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The Shooting That You Likely Didn't Hear About..... In Japan.

Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by The-Gunney, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Meh, fair enough. Doesn't at all change my opinion that guns should be anything but banned though. ;P
    And wasn't there already one thing we'd disagreed on the other day? o_O

    On this note, I have only seen one gun in my life (that wasn't just mounted as a trophy-type thing or on TV). Some hired guard guy had it in a holster when my dad was refuelling at a servo. So, yeah, not much gun threat here due to difficulty in obtaining.
  2. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Mafiacow, you seem to think that HAVING a gun and USING a gun go hand in hand. Even if I was to own a gun, I would be absolutely terrified if someone came at me with a gun. Why? Because if you're coming at someone with a gun, it's a completely different mindset to simply having a gun in case of attack. If someone comes at you with a gun, that person is apparently fully prepared to murder you, meaning you are now in very mortal danger. Unless you have been in that situation, there is simply no way to comprehend exactly how shit-scary it must be. Using a gun in self-defense is a way lot harder than using it aggressively.

    Someone comes at you with a gun, you pull a gun out to defend yourself, you've got so many mental blocks. Is he bluffing? Will he shoot? Should you shoot? Could you shoot? What if you miss? What if he sees you trying to go for it and shoots you? What if you miss, then he'll definitely shoot you?
    Your attacker, meanwhile, has already gone past these. Meaning that if someone bursts into your house in the middle of the night with a firearm, unless you are a trained soldier or are expecting such a scenario, or have trained in some way for it, you are not going to spring out of bed, opening fire as you do so - you are going to be a terrified lump of flesh and bedclothes, and if your attacker is serious, most likely dead. Also, your attacker - if he's doing what he's doing - has nothing to lose. You do. A hell of a lot. The defender is always at a disadvantage. Always.

    And another point, the police thing has nothing to do with guns, once they receive an emergency call they drop all the stuff they're doing and go - not their fault if it's far away.
  3. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    1. That's 'cause they kinda do... IMO anyway... And anyaway, I was mainly talking about accidental killings, like someone being a drunk idiot or a gun misfiring. ;P
    2. And what if the intruder was just bluffing too, as a means to just scare you? You pull a gun, they get scared as well, thinking you have all intention to shoot back, they take the first shot.

    And it kinda does add an impact... more guns = higher chance of a shooting to happen = more potential work for police to deal with = less staff to spare = more time taken to respond.
  4. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    For this they shouldn't be in the home in the first place. They would be lucky to face a person that ask question first, shoot later instead of the opposite. The best thing to do is an intruder breaks into the home, you don't want to shoot to kill, warn them if they don't leave and don't seem threatening fire a warning shot near them (to scare them, if they mean no harm they will leave probably with the heck scared out of them). It only takes a second to fire another in the time it takes to aim at you if they are threatening. If they are aiming they most likely mean business
  5. Shanarox Trophy Hunter

    Jun 30, 2014
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    All this talk about guns and intruders makes me want to move back to Texas now.
  6. The-Gunney Trophy Hunter

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Not true we have a mountain of other regs that they need to enforce. LEOs in cities where I live are some of the worst shots I've seen and police training also makes them more prone to violate gun safety rules then a civilian the most obvious violations are flagging (pointing or moving the muzzle over non-targets) and the biggest which is encouraged by police training: Never point your gun at anything that you don't wish to destroy. In fact a lot of negligent discharges are due to dumb cops. One of the best examples of poor training, frighting because they are meant to be the best police agencies have happened during the hunt for the Boston bomber suspect. When S.W.A.T. teams (that self deployed, illegally entering another jurisdiction, unnecessarily adding to the confusion) surrounded the suspect and all shot injuring other S.W.A.T. officers violating yet another gun safety rule: Know what is beyond your target. Thus why cops are bad role models for gun safety. Civilians where I live are better trained then the police and that says something.
  7. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    its strange cause I was just reading this article about how a police officer shot at a dog, missed and hit a 10 year old child. the question is why was he shooting at the dog in the first place?
  8. Negi-Springfield Trophy Hunter

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Maybe it had rabies (I didn't read the article).

    Here, we don't have a ban on guns, but strict policies and I had to call the cops once, there were there within 15 minutes. Since I work in an Italian restaurant, I can tell you that 15 minutes is the amount of time the pizza spends in the oven.
  9. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    he was in pursuit or a robbery suspect, the dog crossed paths with him. From what onlookers said the dog made no move to approach the officer. The officer just pulled out his gun and went to shoot at it for no reason, he missed and hit a 10 year old kid. The article also state the officer showed no remorse for what he has done. It also state the family probably wont even see justice. its a shame
  10. VeritasOdiumParit Cult of Personality

    Apr 21, 2013
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    You need a gun to carry out those crimes? I don't think so. All you need is a motive or a history of mental health that may or may not have been documented. Life is unpredictable. I think certainly ensuring that civilians are not entitled to guns helps to prevent any random acts of terrorism or shootings. But, you also have to bare in mind who you are giving it to and whether or not background checks are thorough. Of course, people will find a way around prohibition by turning to the black market. But, the fact that the weapons were made in the first place and sold to someone or stolen seems a little silly. There is no certainty that everyone will obey the law no matter what. But, statistics of crime are never accurate reflections as a lot of crime will either go unrecorded, or certain crimes can be redefined and put into another category.

    In regards of the article, you have to consider the history of the suspect. The gun was the suspect's weapon of choice because he already had it. Chances are he obtained it illegally with an intention to use it at some point. It comes down to more than one aspect. That article doesn't provide enough details to prove anything about whether or not laws on gun control are effective or ineffective as you seem to think Gunney. One case doesn't provide much of an argument. If anything, it would be better to look at a world wide case study. It also boils down to when the laws were introduced as well, as beforehand civilians may have been able to stock up and hide the weapons before the ban. Not everything in life is simple.
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  11. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    I really want to add to this but just got back from a weekend-long conference and can barely form a coherent thought.... *falls asleep at desk*
  12. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    there is always tomorrow, I doubt the thread will go anywhere without you :)
  13. The-Gunney Trophy Hunter

    Sep 8, 2013
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    You misinterpreted what I said. Also I provided additional evidence further down the tread. What I meant was the idea behind most gun control measures is it was to help reduce violent crime by reducing the amount of weapons available but in 3 countries it has failed to do that in fact Australia has seen increase in the use of guns during violent crime http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/...aws-But-Gun-Crime-In-Sydney-Is-Out-Of-Control
  14. Supernatural-Knight Asylum Game Master Moderator

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Okay Aussie here from NSW so I'll step into this thread about gun control which is so often seen as a suicidal move on the internet due to the deep feelings people have regarding this issue.

    I have never really seen a gun, on cops sure but apart from that the only time I ever knew I was near one was with my neighbour [who was also a police sergeant so he always had one in his place] and even then I never directly saw it, just knew it was there for him in case. From what I've seen and heard from the news most of the sources of violence with guns have been either biker or gang related, other than that specific murder cases or some drive by shootings that hit nothing but a house [typically also with criminal links] come to mind. I rarely hear of issues involving firearms, knives and other weapons a whole bunch but not typically firearms.

    The source of the firearms isn't through licensing either, most are obtained illegally via importation and whatever other means, I've heard that some are even being printed off 3D printers now as well with no way to stop this from happening at all.

    The gun ban was brought in because of the horrible massacre that happened at Port Arthur and it has worked in stopping mass shootings.
    There was never anywhere saying that a ban on guns would stop all shootings, but it is quite effective at stopping the average depressed/mentally unstable person from committing such an act as we've unfortunately seen in numerous American schools in recent years alone. It also prevents a lot of accidental shootings, if regular citizens don't have access to them then the average joe will not be accidentally shot [although there was an incident where someone was shot while posing for a picture with a loaded gun].
  15. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    This part made me shake my head and question why the gun was loaded. You can do photo shoots with a unloaded gun and get the same affect as if it was loaded and no one will know.

    No to change the subject, But a lot of people believe with the new marijuana laws being passed in this country, feel that violence will have a decrease. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I heard somewhere that one of the states who first legalized it noticed a HUGE violence decrease in the state alone. Not saying it will stop it completely but it seems to somewhat be working. After speaking with a few people, as I posted yesterday in chat of what a friend of mine once told me.
    "This world would be a better place of more people smoked, they would be less stressed and there would be less violence. Angry at someone? lite one up= instant anger relief. cause when high they don't give a crap"

    Now I can't say whether its true or not cause I never smoked myself but have heard a lot of people using it as a stress/ depression relief and saying "it just might work" lol but it could just be an excuse to legalize it for more purposes then medicine.

    but anyways back on topic just thought I would throw that bit out there, Hey you never know maybe it just might work once every state is legal and we might just see a decrease on the violence.

    In the end tho no matter what is done there will always be violence and killings, we can try to prevent it but we will never stop it. For that to happen we need complete world peace and eliminate ALL potential weapons, which is completely impossible. Now that I think of it, maybe they should put a ban on all guns. But a national law should be set in order (not this state to state crap we have now, where each state is different laws). But the law should allow people to still keep firearms, but in order to obtain a fire arm, a person has to go though a series of tests, register as a gun holder and give evidence (seriel numbers for every gun they own) for it to be on record. They should have to re-register every so many years (kinda like we have to do for vehicles). It would be a lot of work on the gov, but I think by doing that would still allow people to obtain a gun Legally and help eliminate illegal activity (now not saying its gonna stop it completely but would provide a more stricter laws about obtaining a gun illegally). If a person wants to sell, or give a gun away (like pass it down to the son or daughter) the person the gun is on record for needs to contact a certain authority saying they want to do so, to transfer the info over to the person purchasing/receiving. But in order to sell, give the gun away legally, the person purchasing/ receiving the gun needs to follow a protocol of going through the same tests and register, or provide evidence they have already done so with an up to date file. Any more we do things online so everything can be done online so its in the system. This can allow tracking of certain guns (who has what where and who all obtains a firearm legally). Say if one is missing, the owner can call it in right away thus putting an alert in the area of someone obtaining a gun illegally. This can help people keep an eye out, allow police to search potential suspects home for the stolen weapon. Maybe even decrease the majority of gun violence. But this is just what I would suggest and my opinion how they should do it. Start a full out ban, for those that want to keep theirs must follow "said laws and regulations". If they don't qualify or don't pass the tests that need done, they should have to hand over their firearm.

    Tho some people might disagree on this saying it allows the gov to have a say on who can and can't obtain a firearm. WHICH can cause another uproar. I think no matter what is done tho people will complain and people will have issues with it. Right now whatever is decided we as US citizens have to abide.
  16. The-Gunney Trophy Hunter

    Sep 8, 2013
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    This school shooting issue has been debated to death over here but the fact is most of the guns used in school shooting were stolen before hand from friends and relatives that knew better. Only 2 shooting were were committed with guns purchased legally i.e full background check the works (yes they exist on most gun sales in the U.S.).

    Plus the the poster above wanted for a what is essentially a gun registry and federally mandated training. Well in most states the mandated training already exist. In Iowa to get a concealed carry permit you must complete a mandated 25 hours of training every 5 years (the time between renewal) and if you choose not get a CCW you have to get a purchase permit from your local sheriff's office and before they hand a permit they run you though the National Criminal Instant Check system the gun shop and gun show dealers and federal firearm licence holders (you need it sell fire arms in bulk) do it again. To buy a firearm off the internet you need to ship the weapon to a FFL dealer where he is required to do a BGC before you get the gun. This system is already very taxing on the regulatory body overseeing the it: the BATF. The BATF a few weeks ago said they don't have enough agents to enforce current laws let alone new ones. They also had a huge backup of registrations for class 3 and 2 licences as well as electronically filed BGC requests the backup caused a delay of in some cases up to 18 months. The government in short can't manage a program like you purposed in a efficient and cost effective manner. Then again what government program IS efficient and cost effective? lol!!
  17. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    I think you're giving the current measures too much merit. I'm also not sure what you mean by most states. Owning several firearms myself, I can say it has been incredibly easy to purchase them. Furthermore, even if my state did require some kind of training (we're not talking about concealed carry), extensive background check, or a license that would regularly be renewed, I can easily buy a gun from a show, from a friend, local pawn shop, or in another state.

    The government can manage a program in which citizens are required to go through firearms training and submit to background checks and have firearm ownership tightly regulated, it just chooses not to. Like you said, what government program is efficient? Very few. But it doesn't have to be that way. Just because the government turns a blind eye and has crappy budgeting and project implementation today doesn't mean that it has to stay that way. This is totally doable, we just have to decide to make it happen.

    In my opinion, it doesn't come down to "personal freedoms" or your right to not be inconvenienced by the government. Rather it is about the rights and safety of those around you. If you want something that is created with the intention of causing serious bodily harm to other living beings then yeah, you probably should be inconvenienced and really have to go out of your way to obtain one.

    The problem with an overall ban is that gun-ownership is already so saturated in the U.S. Guns are everywhere, in the hands of just about anyone. With a ban you would not only have to stop the ability of the average citizen to purchase firearms but you would mostly likely need to seize currently owned firearms as well. And I just don't see that happening. Gun bans can work to prevent crime or accidents caused by the average citizen when availability and ownership is already rare, but our citizens are practically sitting on an arsenal. The only thing a ban would accomplish is preventing new gun owners from legally obtaining firearms, but it likely wouldn't dwindle the number of gun owners anywhere in the near future.

    As far as protection goes, I do feel like owning a firearm is often necessary in the U.S. for self defense. When everyone and their grandmother owns a firearm, if someone has intent to cause you harm they're most likely going to be armed.
  18. VeritasOdiumParit Cult of Personality

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Both of the articles you cited there Gunney talk about increases in gang related violence, and doesn't go into any specifics or details about the statistics. For all I know they could be talking about murders being committed by baseball bats going up, or suicides by taking pills going up. You also have to bare in mind that the ban was introduced in 1996. So all the relatives of the nut-jobs probably inherited the weapons. There is more than one reason to suggest why gang related incidences using guns has gone up. Maybe it is just a more effective way for them to get the job done? Also, the guns are probably being smuggled in as well if they do have such tight restrictions on gun control. But, hey even the article says that mass shootings has gone! Any loss of life is a tragedy. But, don't forget an increasing population would also mean that the numbers go up. So maybe the statistics aren't being recorded accurately? For all I know all of that could have been made up! Especially when the article falls under the title of "BLOG". Which suggests it's an opinion piece. Not fact. I'm very wary of anything posted on the internet.

    One more question, what does gun control laws in Australia have anything to do with a murder being committed in Japan?

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