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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
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Oct 28, 2023
Apr 28, 2013
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Jul 15, 1996 (Age: 28)
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Trophy Hunter, 28, from Canada

Negi-Springfield was last seen:
Oct 28, 2023
    1. shedninja
      Old asylum game giving it life
    2. Supernatural-Knight
      Please tell me you are at least watching 3 Gatsu no Lion. The newest ep....That ending.
      I am getting so absorbed into this series once again. Although I would like more family focus.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Negi-Springfield
        Omfg that ending, my eyes welled up.

        I'm procrastinating a bit on my assignment, but the next episode is already there, so no wait.
        Nov 4, 2017
      3. Negi-Springfield
        Hina is the best. I probably would not have intervened had I been in that situation.
        Nov 4, 2017
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        You know, I actually did too. But even if it didn't ep 4 broke me.
        And I completely agree, Hina is amazing. I have no idea what I could have done in that situation. But I feel so bad for her, I wanted Rei to hug her for us. What a great episode. This is the content I wanted, family stuff.
        Nov 5, 2017
    3. Supernatural-Knight
      How bout that UQ Holder episode huh? Well I didn't actually watch it, I am more waiting for a fan of the franchise to tell me about how good it is *cough*. I've got enough I want to watch this season already.
      1. Negi-Springfield
        You know what I have been procrastinating about for the past five-six years? Read the last five volumes of Negima and begin UQ Holder (all of which I own).

        So yeah, I'll let you know when I know.
        Oct 3, 2017
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        But if the only person that I know that even likes Negima isn't able to give me an opinion who can I possibly ask then? I've seen that it too has a dose of fan service so that is a negative.
        Oct 5, 2017
    4. Samet Chan
      Samet Chan
      Happy Birthday!
      1. Negi-Springfield likes this.
      2. Negi-Springfield
        Thank you!
        Jul 15, 2017
        Samet Chan likes this.
    5. Supernatural-Knight
      Reason for Friend request "we went to elementary school together", seems legit. You know I think I remember that. Yeah I was that awkward kid that couldn't speak a word of French.
      1. Negi-Springfield
        Sounds like me, except, I was the kid who couldn't speak English despite going to English school.

        Thought I might as well reveal my true identity while sending that request.
        Jun 17, 2017
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        I always thought that was you, those were the good old days.

        You mean something like that wasn't even my final form?
        Jun 17, 2017
    6. Supernatural-Knight
      Negi, oi Nega. 3-Gatsu no Lion is getting a second season starting in October this year. What did I tell you? I had faith that Shaft wouldn't let us down here.
      1. Negi-Springfield likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Negi-Springfield
        I'll reply someday I swear!

        Worst thing is, there was a bomb threat two weeks ago at my school, so my midterms keep getting pushed back, I'll murder someone if it gets delayed any more.
        Mar 19, 2017
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        If it makes you feel any better, October is my Spring so.... I knew you'd be happy though considering how you were worries with the episode count.

        Sounds like you're enjoying yourself in this blizzard. But don't you think that if you kill someone that it'll push them back even further?
        Mar 20, 2017
      5. Negi-Springfield
        I'll reply on the thread.


        There's light snow, but no snowstorm. No bomb threat so far, there is hope I do my test today.
        Mar 22, 2017
    7. Supernatural-Knight
      You know, I just realised I never followed you. Here have a follow. Even though I don't do anything with this feature in the first place.
      1. Negi-Springfield
        Thanks. And here I thought I had annoyed you with all the Natsuyuki talk. Don't forget to vote for the OTP.
        But yeah, when I saw you had followed my I went to your profile and was about to say something about being four years late.
        Is there even any purpose to the following feature?
        Feb 6, 2017
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        Huh, annoyed? Don't be silly, just because it was mediocre....
        Four years late, well screw you. I'm going to unfollow you right now for that. See you in 4 years time.
        Honestly not sure. I know that you can see what they post on easier by clicking something. But I click every thread already so it is useless for me.
        Feb 6, 2017
      3. Negi-Springfield
        I wanted to say Natsuyuki built the genre, but then I checked when it was written and it barely just came out. Still, I gave it a solid 6/10.
        The wait was about the same as that between rounds of Guess that Anime Opening/Ending.
        Yeah, considering I follow less than 1/4 of the active users, I'd see nothing if I relied on their activities to keep myself up to date.
        Feb 7, 2017
    8. Timekeeper
      Mate, does Nagi no Asakura get any better from here? I'm on episode 19 and it's becoming annoyingly soap operaish
      1. Negi-Springfield
        Probably not, I'm a sucker for drama, so that's why it is one of my favourites.

        I'm not 100% sure where episode 19 is, but if it's not your cup of tea, the style won't really change.
        Jul 17, 2016
      2. Timekeeper
        Well the series as a whole isn't horrible. I've seen much worse

        But it seems it's shifted from "how do we prevent the winter holocaust from killing us all" to "how does X feel about me?"
        Jul 17, 2016
    9. Timekeeper
      Happy birthday mate :)
      1. Negi-Springfield likes this.
      2. Negi-Springfield
        Thank you!
        Jul 17, 2016
    10. Vladnyx
      Happy Birthday Negi!
      1. Negi-Springfield likes this.
      2. Negi-Springfield
        Thanks, you're the first!
        Jul 14, 2016
    11. Batosai
      I'm updating the elimination games hall of fame right now, you posted a picture of Jack Rakan for that, but the link doesn't work anymore. Idk if you can still find that picture, if you still want it up there. I'm gonna put one from MAL for now, but i can always change it if you have a better one.
      1. Negi-Springfield
        I'll try to remember about this tomorrow! (Today in your case)
        Jul 3, 2016
      2. Negi-Springfield
        Jul 7, 2016
      3. Batosai
        I made it a little smaller but it's up there.
        Jul 8, 2016
    12. Kaede
      I was an idiot... Didn't notice your user name is an anime name. :D
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kaede
        I haven't looked at the elimination games in a while.
        I honestly thought it had something to do with the Simpsons. I have no idea why.
        Jun 12, 2016
      3. Negi-Springfield
        It's probably because the family lives in the town of Springfield
        Jun 12, 2016
      4. Kaede
        Possibly... I've only seen The Simpsons a few times so I don't remember.
        Jun 12, 2016
    13. Supernatural-Knight
      Yo Negi, I saw that you caught up with Boku Dake ga Inai Machi. Without spoiling anything for those not watching, how good are you finding it?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Negi-Springfield
        Any recommendations for next season?
        Mar 25, 2016
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        I've seen it a few times over the years, but I haven't watched it in a few either. I have the DVD....
        Yay for watching more anime than usual.

        Erased was still great, I gave it a 10 because I couldn't really fault it. some things I didn't like but screw it.
        Mar 28, 2016
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        It is hard to recommend stuff for the new season without having watched any of them yet myself. There are a few I'm looking forward to, but they could be bad. Time will tell as they start airing next week.
        I'll have to post something in my club soon.
        Mar 28, 2016
    14. Supernatural-Knight
      I thought the dub for Witch Hunter Robin was good. Although I should mention that I watched it before I started watching everything subbed so maybe if I rewatch it now it won't be as great, who knows? I did really like it, rated it a 10, watched it a few times and even have it on DVD but I've never checked out the sub.
    15. VeritasOdiumParit
      Hey Negi, I was just wondering, what manga/anime is your avatar from? And what is this from? http://i.imgur.com/49hTvzu.png They look pretty cool. So just wanted to know.
      1. Negi-Springfield likes this.
      2. Negi-Springfield
        They are both from Negima!
        The anime has nothing to do with the manga, but the manga is great (it's my favourite).
        I recommend it (though it really gets good from volume six onwards).

        You should give it a try, but don't judge it too fast.
        It's not a harem.
        Nov 15, 2014
    16. Supernatural-Knight
      Yo Negi I saw that you said it was your birthday, Happy Birthday and enjoy it.
      Sorry if this is late, this forum seems to have a completely shit birthday reminder system, I barely see anyones birthdays come up now.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        There is but it is crap. I'm not sure if a reminder goes out to your followers, but from what I've seen they are shown on one of the tabs in the member drop down list. I don't even remember which option brings them up, if there isn't a birthday there is no sign of this extra box.

        Same goes for the new members, they are only shown on the registered member page.
        Jul 15, 2014
      3. Negi-Springfield
        Oh, that's why I didn't see it.
        You were on time btw.

        Isn't the latest registered member on the main page of the forum though?
        Jul 16, 2014
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        That is why, I've only noticed it being 2 members birthdays without bringing it up themselves [and these were basically inactive accounts so who cares]
        Oh cool, I could have sworn I was late but I'm glad I made it on time.

        That is the absolute most recent so it is better but in one of the member area tabs there is a list of the 10 newest members.
        Jul 17, 2014
    17. Metazoxan
      I tried a quick attempt at making an avatar with that render.
      I found a background image that works really well with this render. So what do you think? Should I have left the flame completely in or should I erase what little is left in the avatar? Did I crop away too much of his body or did I not crop enough?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Negi-Springfield
        Yeah, I prefer this one over the previous one.
        Jun 2, 2014
      3. Negi-Springfield
        Good thing you saved that avatar, for when you wanted to switch from the gif lol
        Jul 3, 2016
      4. Metazoxan
        I ended up not using it on this site at all. Although is is my Google+ Avatar.
        Jul 3, 2016
    18. Heizengard
      Posted the song. Not sure if you can tag on this now so that's why I'm telling you like this :P
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    Jul 15, 1996 (Age: 28)
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