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The Shooting That You Likely Didn't Hear About..... In Japan.

Discussion in 'Hall of the Elders' started by The-Gunney, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. The-Gunney Trophy Hunter

    Sep 8, 2013
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    In a country known for draconian gun laws this some how happens.
    Alot of anti-gunners believe that shootings will stop by enacting gun laws like this while countries like Australia and the U.K. have laws not dissimilar to Japan's and have seen a noted rise of in violent crime such as assault, armed robbery, and rape. So why are laws like this passed? Is it a fear by politicians of being seen as weak on crime or hesitant to pass a law. What say you ladys and gents.
  2. Shogun13 Lord of the Dance

    Mar 27, 2013
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    ....Question of frequency is still on the table though. I mean you disproved the E form yes (Gun laws lead to no gun deaths), but few couch it in such absolute terms.
    I'm not digging the way the person implies court system jingoism (THEY'RE NOT PROTECTED LIKE IN THE CONSTITUTION, MY GOD I'M SURE IT'S A DICTATORSHIP GUYS), but eh that's not the point of the thread. I mean, I'm not saying it's blatant, but this person clearly wants to convey US court superiority. I mean yes, I'm sure Miranda rights aren't a thing there. You know where else they weren't a thing for a while, the US.
    Note: I am really ambivalent on guns. There are certain things that bother me about politics, but this is not one of them. You might have noticed this in the form of me being upset at perceived jingoism in a thread about guns.
  3. The-Gunney Trophy Hunter

    Sep 8, 2013
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    In the U.S. there are plenty of people that believe that a "ban leads to no guns". Plus I was really tired when wrote this so the wording could have been better. Personally I wonder what is going on in policy makers heads when they think these laws will work. The U.S. courts are pretty damn bad so they they are in no way superior.
    The rights under Miranda (as well as under the 1st,4th amendments) post 9/11 have been disappearing one SCOTUS decision at a time.
  4. BaconMan8910 Blue Bomber

    May 13, 2013
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    First, I'd like to say that in a discussion regarding gun control I don't believe that pro-firearm or anti-firearm sites make a good source, with them being naturally biased. Although I guess fact checking foot work is to be expected when holding any sort of discussion, regardless of the source.

    But that's neither here nor there. While it may be a move by some politicians to seem tough on crime by trying to push gun bans, I don't think that's widely the case. I honestly believe that many politicians who push for such legislation either a) genuinely think it will help or b) get caught up in the moment with national tragedies and start putting the cart before the horse. Of course some politicians are just anti-gun ownership to begin with and use such national tragedies as a platform.

    But regardless of why politicians do what they do (oh the days upon weeks you could spend pondering that) gun control in the U.S. is severely lacking. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in favor of any type of ban, even of assault and/or fully-automatic weapons. But firearms are just that, weapons. They have been designed with the intention to cause harm and exist only for that purpose. They're dangerous and can cause a lot of harm to oneself and/or the public in the wrong hands (not just criminals, but inexperienced/careless users as well). Right now, in most states, it's pretty easy to get your hands on a firearm, even if you've never used one.

    Personally I would be in favor of requiring gun owners and potential gun owners to go through training with local law enforcement or another approved entity and get a license that allows them to purchase/use firearms. We can't really rely on uncle bob to teach his nephew how to shoot or to safely use, clean, and store firearms because he might not really know how himself. Over half of the people I know who own a firearm (and I live in the south, so that's a lot) don't know how to safely store and/or use them.

    What I'm getting at is that we need to create a more informed and responsible citizenry rather than just declaring that they can never ever be trusted with any type of firearm.
    #4 BaconMan8910, Jul 10, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2014
  5. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Adding my point to discussion; Regardless of whether guns are banned from public use (like here in Aus), you're of course gonna get some psycho murderer who's hellbent on getting a gun and shooting people, doing exactly that. What the ban on guns' main focus is (from my perspective anyaway), is to cut down on the accidental gun deaths, which it seems to be damn good at doing.

    And because I'm paranoid of my wording not being proper ever, just summary... >.>
    Psycho murderer: Gonna find a way to get a gun and shoot regardless of laws. Killing being on and of purpose.
    Civilians: Most likely to only kill with gun on accident; banning of guns would remove that possibility.
  6. Nimander God of Calamity

    Apr 28, 2013
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  7. The-Gunney Trophy Hunter

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Actually this is what happens when one nut slips through a complicated government system (happen more then you think!) that is more often then not undermanned or is improperly executed. The Canadian Firearms Registry was ill conceived and rampantly ineffective as a tool for LEOs to conduct BGCs just like the NCIC database is here in the U.S. the fact that the system is being scrapped by the Canadian government proves that this form of gun control is a form of false security. Also the guns he had were not "assault rifles" as they were not a select fire or automatic which are totally banned in Canada. We have heavy restrictions on full-automatic weapons, Short Barreled Rifles, Short Barreled Shotguns, and Suppressors all of which are covered under the NFA of 1934 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Firearms_Act
    http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/National Firearms Act of 1934

    Also the number of gun owners in the U.S. has actually risen in the past 30 years (warning pay wall) http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887323689204578573763575086702 while the the number of violent crime has actually dropped. http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=95379 This network is usually very critical to almost hostile to gun ownership but they have given the gun right crowd some of the best evidence to refute their own claims!!!
    Accidents involving guns have been also on the decilne. There are, according to the CDC, 308 million people in the United States. That’s 308,745,538. Of those 308 million people, only 600 were accidentally killed with a firearm. That’s a 0.000194% chance that you will be accidentally killed with a gun in any given year. According to the National Safety Council, over 12,000 people die every year simply by falling down.
    #7 The-Gunney, Jul 12, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2014
  8. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    As a Brit, having ceased riding and sipping tea with the Queen and taking a quick breather from boxing and combing my magnificent handlebar mustache, I am far less qualified than all others in this little conversation to talk about the appropriateness of guns in the God-blessed United States. This is how I see it.

    A gun is a instrument of death. It has no other function. It exists because people wanted to kill other people faster than bows and arrows would allow. This is not me damning or condoning guns, this is simple fact. And whilst guns can be used for sport, and indeed should be, this does not change the fact that in America, it is legal to own a device that when you press something on it, you can kill someone. I am aware of the Constitution, and the amendment which grants all US citizens the right to bear arms (which when I was younger gave me visions of Americans sprouting grizzly bear paws and just going nuts, which sounds much cooler to me) but I suppose that, fundamentally, the choice is down to you. In Britain, you can walk into a store and (provided you are over 18) purchase a knife, and I imagine you can do the same in America. And if you REALLY want to kill someone, a swift stab to a vital point does the exact same end result as a bullet will. The point made on accidental gun deaths does illustrate another problem, which is that if you banned guns those 600 people would still be alive and kicking. Or might not, depending on circumstance.

    If you didn't want to drown in my exaggerated vernacular, a basic summary is I don't have the ability to pass judgment on another country's laws, I am of the opinion that murder is still gonna occur with or without guns, but that banning them would, by virtue of the act itself, render the environment they used to inhabit, safer.

    (Unless the undead rise. In which case you can laugh in my face.)
  9. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Regardless of whether the amount is increasing, decreasing, or staying level; whether it's more or less than some other cause of death; it's still people dying from a largely preventable cause.
    Where'd you get those stats from, btw?
  10. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Could not have said it better myself :) . As someone who like shooting as a sport I am against the gun bans . It's like taking away welfare away completely because a few people get caught misusing the system. Why punish everyone? My dad was Military, used guns for hunting and sport. Growing up it was a favorite past time going to my paps farm, setting up targets and spending the day with my dad, uncles, cousins shooting them. My dad also taught us about gun safety, putting the safety on when not using, don't aim at anyone, if not using the gun put it down things like that. But even before I was at the age to shoot a gun my parents often told me how dangerous they were, and to never play with a gun. Me and my brother knew where my father kept his guns BUT we knew better then to go into my parents room.
    Even schools would have a gun safety discussion, a police officer would come in and explain the dangers of guns and tell us if we ever saw one to tell an adult right away. I don't think schools even teach children about gun safety anymore, and I think they should still do so, I mean the still teach fire safety why not gun safety as well? I mean you see more and more in the paper about children wandering into their parents room with their sibling find the gun and shoots their sibling or themselves
    Meanwhile im sitting here going
    1) most likely the parents didn't have the gun in a place where the kids couldn't get it and if they did they should have made it to where it would take tim for them to get it. ie a tall shelf away from furniture on accessible to an adult, or better yet in a gun safe locked up (which is where my dad had all of his)
    2) the parents never explained that guns can be dangerous in the wrong hands and to never EVER touch a gun, if they found one to leave it and get an adult Immediately!
    3) the parents weren't paying attention to their children. children go quiet when they are doing something they shouldn't, that's when the parent should go and check on them. For situations like that to happen I question where the parents were at the time. and why the hell a 4 year old is capable of getting a gun (which i have read a story of a child that age doing so)

    I agree with making things stricter, Instead of banning them completely (which is gonna cause and uproar on people who feel they have the right to keep their firearms, mainly those who fought and serve their country, and those who have never done anything wrong). Again why punish everyone. They should make it hard to obtain an fire arm, background check on everyone who wants to purchase one making sure they have no criminal history, each person should take a safety course and pass in order to obtain a gun as well as a shooting course to make sure they know how to handle a gun properly (none of this swinging around the air like they 'do it on tv' bs) A serious gun owner would know how to handle a gun and use the safety when not in use. (which seems to be the biggest issue in gun accident, WHY WAS THE SAFETY OFF?? for it to happen). Each person should HAVE to obtain a license to own or carry a firearm. (at least here in this state it is a law). Yeah, People might grip about the strictness but those who REALLY want to keep their firearm will take the steps needed to do so.

    But if you really think about things, banning guns isn't gonna stop the violence, I mean you can log onto Facebook and see a 'warning' post about not picking up a plastic bottle with aluminum foil on the lid, the bottle containing draino and can explode causing severe burns on the face arms ect, simple places like FB telling people how to build a simple bomb. People are making bombs out of everyday household cleaners, you think taking guns away is gonna stop it? no they will just find other sources to use which can and will most likely harm more people then a gun. A gun can shoot so many bullets at a time before needing to be reloaded, a bomb going off "just once" can take down and entire building killing hundreds if not thousands. Take the guns away people are gonna protest, it also give incentive for people to go the bomb route then gun route.

    People go "oh well taking the guns away then that only leaves sources like knives, or close range weapons and you can't kill many people with those. WRONG!! look at today's society, yeah it might have been like that before the internet was invented, but hate to break it the internet provides a HUGE selection of info, 'how to's' and so on. Knives and close range are just toys, like anyone is gonna use that as a weapon source, they might have one on hand in case things go back but they are gonna go bigger.
  11. Belsfir Trophy Hunter

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Illegal drugs make it past borders en mass all the time, whats to say weapons wouldn't if they were banned?

    Also I want to point out that firearms are NOT simply instruments of death. A weapon is a tool of fear, and it doesn't always result in bloodshed. For instance it can be used to bend wills, for good or ill.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    That said, Ella, most people aren't going to go wholesale terrorism unless they REALLY want someone dead. Plus, think about how any object in your house can be used as a murder weapon. It only needs a sharp point or a blunt edge and it could be used to stab or beat someone to death. (Within reason, of course.) If you want, say, a family dead, then yes, a bomb sounds absolutely perfect for the job, better than a gun in fact. But in regard to you just really hating one person and wanting them to die, you aren't going to create a bomb and throw it at them with the massive potential collateral damage and death toll. If a person does that then they are sociopaths, which some people could argue is the kind of person who will shoot someone to death and potentially endanger many more innocent lives.
    Either or, I think that the ideal solution would be to have gun sports where the firearms are supplied by the organisation, not brought from home. Just seems a LOT safer to me, but I don't know too much about the whole she-bang. I agree with your main points, gun safety needing to be emphasized in schools, higher gun safety within the home and pressure to avoid them being placed on kids. But you seem to have a vision of guns being banned leading to an army of homicidal Ziggs from LoL. Creating a bomb, unless you really don't care about the consequences, carries a much higher penalty than a stabbing. I might be wrong, might be right, tossed my hat in and bid you goodnight. *Couldn't resist the rhyme*

    And Belsfir, tools of fear would be concentration camps, the skull-and-crossbones, the image of the Grim Reaper, a haunted house. From serious to not serious, these are instruments designed to terrify and provoke reactions. A gun CAN be used as a tool of fear, but it can also be used as a doorprop. The purpose of a gun is to kill. That is what it has been designed for and used for.
  13. The-Gunney Trophy Hunter

    Sep 8, 2013
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    CDC (Centers of Disease Control and Prevention) and the FBI Violent Crime Report the most up to date is 2011 they will have a new one I think in 2016 they do one every 5 years. The background check requirement has been has been in place since I think 1991 or 1993 in the U.S. on all gun purchases baring person to person ones. Gun show dealers even do them then need to provide I.D. to even enter and minor for the most part are barred from handling the merch. To buy a gun from a dealer you need to file a ATF form 4473 and if you pass a BGC wait at least 3 days all part of the Brady Act.
  14. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    Outside of dangerous areas such as wilderness, etc, where it's for survival, a gun doesn't really serve much purpose apart from recreation. Of course there are people such as yourself who completely abide by safety and rules, but there are also a great deal who don't, because let's face it, people are idiots.
    Aside from this, it is much more dangerous to users and people in the surrounding area than a great deal of other activities, if not every other activity. When people can die as a direct result of system abuse, that is a reason to "punish everyone". They're simply not needed for survival.

    That first part, already what I said; a ban won't stop a psychopath from getting his hands on a gun. The ban is to stop average joes getting their hands on them, which would cut accidental death.

    And... that doesn't exactly make it much better... If you need a gun to get your point across, it doesn't sound like you have a very strong point...

    Thisity this.
  15. Shanarox Trophy Hunter

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Poor souls... rest in peace :(
  16. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    This has been the case of many shootings, most gun crimes that have occured its not just one person that gets harmed or killed its several. The one that happened around christmas with all the kindergartner. The shooter had an issue with the teacher but instead of going for the one person he went after several innocent children and staff. When a person has a goal nothing will stop in their paths even if it means taking out an entire family, school, office ect their mindset is get that goal eliminate anything in path. there are also some people might not want witnesses so the eliminate everyone as a precaution.

    Its not so much as just recreational us, which is the main use for it now, But it is also a source of protection
    the source is a bit old but gives a general idea. statistics can possible be a lot higher then they were 10 years ago
    Taking it away will also give incentive for other countries to attack. (not saying that they will but in past historical events having guns have saved many family and citizens lives which is why we have the right to bare arms in the first place = quoted by my dad). I feel taking it away will give other countries more insensitive to attack us and challenge us. Apparently going by the stereotype from everyone outside of america , we are a "bunch of gun wielding hillbillies" no one wants to mess with that lol.
    I guess in this discussion everyone has their own opinion on banning the guns. I myself am against it for many reasons. Some are with it everyone is entitled to their opinion. The only thing I hate is how people see all Americans as bad because we are allowed to own guns and some idiots decide to go all crazy and shoo up a place giving Americans a bad name. When in reality not every gun owner is bad. Its not the guns that kill people, its the people that kill people.
    Americans are the most talked about when it comes to guns, but there are other countries with a higher gun crime rate then America, take Mexico for instance (not that I have anything against mexico just pointing out some facts). Several children are sitting at the boarder right now, because parents have abandoned them hoping for a better, safer life for them here, because of the gangs in mexico. More and more are brought in every day to the point that boarder patrol doesn't know what to do with them. If America is that bad of a country for having guns and gun crimes why are other countries seeking refuge here?
  17. MateusseDarkslight Trophy Hunter

    Jun 24, 2014
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    Two points: The thing I mentioned about sociopaths was to illustrate the fact that if said sociopath was going to do that, they would find ways to achieve that without guns. Two Molotovs, which anyone who's ever played Call of Duty would know how to make. As you said, bombs that have how-to guides online. Hell, anyone with a basic knowledge of chemistry. A gun makes doing that whole thing simpler, hence why I advocate their banning. Or at very least, strict relegation.

    And secondly... I don't think the rest of the world will descend like hungry vultures the moment America decides to ban guns. My guess on this is that the American mindset is that "We need guns, otherwise our national and personal security is at risk" and that even though we have advanced past the stage where conventional warfare is even an option - we live in a world where men can press a few buttons and destroy the planet - the feeling of protection and security guns provide has not diminished. And another thing, we don't distinguish by nationality - I don't care if you're American and a sociopath, French and a sociopath, European or Asian or Russian and a sociopath, you're still a sociopath. Sociopaths are everywhere in the world. As unnerving as that is. As it stands, if America banned guns, the national community would be interested, but no-one would seriously propose an invasion. There is no country in the world that can conquer America, logistically the idea is preposterous. Don't worry Ella - America is, overall, a safe great country ;) *sees a bald eagle fly overhead patriotically*
  18. Mafiacow Obsessed Over Trophies

    Apr 20, 2013
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    May I ask, protection against what? Surely a large amount of those seeking to do harm, do so with guns?
    And, "protection" also can quite easily result in accidental death of an innocent?

    As for the second major point of yours, this pretty much covers it:
    And it's guns that allow people to kill with precision, efficiency, and in greater numbers. (Am I the only one completely sick of that quote?...)
  19. Miss Elegent Serenity Your loveable social admin & RP president Moderator Community Relations Content Manager

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Protection against an attacker, someone breaking into a home threatening your family, a rapist, the list can go on. Everyone has the idea that just because one owns a gun means they are going to shoot first hand. Sometimes just proving you are armed can prevent some of these events from happening. Its a potential threat.
    I had a friend who feared for her life because of her ex. He was arrested for child molestation/ pornography ( I can provide you newspaper article of this event if need be). He got out on bail and started coming around the house she was staying in. The police did nothing to find him even after she told them it was him coming around breaking things calling her and threatening her, with the threats he made they just shrugged it off as if it was nothing. You cant always rely on the law to come save you in a situation of an attack as the saying goes:
    "only in america does pizza get delivered faster then police arrive at a scene"
    She found a hand gun and kept it next to her for protection in case he came after her. This being a guy who is double her size and had beat on her multiple times before and nearly knocked her out. So you can understand why she feared for her and her daughters life. Luckily she never had to use the gun but if he were to come and attack her and her daughter she had means to protect herself from him.

    I have been in a situation where a gun was pulled out of stupidity, a fight broke in my ex brothers home when they were having a party, the idiot pulled a gun and threatened to shoot everyone, waving it around like a maniac. The police were called, but they didn't arrive til 30-40 min later. If it wasn't for everyone tackling him down and getting the gun from him we would have all been dead, but that does not change my opinion on gun bans.

    I live by myself with my 3 children away from town, I don't own a gun but sometimes wish I did just to feel safe, I keep two hunting knives in my room but that wont protect me if someone were to show up at my house with a gun threatening my children. If I had one and it came down to it I would rather take the chance of shooting the person,( if they didn't stand down or threaten to approach me after giving a warning to leave) and getting shot myself then allowing them to go pass me an kill my children. Banning guns wont prevent violence. Its just gonna be another law which a majority of people will still break. Just because they ban guns doesn't mean people wont still keep them or hide them.

    Lets be honest here the country is slacking, they have no way of tracking down every single gun ever made and with the large population we have its merely impossible without facing angry mobs wanting to keep their weapons, whats the gov gonna do? use guns themselves a bit contradicting if that were the case. There is also the fact guns are being sold out on the streets, with no trace of tracking it. It might reduce some of the violence but it wont stop it. People will still use them, the only thing they will fear is being put in jail or a fine for owning one, some receive the death penalty (bun in my opinion not enough) . And quoted by a past friend of mine's boyfriend ( I was 19 at the time) who was arrested for beating the crap out of her in my home, then afterwards threatening to kill me, my bf (at the time) and his own 6 month old son (whome I was keeping safe from the fighting) with a knife because he wanted some information about his GF being pregnant while he was in jail prior.
    "Jail is just roof over my head with 3 free meals a day, we get to watch TV and have outdoor activities so going back to jail is nothing"
    so criminals have no fear of going to jail, they have it nice compared to half of people in society, free living space, free food, outdoor time, TV time ect. Only some have to fear other inmates but some jails are too lenient.
    The guy got out 3 months later and when I received the call from the police, I wished right then and there I had a gun to protect myself. Thankfully he never showed up but everytime I heard the outer door open, or heard a knock on my door I feared for my life. Knowing he could be coming for revenge for putting him in jail.
    I speak out from personal experience as well as seeing what some of my friends do which is why I take the argument seriously. But as I have said everyone is entitled to their opinion and I am sorry if I upset anyone with mine.

    @Mafiacow I think we found something we disagree on lol
    #19 Miss Elegent Serenity, Jul 12, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2014
  20. Negi-Springfield Trophy Hunter

    Apr 28, 2013
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    It seems to me like most of your argumentation is based on the fact that's it's easy to get your hands on guns where you live, but if it wasn't you wouldn't be afraid of somebody coming at your home with a gun.

    If there were less guns, police officers would have less work and would arrive faster as well.

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