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    shedninja the sites biggest bug
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Oct 1, 2024
Apr 21, 2013
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Oct 22, 1993 (Age: 30)


Asylum Game Master, Male, 30, from Aus


WOOOO lets go. 3rd highest member for posts here. Last thing to celebrate. Only Spor and Maddy are above me. Yeah Sep 8, 2023

Supernatural-Knight was last seen:
Oct 1, 2024
    1. AngeloDaniele
      Good God you've 10x the number of anime I have *bow*
      1. View previous comments...
      2. AngeloDaniele
        I see, why do you dislike games?
        Aug 7, 2017
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        Don't know, I just grow bored of them so very quickly before I finish the story mode. I don't like the competitive part of them either.
        Aug 7, 2017
      4. AngeloDaniele
        I never was a fan of the PvP aspect in games either I prefer the old fashioned coop rpg type games, but there hard to find these days.

        Anyway I honestly don't play too many games myself so I'm not biased to any particular game. All I can say is that maybe it would be worth having a look around online or on YouTube (I know there the same thing but YKWIM) to see if you find something that grabs you.
        Aug 7, 2017
    2. Supernatural-Knight
      I'm starting to get into some romance anime, guys I think I'm sick. This is the end for me.
      1. Negi-Springfield likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        I want to say no. Maybe I've just seen too much of everything else that romance is all that is left.
        Or maybe it is just that this series is comical enough for me to enjoy. Who knows?
        Jul 31, 2017
      4. Negi-Springfield
        Good, maybe next year you won't get a shit taste award.
        Jul 31, 2017
      5. Supernatural-Knight
        If anything won't I get a higher rank for liking this shit? But what if I wanted the award since it is so prestigious?
        Jul 31, 2017
    3. Sir-Maddy
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        How could I possibly enjoy that trash? The show was absolutely horrible. Sure that was from when it had potential in the very beginning but ugh....
        Why did you have to remind me of that show?
        Jul 30, 2017
      2. Sir-Maddy
        Y-You see the joke is I can't defend this because my ears are bleeding
        Jul 30, 2017
    4. darkkarasu
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Nice balloons there. I should get a few for future events.
        Jul 25, 2017
        darkkarasu likes this.
      2. darkkarasu
        Ops, That first one was a mistaken link... But at least you enjoyed it.
        Jul 25, 2017
    5. Mafiacow
      So this place has an actual friends thing now?
      1. Noobs
        it does now and i was a reigning champion for a while of not having friends. xD
        Jul 4, 2017
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        Yeah, now we do. It was introduced halfway through last month.
        Not much of a difference from following but I thought I'll have my lists match for reasons.
        Jul 4, 2017
      3. Kaede
        It's strange having this change but I better get used to it. XD
        Jul 4, 2017
    6. Sir-Maddy
      Yo why the fuck does Symphogear have 5 seasons again?
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Because they know that idiots like you will continue watching it for as long as it continues.
        Completely garbage show, I can't believe it got a 2nd season in the first place.
        Jun 28, 2017
      2. Sir-Maddy
        Excuse me I haven't even completed GX. I'll pick it up again when mai seiyufu gets announced in the 5th season.
        Jun 28, 2017
    7. Sir-Maddy
      She's back baby.
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Guess who's back, back again.

        You must be so happy, although I think it would have been more fun watching you squirm if she didn't get a part. Aren't they supporting roles?
        Jun 22, 2017
      2. Sir-Maddy
        Fate is supporting but an important character. Jojo's is main.

        I may have jinxed it though. Also Fate was long overdue tbh, Jojo's I didn't even consider.
        Jun 22, 2017
    8. Sir-Maddy
      Tari Tari was mediocre at best and the Seiyuu cast was absolute shit
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Of course it was, and because everyone thought it was going to be trash it made it fun. We garbage collectors like to pick up trash after all.
        Jun 18, 2017
      2. Sir-Maddy
        I know, it's why you pick up every short. Just like how I pick up every Fate series.
        Jun 18, 2017
    9. Sir-Maddy
      Rainbow is still terrible.
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Coming from you, that doesn't mean much
        Jun 15, 2017
    10. Sir-Maddy
      Get a cover. It'll make your profile easier to handle.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        You want more spice? What if I'm too hot to handle after that?
        Jun 14, 2017
      3. Sir-Maddy
        Please, no one is as spicy as me.
        Jun 14, 2017
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        Please, your not spicy but toxic. There is no comparison.
        Jun 15, 2017
    11. Samet Chan
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Well hello again. The live action huh? I'm not sure if I'm going to watch it. I kind of want to but live actions have a bad reputation.
        Some of the cast doesn't look too bad though.
        May 29, 2017
    12. Sir-Maddy
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sir-Maddy
        It was that Skirt Anime.
        May 25, 2017
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        What a trashy treat for me, oh boy am I happy about it. Watch it with us
        May 25, 2017
      4. Sir-Maddy
        No, unlike you I don't dedicate time to shitty shorts.
        May 25, 2017
    13. Sir-Maddy
      Oi you and me should apply for First Dates that airs on Channel Seven and see if we get each other.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sir-Maddy
        It sounds like a great idea fam.
        May 19, 2017
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        They wouldn't be able to keep up with our shit talking. The ratings would plummet and we'd end up calling all the viewers losers anyway.
        This episode practically writes itself.
        May 20, 2017
      4. Sir-Maddy
        Don't worry I'll shill and say it's the best episode.
        May 20, 2017
    14. kaylentine
      I can't tell if its too late to reply to the LL stuff on my profile but I wanted to say hello. What are you watching this season?
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        By all means respond, I'll see the alerts and post back. Anything to keep you two popping back in from time to time.
        Also hello.
        A lot of stuff, like always. Not sure on any favourites I'd brag about yet though. Nothing is really standing out, not even Shingeki 2 really as it is just good currently.
        What about you?
        May 1, 2017
    15. Metazoxan
      hey Super. Are you watching Re: Creators?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        So I ugh, caught up to it in one sitting. I have to agree it has a very interesting premise. Nice animation and the comedy doesn't hurt. All the logic chatter doesn't help much but I have enjoyed the fights and the general interaction with the current creators.
        Not too bad of a recommendation. 22 eps, we are in for a long run.
        Apr 30, 2017
      3. Metazoxan
        I think the logic chatter will die down eventually. It's just the show has to establish a lot of concepts to show what is going on. why it's going on, and the motivations of the people involved. But I have to say even the dialogue heavy parts weren't bad IMO as what they were talking about was legitimately interesting. It wasn't just talking for the sake of talking.
        May 1, 2017
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        I have to completely agree with you, it is necessary. I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm not disliking all that talking but while interesting I've had enough of it for now... Something more along those lines. World building is going to be very important here, let's see how it progresses from here.
        I am a little concerned considering how good Aldnoah Zero 1 was, for S2 to go so bad in comparison.
        May 2, 2017
    16. Batosai
      Hey, you don't wanna nominate anyone for Animals of April? I wanted to ask you before allowing 3rd and 4th nominees.
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Hmm I'm not sure who to nominate. Most of the ones I'd want to nominate are already there. I'll have to have a bit more of a think. If anything comes to mind I'll add it later if there are still slots.
        Mar 27, 2017
      2. Batosai
        Okay. If there's a character i nominated you can have it if you want. Maybe i'll find a new character and i rather have other people than myself as host nominating you know. I guess Sadaharu was one you wanted :p
        Mar 28, 2017
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        If a character is nominated, I don't think it matters who nominated it.
        Sadaharu would have been one, but he's in it so I don't care.
        Mar 28, 2017
    17. Supernatural-Knight
      Spam all of the forum.
    18. Doomguy
      From today onward, I give you back all your titles and ranks and upgrade you to Mythological-Champion
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Negi-Springfield
        I've honestly asked a few people to change you name to that during April's Fool day.
        Mar 16, 2017
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        You know, I actually saw that. Crazy shared a screen shot of your question the other day. I laughed. You're definitely trying your best aren't you.
        Mar 20, 2017
      4. Negi-Springfield
        Was that in the staff forum? I didn't see that thread. So much for discretion @Crazy Potato

        But yeah, I figured if I wanted the nickname to stick, the best method would be to make everyone see you wear it if only for a day.
        Mar 20, 2017
    19. Kaede
      GINTAMA may be getting a live action. I know you ain't fond of Live Actions, but I thought I'd inform you if you didn't already know.
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Thanks for telling me, but I did already know. I've known for a long time now, it is actually an adaptation of the first serious arc in Gintama which received its own anime recap movie version already.
        I may watch it because Gintama, if it isn't received terribly.
        Mar 7, 2017
    20. Negi-Springfield
      I just watched the first season of Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju.

      It's surprisingly good (I watched the whole thing within a day)! I didn't expect that from a recent show I had never heard of!

      My favourite part was when I read the synopsis about a guy getting out of jail as a main character, and then we never see him besides for the first and last episodes.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Negi-Springfield
        You know me, I always reply promptly.

        I finished the series, the ending was good, but I didn't like what they did with the kids (and it saddens me that they implied Yakumo was Shin-chan's father)
        Apr 7, 2017
      3. Negi-Springfield
        I always saw Konatsu and Yakumo as father and daughter and implying that they had an affair just doesn't sit well with me.
        Apr 7, 2017
      4. Negi-Springfield
        However, I really liked the second last episode that they spent in purgatory.

        I rejoiced at seeing everyone meet again and do Rakugo, still friends as if nothing ever happened. I was glad Konatsu got to see Sukeroku do his Rakugo.
        Apr 7, 2017
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    Oct 22, 1993 (Age: 30)


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    "Nothing else is as boring to tell as a story of successful love"

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