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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
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Oct 13, 2019
Apr 20, 2013
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Feb 3, 1991 (Age: 33)


Manslayer, Male, 33, from Netherlands

Batosai was last seen:
Oct 13, 2019
    1. Heizengard
      Finally, someone else who has seen the awesomeness that is Sengoku Basara
      1. Batosai
        Lol. I finally got to watching it and i'm happy i did. Indeed awesome show.
        Jul 17, 2016
        Heizengard likes this.
    2. Vladnyx
      Sorry, but I went ahead and called and begun the next match.
      1. Batosai
        No problem. I was playing a game and writing the new match up at the same time so it took me quite long, then noticed you already did it. As long as one of us does it it's fine.
        Jul 16, 2016
        Vladnyx likes this.
    3. Negi-Springfield
      I won't be able to defend my nominee on time tomorrow, could you please post this?

      Ayanami is a military strategist responsible for the destruction of half of the world and the enslavement of those people. He is the reincarnation of the god of death, a vile, insane entity which seeks to destroy the church and its affiliates.
      1. Negi-Springfield
        He killed MC's father, then years later his adoptive father, and yet later he used MC as a slave because MC has the key to unlocking his immortality.
        Jul 12, 2016
      2. Batosai
        Jul 13, 2016
    4. BlackHeartedRose
      Hello, I haven't talked to you since last year. How's it going? :D
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BlackHeartedRose
        So far I have two books for sale, but the short story one I have to edit. My main one Aidan is available on Nook, Kindle, Createspace, and Amazon.

        Lol that's true.
        Apr 29, 2016
      3. Batosai
        I see. That's pretty cool i guess.
        Apr 30, 2016
      4. BlackHeartedRose
        Yup! I'm happy. I was able to hold my book in paperback!
        Apr 30, 2016
    5. Timekeeper
      1. Batosai
        Moo? :)
        Mar 29, 2016
    6. Supernatural-Knight
      Hey Bato, been a while, how's things? Still loving Gintama ?
      I've been watching D Gray Man, currently I'm about halfway through it, it isn't bad but I'm not enjoying it as much as I had hoped.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        The development of the characters was especially great for Baby Steps, it was done better than a few of the other sports series including Diamond no Ace. I could go for more of this series now too.

        D Gray Man will return this year, apart from that there isn't too much info for it yet.
        Feb 25, 2016
      3. Batosai
        It wasn't what you'd call emotional, but at the end of the arc, Gin turned back into a human, but the other human cat who protected all stray cats couldn't turn back. In the last scene of the arc you seen Gintoki walk through the street, like you see him do all the time, you see all these stray cats, which you never see in normal eps, Gin and the cat pass eachother, you hear someone yell
        Mar 3, 2016
      4. Batosai
        ''watch where you're pissing you damn cat'', Gintoki looks behind him and it says ''thanks pal''. That moment got me i guess.
        I also really liked the background story of that cat.

        MAL users say it's a sequel, but what i'm really hating is that every character has a different VA and they have different music.
        Mar 3, 2016
    7. Supernatural-Knight
      If it were only active members then it'd only be 5 people big so you're fine. About those, I'll try and get to one by the end of the month but no promises. It was just interesting to learn.
      Kamui, I liked whenever he turned up, I thought you'd like him too. Most of the funny eps end weirdly, have you seen the screw driver eps yet?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Batosai
        I didnt officially rewatch it though. Just a couple of minutes with Zura typing.

        It wasn't bad, just the typical shounen things were all there and it took too long. I lost my attention a couple of times. Good story though and the fight between Gintoki and Hosen was good.
        Jul 5, 2015
      3. Batosai
        True. It felt like i was exaggerating while saying it, but didn't find the right words for it. This is exactly what they said in the eps. Hosen being so long underground, away from the sun, it became fatal for him. I loved the plan the mother came up with to open the roof.
        Jul 5, 2015
      4. Batosai
        They have done an ep where Shinpachi and Kagura wanted to get stronger and everyone attempted to help them. In the end the ep was about a bear and a fitness instructor. Fucking hilarious........
        Now currently Hijikata and Okita are captured by someone whos playing a game with the shinsengumi. They have to let one of the 2 die and try to save the rest of the crew from a bomb. So far great humour once again.
        Jul 5, 2015
    8. Supernatural-Knight
      I didn't notice that you had stopped watching even Naruto and Kuroko, that is a bit surprising. Although in favour for more Gintama, I approve. Gintama is ongoing as well so you are watching a new release you just haven't caught up to it yet. Why would I remove you from the group? Vote for what sounds the most interesting.
    9. BlackHeartedRose
      Hello :D
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BlackHeartedRose
        Yeah, that's not good. D:
        Apr 21, 2015
      3. Batosai
        It's been very troublesome cuz many people who used to watch anime at JustDubs.net, like you, thought that was the real site, you know. That's why i said it's good you found us and not them :p
        Apr 21, 2015
      4. BlackHeartedRose
        Yeah, I've seen the fake one. I am glad I found this one too. :o
        Apr 21, 2015
    10. Supernatural-Knight
      I'd take over exaggerated instead of not really caring too much about the death of your loved ones. But then the next cut also seemed oddly cheerful, after such a break down you won't be happy at all so I just find it a little odd.
      Yeah phantom lines from non moving mouths, I noticed that too. Still was a really good watch despite the minor issues.
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Those scenes after the bombing were certainly confronting but I'm glad they were done that way. Instead of shying away from the seriousness it decided to show them. It might sound horrible enjoying that they were present but it did make the movie feel more real because of them.
        Can't say it surprises me, education systems are more interested in teaching you stuff relevant to your county instead of others.
        Mar 28, 2015
      2. Supernatural-Knight
        A lot of people forget about the Nagasaki bombing and I think it has to do with Hiroshima being hit first. So how accurate was this movie by your research?

        I read that this author was the first person to go into such detail about the incident using such a medium, well done to him for breaking the threshold I think.
        Mar 28, 2015
      3. Supernatural-Knight
        It would be hard to focus on the booming now that it has already happened. I expect cancer cases and a bunch more radiation afflicted people in it. The second movie should be interesting even without as shocking scenes involved.
        Mar 28, 2015
    11. Supernatural-Knight
      Well watched Hadashi no Gen today and it was indeed really good. I ended up rating it an 8 because I felt that it may have been lacking in the area of voice acting. A great vocal performance could have made this even better, and while it was really good already, there was just something about their reactions that seemed like a weak performance.
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        Some of those scenes, I knew they were in there but damn. I liked how this was animated, got to love 80s animation. I plan on watching the 2nd movie soon.

        Yeah Pikachu has probably made everyone think straight to him when pika is used. But I already knew about Pikadon so nothing was lost in translation.

        I didn't think you knew, you can also reply directly to someone else's message as well.
        Mar 26, 2015
    12. Supernatural-Knight
      The animation is the main reason I know about that series, I'm tempted to watch it for that alone. You'll have to tell me how good it is later.
      For you to watch it twice so in one week it must be a pretty good movie. If it is about his experiences it may be better than just making everything up. I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Shocking retailing of the blast and experiences, sounds good.
      1. Supernatural-Knight
        I've heard of Pikadon before, I've seen some other anime with it used. It sort of makes what happened sound more childish because we don't understand the language.
        I'll go with the sub like I usually do then.

        By the way, did you know you could do this for VMs? The 420 character limit isn't going anywhere unfortunately.
        Mar 25, 2015
    13. Supernatural-Knight
      Nah I haven't seen Hadashi no Gen either, I was thinking about watching it the other week but still haven't got around to it. If you describe it as brilliant maybe I will check it out. I'll see if I can watch it Thursday since I se you rated it a 9.
    14. Supernatural-Knight
      Yeah Uncovered's arc was the worse , but that was exactly how the manga handled it. It was simply the worse because how good all the others actually are. If soldier's was in it that would have been great, something about trying to rescue a 6 year old who is thinking about death is heart wrenching.

      Nope, never seen Gankutsuou but I do know about it. How is it so far? I know that it is animated interestingly.
    15. Supernatural-Knight
      I'm fairly sure you added it at that time as read since we believed that the entire manga was adapted faithfully until that point. Which isn't 100% accurate but close enough. The end of the anime was changed from what the manga had, only a little though.

      Soldier definitely was awesome in this arc, it makes me sad to know it wasn't adapted. Bad arse backstory and bravery were all skipped for Uncovered''s hooker arc.
    16. Supernatural-Knight
      I completely agree, I enjoyed Initial D more than Cowboy Bebop as well.
      The scanlators are pretty slow so there aren't that many more chapters now but that Soldier's arc I think you'd have to read.
      You placed it as read X amount of chapters, I believe you didn't read much at all.

      Yep this pic is Soldier from his arc, he looked so bad arse so I thought why not? Do you like it?
    17. Supernatural-Knight
      Watching it with Initial D sounds like a weird combo.
      I started Rainbow a long time ago, I just never finished reading it. I began where I stopped the other day because I had nothing to do Since I'm a slow reader it took me a few nights to get through 65 chapters. The manga is almost the same in every way so I love it. There is an arc dedicated to Cabbage, and Soldier's backstory was great.
      I want more now.....
    18. Supernatural-Knight
      "Was that before or after we watched Initial D?"

      It was during actually, MAL says I finished 4th stage after I finished Cowboy Bebop by two weeks so there you have it.
      Sorry about not responding to any PMs I got too absorbed in reading Rainbow, I now wish the scanlations were done so I could keep going. So good. Finally got a back story for Soldier so if you're interested I'd say read chapters 104-116.
    19. Supernatural-Knight
      I like the sound of not being allowed to choose the number 50 for tie breakers, but until both people choose it, I don't think I'll have to disallow it.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Negi-Springfield
        I always choose either fifty or fifty one during tie breakers, because why would I risk losing?
        If it ever reaches the point where players always choose fifty or fifty one, then flipping a coin would be as good a solution.
        Feb 15, 2015
      3. Batosai
        Or give the character on top numbers 1-50 and the character on the bottom numbers 51-100 and do a random number that way.
        Feb 15, 2015
      4. Batosai
        Even numbers vs uneven numbers would be a solution aswell.
        Feb 15, 2015
    20. Supernatural-Knight
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    Feb 3, 1991 (Age: 33)


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