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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Last Activity:
Aug 28, 2018
Sep 26, 2015
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Jan 20, 1990 (Age: 34)
Ulysses, Pennsylvania


Everyone is the main character of their own life., Male, 34, from Ulysses, Pennsylvania

Just got my new 1080Ti graphics card installed. It's a champ Jul 29, 2017

Vladnyx was last seen:
Aug 28, 2018
    1. shedninja
      : :pokes :: hey there
    2. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      Heya haven’t seen you around in a bit. Hope all is well.
    3. Supernatural-Knight
      You know, I've really missed seeing your news spamming session overnight. I leaves me with so much to look through, I enjoy that.
      Welcome back.
      1. Vladnyx
        Thank you, I've just been dealing with a lot. I'll get some News posted tonight for ya if I'm not stuck in the shop with my car for ever
        Oct 3, 2017
    4. Vladnyx
      Just got my new 1080Ti graphics card installed. It's a champ
    5. Rian Bolton
      Rian Bolton
      id say I'm a lucky man sins my office is my home my simpetys on the overtime
      1. Vladnyx likes this.
    6. Vladnyx
      I'm officially back after a long and gruesome amount of overtime at my workplace. Look forward to the latest Anime News.
      1. Rian Bolton likes this.
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        Oh Vladnyx welcome back, I see that you haven't worked yourself to death. Well done surviving that ungodly workload.

        ......can't believe that I still haven't responded to your PM though
        Jul 17, 2017
      3. Vladnyx
        Yup I didn't kill over somehow or another. Many times where I felt like I would though. Maybe in my late 40's or early 50's I'd be singing a different tune altogether. Thank heavens I still got that young blood. And yeah don't fret over not responding to my PM. It's all good.
        Jul 18, 2017
    7. Negi-Springfield
      When you mentioned ten inches of snow this morning, I thought "sucks to be you", but it hit Canada late this afternoon.

      I take the train because it's not affected by weather... We were parked 30minutes, couldn't 20ft ahead. I don't mind snowstorms, but Blizzards are the worst.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Negi-Springfield
        I just hope I'll be able to get out of my driveway tomorrow, it's slanted towards my house, so there's really no telling.
        Mar 14, 2017
      3. Negi-Springfield
        Mar 15, 2017
      4. Vladnyx
        Yeah... you somehow got it worse than me over the course of the night. I got a lot of snow but not that much.
        Mar 15, 2017
    8. Supernatural-Knight
      I haven't watched any of the classic anime from that site yet. I've got plenty of time tomorrow so I'll probably give some a look over then. We have plenty of time though, end of 2017 is a bit of time away.
      I think I know what I'll do to pass some time until the next season.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        You still haven't started the winter anime? Good luck.
        I haven't had a massive plan to watch in a while. The most I've done was 40 something in a season. I regretted it and had no time for other anime. Now I don't feel I have to watch everything that comes out.
        Feb 27, 2017
      3. Vladnyx
        Yea, admittedly as much as it pains me to say I have just begun watching the Winter Season. I actually have this weekend off so I'm gonna be watching like a fool. Got to get caught up.
        Feb 27, 2017
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        Have fun with that. What series will come first? There weren't too many must watch this season for me apart from 2nd seasons.
        Feb 28, 2017
    9. Vladnyx
      On my new phone. Once I get more used to it except to see me more often. Just a couple hours of work left to go!
    10. Kaede
      Hewoo Vladnyx, I was wondering, if you come across any Platinum End news, could you tag mii in them pweeeeeeeeease? I haven't been lazy, I have been checking in on the manga release. I think I did hear another volume was coming out in march and August.
      1. Vladnyx
        I'll see what I can do.
        Feb 10, 2017
      2. Kaede
        Only if you come across it.... But thank you.
        Feb 10, 2017
    11. Dylanar
      Happy Birthday, my dear sire!
      1. Vladnyx
        Thank you for the Birthday wishes Dylanar.
        Jan 20, 2017
        Dylanar likes this.
    12. Samet Chan
      Samet Chan
      Hugs you right.
    13. Samet Chan
      Samet Chan
      This is picture anime name called キュラソー コナン
    14. Ddos_Dragon
      It's beautiful..

      The Rainbow to beat all Rainbows.
      1. Vladnyx
        You can thank Crazy Potato for that :P
        Nov 19, 2016
      2. Ddos_Dragon
        Nov 19, 2016
    15. Kaede
      You're glowing!!!!? Haha! Oh, Hewoo, I forgot that in the commotion. :D
      1. Vladnyx
        I didn't even notice until I saw & read your message. Crazy Potato playing a joke on Ella and me.
        Nov 18, 2016
      2. Kaede
        Haha! I wondered what was going on...
        Nov 18, 2016
    16. Supernatural-Knight
      Well that took longer than expected, but I finally finished Wangan and I gave it a 5. I lost most of my interest after episode 10 as characters were introduced as important then disappeared, and talk about a LOT of car specifics. I was completely lost whenever they spoke about tuning.
      In the end I got another car race which I was longing for, but it was too late, the damage was done.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Vladnyx
        As per the tuning I personally enjoyed the aspect due to having a understanding behind it & learning more. To somebody less knowledgeable pertaining to tuning your left dumbfounded. nonetheless I get what your trying to say and I don't fault you for it. Totally understandable you feel this way walking away from it.
        Nov 15, 2016
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        Nah it wasn't that bad, just hard for me to stay interested in. I just needed a break before finishing it, so I watched Genshiken instead then 30 eps later I went back to it.
        Too bad Akio as a character didn't exactly develop, instead he stopped working on his car. I expected to see him become aim more towards becoming a pro tuner as well.
        Nov 16, 2016
      4. Supernatural-Knight
        I wouldn't have minded talk about tuning if it weren't the key point of so many episodes. We all understand trial and error, but focussing on all of the testing as well as time skipping wasn't the best method I thought. I wish the races lasted longer as well, too quick and only the drivers themselves knew who the winner was.
        Nov 16, 2016
    17. Supernatural-Knight
      I forgot to tell you, I started Wangan Midnight the other week. So far I've seen 11 eps and it isn't bad. Of course Initial D was better. It is a bit too much about tuning the cars and not enough about the characters or racing even. I have bare minimum knowledge about cars so it makes understanding it a lot harder. Even still I'll probably rate it a 6 at the lowest.
      1. Vladnyx
        Was wondering if you would ever get around to watching it. Your about half way through it. I'll agree your right as it isn't so much about the characters as it is tuning the cars. Some of the character interactions, background, and history is what draws the emphasis. Just builds the tension a little and help ties things together.
        Oct 18, 2016
      2. Vladnyx
        From a standpoint where one has minimum knowledge about cars it's a bit difficult to grasp and come to a understanding on what their doing to these cars to make them so bloody fast. Even with it being difficult I felt the subs (at least the one I watched) gave a good explanation in which I could understand things. When you do finish the show let me know your final thoughts.
        Oct 18, 2016
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        I didn't plan on starting it, I just got bored of Oreimo and needed something else. I'd prefer if the characters had more personality or something, everyone just drives and that is it. Initial D just had so much more for me.
        I don't even drive, so car stuff is way above me. But will do when I finish it.
        Oct 18, 2016
    18. Batosai
      Could you start the next match? Idk when i'll be home.
      1. Vladnyx
        Sorry I was busy most of the day yesterday so I didn't get to it. Still see you managed to start the next match though.
        Aug 29, 2016
      2. Batosai
        Eventually haha.
        Aug 29, 2016
    19. Batosai
      Can you change the round today? This is the only time i can get on a computer untill like 11 pm my time. Also, you suggested doing 2 elimination games in one month, but what about i do the elim game and you do the bracket prediction game?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Batosai
        Great. For the bracket prediction game (Spor used to do these), you have to make the bracket with all match ups in it, you've done that before in July i think. You create a thread for it, post the bracket and people can fill it in with predictions of match outcomes all the way to the final match.
        Aug 7, 2016
      3. Batosai
        Eventually we will have a winner for the person with the most accurate bracket. There are old threads which you can use as examples somewhere in the elimination section. You could like update the standings after every match with who got it right and who got it wrong or after every round.
        Aug 7, 2016
      4. Batosai
        This would also give people another reason to vote for a character. Maybe not the most fair way to vote, but a reason nonetheless. It can boost the activity.
        Aug 7, 2016
    20. Batosai
      I see you're back to posting. How are you doing now?
      1. Vladnyx
        Ah I'm doing better so thanks for asking. Iv'e still got a lot of posting to do, but honestly don't feel like it at the moment. I will get it done though. Catching up on anime right now. Just relaxing and taking it easy for a while.
        Aug 5, 2016
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  • About

    Jan 20, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Ulysses, Pennsylvania


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