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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Miss Elegent Serenity
Last Activity:
Sep 6, 2024
Apr 21, 2013
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September 12
Henderson Nevada
site co owner

Miss Elegent Serenity

Your loveable social admin & RP president, Female, from Henderson Nevada

Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

Members are still around, we are in discord- https://discord.gg/FpZv76Zj Mar 29, 2024

Miss Elegent Serenity was last seen:
Sep 6, 2024
    1. Knightapache
      Thanks for the warm welcome!
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        You are very welcome
        Mar 5, 2016
    2. Kaede
      I was wondering, would you like to be a judge for the current study group topic this Friday/Saturday?
      You just have to vote who you think has the most logical argument/s.
      1. Baby neck likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        I had to go in this past Thursday to have a stint removed and another put in. Yesterday was the worse for me thus far pain wise. Today I am doing a little better, just taking it easy when I can. Next week my doc wants to take the new stint out and hopefully from there I will get meds an possibly have to watch my diet, but hopefully with that I wont have to go back again
        Mar 5, 2016
      4. Kaede
        You've been visiting the hospital a lot of late. My close friends wish you good luck.

        At least you have JDO to fulfil your boredom and hopefully a lot of anime to watch...unless you had no internet . *Gasps.*
        Mar 6, 2016
      5. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Thank you and thankfully I had internet, but I slept a lot while I was in the hospital. Thursday was an outpatient visit so I was sent home shortly after I woke up from surgery.
        Mar 6, 2016
    3. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      Baby was born February 1st 2016. If there is a delay in my responses I apologize, things are a tad busy now with new baby
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kaede
        All good.
        Oh really? Gee, you have been a bit busy. Hopefully you don't have to go back.
        I never really like hospitals. They don't creep mii out but I just... don't relax. Even visiting a friend, just don't like it. Hopefully you're able to come home again soon. Good luck.
        Feb 17, 2016
      3. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        thank you, i am home now and feeling much better no more pain. i don't mind hospitals, heck iys like a hotel with constant room service, tv and internet lol i just hate IVs. ive had a total of about 8 put in me in a month. three blew out when they tried to get it in which really sucks, my arms had soo many bruises because of it. hopefully this is my last hospital visit for a while
        Feb 17, 2016
      4. Kaede
        Awwe... Free internet? Not fair. XD
        Feb 17, 2016
    4. rohit.taviyad
      This is good site...it have any Android app ??
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        I can look into.it. i apologize for just now getting to your message. i was in the hospital from the 1st to the 3rd. Not all of my alerts showed up for me.
        Feb 15, 2016
    5. Jeff.The.Killer
      Hmmm. Well its good to be here... I guess.
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Hope you are enjoying the site :)
        Jan 28, 2016
    6. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      Any day now, but def Monday for sure :) Soo excited
      1. Core
        Good luck! :)
        Jan 28, 2016
    7. Laney Raye
      Laney Raye
      Hi, I'm new here, so excited!!
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Hi and welcome if there is anything I can help you with feel free to ask :)
        Jan 23, 2016
    8. rohit.taviyad
      hii h r u
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        I am doing fine and yourself?
        Jan 23, 2016
      2. rohit.taviyad
        me too......enjoy life...take care
        Jan 23, 2016
      3. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        will do :) hope your enjoying the site so far
        Jan 28, 2016
    9. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      2 more weeks, soo excited.
      1. Sourabh
        What for?
        Jan 28, 2016
      2. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        I am due to have a baby on Monday. Me and Sporadic are expecting a baby boy :)
        Jan 28, 2016
      3. Sourabh
        Congrats : )
        Jan 28, 2016
    10. noilea
      Hello, I'm new here
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        He welcome to the forum. If there is anything I can help you with feel free to ask. Its what I am here for :)
        Jan 18, 2016
    11. Guts
      Peoples walls is real old school.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Guts
        back in the days before the reboots we went to each others profile to post
        Jan 9, 2016
      3. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Oh lol I had like the most post on the forum. Too bad they didnt count. Ah the good old days, I miss them. Well the RPing we did, not the RL stuff lol
        Jan 9, 2016
      4. Guts
        On OG JD we talked so damn much.
        Jan 9, 2016
    12. Miss Elegent Serenity
    13. Miss Elegent Serenity
    14. --The-Rose--
      Does the post to thread feature work fine for you?

      I just tried to make a post and the quick reply box wasn't showing up and the reply button didn't work. so I had to quote reply to someone then edit the post to say what I wanted to say
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Hmm, not sure. I havent had any issues. Ill mention something to spor. Tho we probably wont be on til later this evening since we are getting married today. I just hopped on for a moment with my phone to check alerts.
        Which thread did you try to post in.
        Dec 8, 2015
      2. --The-Rose--
        not sure if the issue is still occuring or not, but it was on the what games are you currently playing thread in vide games forum
        Dec 14, 2015
      3. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Yeah its an issues several are having. There is a thread about it in announcements. They are currently working on fixing it
        Dec 15, 2015
    15. Guts
      Back in my days we RP'ed all the time
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity likes this.
    16. ccm
      1. Miss Elegent Serenity
        Miss Elegent Serenity
        Hello how goes?
        Nov 7, 2015
    17. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      6 months down, 3 more to go
    18. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      ~Its a boy!~ only 4 and a half months to go
    19. Miss Elegent Serenity
    20. Miss Elegent Serenity
      Miss Elegent Serenity
      13 weeks on Sunday
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  • About

    September 12
    Henderson Nevada
    site co owner
    Community Relations- dealing with all aspect of the community whether it be welcoming new members, maintaining chats, socializing with members, posting important information and activities, helping members around the forum and assisting in any needs that come up.
    I also run the RP club, and do role playing myself.

    Most of the members know me as the Wife of Sporadic (owner of site) so if you need help with anything or need to get a hold of him just send a message my way. I have a lot of roles on the forum, and help out in any way I can.




    ~ RP Club president and Community Liasion~
    Pm me if your interested in RolePlaying or have any general questions

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