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    with love,
    shedninja the sites biggest bug
Last Activity:
Jan 6, 2025
May 6, 2013
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Trophy Hunter, Female

I start working abroad in Japan hopefully in 2019 and be taking my friend with me who wants to attend the same college I did in Japan. Mar 28, 2018

Animeguru716 was last seen:
Jan 6, 2025
    1. Noobs
      thanks for the add dude. well not sure about the OG thing but im one of the ancients of this site.
    2. Animeguru716
      I start working abroad in Japan hopefully in 2019 and be taking my friend with me who wants to attend the same college I did in Japan.
    3. Animeguru716
      I am currently getting my B.A in Florida near my home and only have four semesters to go to graduate.
    4. Animeguru716
      The next thing that I want to say is that I ended up not staying in Japan and not because of the country but for my poor choices that I made
    5. Animeguru716
      The next thing that I want to say is that my 19 year old self did not know how to say "Good Luck" in Japanese and I need to slap myself.
    6. Animeguru716
      Okay, so I am going to brake this up into five posts. The first thing that I want to say is that I haven't been here in almost two years.
    7. Animeguru716
      Almost done with my Associates here in the states, than it's off to JAPAN! I will be there for two years getting my B.A in Japanese Language
    8. Animeguru716
      So in the end I finished 5 anime and one of them was unplanned but I started finished the same day!
    9. Animeguru716
      I just wanted to say that the last sentence means: Wish me luck!
    10. Animeguru716
      Watched an anime that I put off for a while. Hope to finish another one, this one's longer, then I have more. Watashi ni koun o negate!
    11. Animeguru716
      Might be going on vacation in two weeks. Already told my mom that if we don't I will be watching a whole of anime to catch up. Let's see!!!!
    12. Animeguru716
      As a college student that takes classes during the summer it is hard to watch anime. I had one week to catch up on some anime but couldn't!!
    13. Animeguru716
      So I finally got to reset my password. If I was your friend before, feel free to friend me again. I will for sure accept your friend request
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