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Telltale's The Walking Dead: Season Two

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by TheManWithoutAPlan, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Yeah my Clem was unforgiving. It's like if you crossed her once you were dead to me.

    Especially with Rebecca or Bonny for obvious reasons. Once they got on my bad side they stay there.

    And yeah that was probably the most depressing death for me in the whole game. It really made me yell at the screen.
    I ended up doing both parts. First time around I ran out there to save him. My thinking was Clem is light on the ice and might stand a better chance getting out there without it breaking. To me when Luke was like, "Get back and just cover me" I assumed he knew that he was going under and just didn't want to drag anyone else with him. So after Luke died, my computer ended up doing a scheduled shut down like it normally does late a night and I just happened to still be awake at 5am playing. So I turned it back on, restarted and did the second choice. This time Bonny's ass goes out on the ice and makes it break and Luke goes under. They're telling you to get back but I was like fuck dat and ran out on to the ice. You can see him right under the ice banging on it for help so you start slamming your gun on the ice trying to break it with the handle. At one point you end up shooting it and you fall in too.

    Either way is fucking depressing and Luke was too cool of a guy to go out like that. That's the thing about this game that makes it so bitter sweet. Not all deaths are perfect, not every last moment with a character is fulfilling. The characters you imagine yourself walking off into the sunset with seem to die the worst.
  2. TheManWithoutAPlan Trophy Hunter

    Oct 12, 2014
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    @Sporadic What episode do you think was your favourite? Though I really enjoyed the ending, I think the first episode is probably the best at establishing that unbiased tone of misery that you're talking about. It's a rough start.

    Between Omid getting shot in the first few minutes, losing sight of Christa, that goddamn dog that I had to put out of it's pain, stitching my own arm, and watching one of the few nice new characters already get bit, it was a heck of way to remind you that this series doesn't mess around.
  3. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    Yeah I agree with that about episode 1. You hope Clem is kind of going to start to become better off but Lee's death is just a precursor to how miserable her life is going to be. All those events you mentioned are detrimental for morale so to see Clem keep going after losing Christa, putting the feral dog down (which some people have said was weak foreshadowing for what will happen to Kenny) being absolutely disregarded by this new group you encounter and then having to resort to lying and sneaking around to fix your bite wound really makes you appreciate how she can never give up hope. And how much she has changed from when Lee dies to when you become separated from Christa is just amazing.

    I think episode 1 and 5 are sort of tied as favorite for me. The amount of possible endings you can have plus the tense moments between Kenny and Jane's fight made that a great ending. I almost called her Molly but you can kind of see the parallels between the two.

    What do you think was your favorite moment overall this season?

    I think Kenny's return was probably one of the better moments of the series. Oh and when you have the flashback to Lee in the RV. I'm not gonna lied, I teared up for that pretty hard. It wasn't as bad as when Lee died but it was right up there. Even if it was for but a moment I thought all of season 2 was going to be a dream in that instant where I woke up in the RV. But you quickly realize it's Lee giving you more advice.
  4. TheManWithoutAPlan Trophy Hunter

    Oct 12, 2014
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    That's a tough one.

    The dream with Lee is definitely up there. The "Part of growing up is doing what's best for people you care about... Even if it means hurting someone else." line really drives home the gut punch that is the ending. For you, it seems you weren't willing to give up on Kenny just for Jane, and in my case, I wasn't going to let Kenny kill Jane, even if it meant shooting the person I was closest to.

    Aside from that, I really like the ending to episode 3. It is perhaps the most tense I have been in a Walking Dead game. Coming right off the gore-y death of Carver, we go straight into a hoard of zombies and everything goes to shit. In seconds we witness the death of Sarah's father and Sartia. I say death because I knew she was a goner the second she is bit, but that didn't stop me from instinctively chopping off her arm. It then ends on her harrowing scream. Powerful stuff.

    Finding out Kenny was alive had been spoiled for me, but if I were new to that reveal, it might have been another favourite scene.
  5. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    If Kenny was particularly self-destructive in a way that effected the rest of the group then that would be different for me. Aside from Arvo of course but he was more of our prisoner. Of course he openly voiced his opinion, someotimes to the characters themselves, that he did not care for most of them. Kenny didn't actually become pushed over the edge until Jane put him in that place. At that point he could really have gone either way but instead of treading lightly Jane was like, "lol watch me troll your friend." And he blew up because he thought AJ was dead. Which is a good example of what I was saying earlier that Kenny is in a better place now that AJ was born, once he thought AJ was dead is finally when he broke down. I had some respect for Jane until she did that. Kenny and I had just been through too much together for me to give up on him like that.

    I always remember that quote Kenny gave Lee when Omid and Christa wouldn't help us look for Clem in my s1 finale, "You've always been there for me Lee, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? You and Clementine are the only family I got left, I'm with you to the end." That same exact quote can be used from Clem to Kenny, changing the names of course. No way in hell I will ever give up on this man.

    It's really hard to compare both games because each one is so great in its own ways.

    Edit: Revised quote lol

    "You've always been there for me Kenny, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? You are the only family I got left, I'm with you to the end."

  6. TheManWithoutAPlan Trophy Hunter

    Oct 12, 2014
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    I suppose, for me, it's again the thing of this game no longer being in the same world as season 1. Kenny was the only family Clem had left at that point, but things were different now. Clem couldn't be the idealist that my Lee always tried to be. No longer did it feel like you were holding onto your humanity, it was just about surviving. Kenny made decisions in season 2 that put people in danger, even got them killed. We heard about how defeated he was after losing Duck, and we saw first hand what he was like after Sartia. At the end, in the moment, I (Clem) was under the assumption that AJ was dead, and when Clem saw what it did to Kenny, it was actually comparable to the dog - he had to be put down. He was dangerous, and he was so ready to be back with his family that for a brief moment Clem though shooting him was the right thing to do. And I hope if she returns in season 3, that the decision will haunt her.

    Man, what a great character though. Lee and Clem were great to play as, but this series would be nothing without Kenny.
  7. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    I guess to me a few bad choices and being down a dark path will never be justifiable or outweigh the good things he has done.
  8. TheManWithoutAPlan Trophy Hunter

    Oct 12, 2014
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  9. sayWut Head Market Research Analyst

    Apr 28, 2013
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    I watched him die, I loathed him and clem watched! was indeed brutal.

    as for the depressing part ill have to agree with spor

    I grew quite fond of Luke, and did have to go out like he did. however the second I knew his leg was shot, I really did think he was going to die soon, and the second he stepped on that ice, I knew he was a goner. I my self ran after him, trying to rescue him, yet I my self fell into the frozen lake, here i struggled for a bit and had to kick a zombie out the way, and as I searched for Luke, I saw him slowly sink away as he had been grabbed by a zombie that pulled him down ever so slow till his death :( . that's my sad part , also the flash back in the caravan when you talk to lee was also had many feels to it.

    favorite moment ...

    I would say that my favorite moment in the game , even tho it wasn't action packed was when everyone was together firefly, the part where you have that Russian kid, and you all sit around the fire, and i think Kenny was guarding, was nice to see everyone together before it all completely fell to pieces and was destroyed.
  10. TheManWithoutAPlan Trophy Hunter

    Oct 12, 2014
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    @sayWut That's another great moment! It very much felt like the quiet before the storm.

    So @Sporadic, because it seems we got very different endings, do you think that..

    Kenny will be in season 3? I have to wonder if Telltale will try and bring all the different endings into the same timeline, contriving a reason for Kenny or Jane to no longer be with Clem if you had made that choice in season 2. It would be quite difficult to craft a different story for each type of ending in season 2. But maybe that is what they have to do, if they intend on creating a worthy sequel.
  11. Sporadic Site Dev Moderator Director

    Mar 26, 2013
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    I think that the stories will be different for a good portion of the beginning of s3e1. But then something will happen to make Clem become alone again. Could be that kenny and Jane will die no matter what in s3e1 because that's too many different stories to cover. I guess it wouldn't be too unrealistic though if just the characters were changed to whoever you picked and the dialog was all the same. but Kenny and Jane are two different people so I can't imagine them talking in a similar way. So yeah, I think they'll both die somehow early on.
  12. sayWut Head Market Research Analyst

    Apr 28, 2013
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    about season 3

    I think there really branching off with decisions now, as season 2 left you with some major decisions to go ahead with, since you can actually chose to kill kenny I think it shows how different everything can play out. I agree with spor tho. My bets are that Jane and Kenny will die regardless. I just have feeling that clem will be all alone again..

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