoy but, is everything alright you havent been online since Dec.
    2. rem
      Thank you for all your hard work.
    3. w133prb
      Hi just found you can view profiles, I had it in my mind you were a guy.
    4. Crazyanime
      Is every thing going to be OK with the site? Y'all been falling behind with the updates more then usual. Just wounding because I really love the site and I use it on a day to day bases to stay in touch with all the dub Animes.
    5. Crazyanime
      Do you have any ideal when there will be more episodes of once piece in dub
    6. Russell Starner
      Russell Starner
      1. Laximus
        Sorry for the delay on this, you should be able to download the videos now!
        Sep 26, 2018
    7. Negi-Springfield
      Today is diet coke's anniversary. God why hast thou forsaken us?

      I have some drains in dire need of it.
      1. Laximus
        NOOOOOO we must enjoy this holy day of days!! Thou must avoid all drains!
        Jul 8, 2018
      2. Negi-Springfield
        I'm never going to remember to wish you a happy birthday (halpy belated birthday), but on the day Diet Coke was released, I'll remember to tell you to pour it down the drain.
        Jul 28, 2018
      3. Negi-Springfield
        Time for this yearly reminder to pour it down the drain.
        Jul 8, 2019
    8. Dylanar
      Happy Birthday, may your day be a good one, Lax.
      1. Laximus
        Thank you! :)
        May 30, 2018
        w133prb and Dylanar like this.
    9. OtakuSenseiHig
      prob wont remember to check later so, happy birthday
      1. Laximus
        Thank you! :)
        May 27, 2018
        w133prb likes this.
    10. Crazyanime
      hey why hasnt the anime been updated yet
      1. Laximus
        We've hit a slight roadblock with anime being updated. Everything should be working again soon, please be patient with us in the mean time.
        May 12, 2018
        w133prb likes this.
      2. Crazyanime
        ok thank you
        May 13, 2018
    11. Toms Antony
      Toms Antony
      When naruto shippuden episode 431 - 444 dubbed release
      1. Laximus
        They should be updated now, we're sorry for the inconvenience.
        May 12, 2018
    12. Wongton201
      It seems 151 is another copy of 149 as well
      1. Laximus
        It might be that some episodes were one hour long specials. So, I think, episodes 133-134 were combined to one episode and then continued on. There's a total of 167 Inuyasha episodes and we have 166. This might be the case.
        Apr 11, 2018
    13. Wongton201
      Sorry to bother you but something funky is up with download links for Inuyasha. Episode 134 and 135 go to a couple different episodes both named 134. Then every link above go to a episode lower then the link says till episode 142 which is back to normal but that means there is no episode 141.
    14. Samet Chan
      Samet Chan
      Hey laximus, Do you play Tomb Raider game?
      1. Laximus
        I've played every Tomb Raider. It is my all time favorite video game.
        Mar 30, 2018
        w133prb and Samet Chan like this.
      2. Samet Chan
        Samet Chan
        Ah, Also I've played PS1 on Tomb Raider II and III back in 2003, I was childhood xD. It is very young 3 age ^^" Then Tomb Raider on PS2 and Xbox 360 too. Then played Tomb Raider in 2013 for PS3. It is all story completed. Also watched a movie too. I've heard new a movie 2018. I will watch streaming online, without cinema.
        Mar 30, 2018
    15. Russell Starner
      Russell Starner
      I found that AH! My Goddess EP 19 has sub--titles. The others do not. Is this normal? Can it be updated again with no sub-titles?
      1. Laximus
        Of course it can be changed! All set now :)
        Aug 29, 2017
    16. darkkarasu
      Hey, ya gloriously gorgeous savage! The insane progress you've been making! I thank you, good sir! :)
      And I hope you enjoy this horrendous day! ^.^
      1. Laximus
        Thank you! I've been trying my best between my job and personal life to get those downloads done as fast as possible. Also, I am a lady ;P
        Jul 24, 2017
        darkkarasu likes this.
      2. darkkarasu
        Jul 24, 2017
    17. Vladnyx
      Say would you like or need any help with moving the download section? I've got the weekend off and got nothing better to do so perhaps I could lend some assistance. PM me and let me know if there is anything that I can do alright.
    18. akhil
      hello.iam akhil from india
    19. Negi-Springfield
      35 years ago today, the drain's favourite drink was invented, thought I should remind you so you can celebrate.
      1. Laximus
        Already celebrating my friend! But of course it will never go down the drain! ;)
        Jul 8, 2017
    20. Vladnyx
      Just wanted to say thank you for uploading Castlevania. Now if only I had the time to actually watch it.
      1. Laximus
        No problem! I really wish they made it longer then 4 episodes. I know the second season will be 8 episodes long but still it was enjoyable to watch.
        Jul 8, 2017
      2. Vladnyx
        Only 4 episodes... well at least the next season will prove to be longer. Nice to know you found it enjoyable. Iv'e yet to watch it. Maybe I'll finish it come next week.
        Jul 8, 2017
        Laximus likes this.
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    May 27, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Hueco Mundo